Sailing at the 1964 Summer Olympics – Finn

The Finn was a sailing event on the Sailing at the 1964 Summer Olympics program in Enoshima. Seven races were scheduled. 33 sailors on 33 boats, from 33 nations competed.[1]

at the Games of the XVIII Olympiad
Competitors33 from 33 nations
1st place, gold medalist(s) Willy Kuhweide  United Team of Germany
2nd place, silver medalist(s) Peter Barrett  United States
3rd place, bronze medalist(s) Henning Wind  Denmark
← 1960
1968 →

Results edit

Helmsman (Country) Hull
Sail No.
Race I Race II Race III Race IV Race V Race VI Race VII Total
Rank Points Rank Points Rank Points Rank Points Rank Points Rank Points Rank Points
    Willy Kuhweide   (EUA) G
2 1318 1 1620 4 1017 6 841 5 921 3 1142 1 1620 8479 7638
    Peter Barrett   (USA) US
1 1620 3 1142 DNF 101 7 774 3 1142 5 921 7 774 6474 6373
    Henning Wind   (DEN) D
14 473 20 318 3 1142 4 1017 2 1318 1 1620 10 620 6508 6190
4   Peter Mander   (NZL) KZ
8 716 4 1017 6 841 8 716 1 1620 7 774 19 341 6025 5684
5   Hubert Raudaschl   (AUT) OE
DNF 101 7 774 2 1318 9 665 9 665 2 1318 9 665 5506 5405
6   Colin Ryrie   (AUS) KA
3 1142 22 277 1 1620 15 443 11 578 4 1017 14 473 5550 5273
7   Jörg Bruder   (BRA) BL
19 341 8 716 5 921 12 540 10 620 6 841 2 1318 5297 4956
8   Panagiotis Koulingas   (GRE) GR
5 921 2 1318 14 473 16 415 6 841 11 578 DSQ 0 4546 4546
9   Gérard Devillard   (FRA) F
11 578 17 389 8 716 1 1620 13 506 9 665 15 443 4917 4528
10   André Nelis   (BEL) B
23 258 14 473 7 774 2 1318 12 540 8 716 17 389 4468 4210
11   Bruce Kirby   (CAN) KC
12 540 5 921 DNF 101 24 239 4 1017 10 620 6 841 4279 4178
12   Aleksandr Chuchelov   (URS) SR
26 205 16 415 21 297 3 1142 17 389 17 389 3 1142 3979 3774
13   György Fináczy   (HUN) M
7 774 11 578 11 578 13 506 20 318 DNF 101 4 1017 3872 3771
14   Boris Jacobson   (SWE) S
17 389 19 341 12 540 5 921 16 415 13 506 5 921 4033 3692
15   Per Jordbakke   (NOR) N
9 665 10 620 9 665 11 578 15 443 DNF 101 8 716 3788 3687
16   Hans Willems   (NED) H
4 1017 13 506 16 415 14 473 23 258 18 364 13 506 3539 3281
17   Michael McFadden   (RHO) KR
6 841 27 188 10 620 17 389 7 774 23 258 24 239 3309 3121
18   Miroslav Vejvoda   (TCH) CZ
16 415 24 239 DNF 101 10 620 8 716 12 540 12 540 3171 3070
19   Hélder d'Oliveira   (POR) P
10 620 9 665 18 364 25 222 27 188 15 443 22 277 2779 2591
20   Jay Hooper   (BER) KB
DNF 101 6 841 19 341 20 318 21 297 22 277 16 415 2590 2489
21   Takashi Yamada   (JPN) J
18 364 21 297 17 389 18 364 14 473 20 318 11 578 2783 2486
22   Brian Saffery-Cooper   (GBR) K
15 443 18 364 13 506 27 188 19 341 14 473 20 318 2633 2445
23   Johnny Hooper   (IRL) IR
21 297 15 443 DNF 101 23 258 18 364 19 341 21 297 2101 2000
24   Peter Cooke   (KEN) KK
13 506 12 540 24 239 28 172 28 172 26 205 26 205 2039 1867
25   Haluk Kakış   (TUR) TK
27 188 26 205 15 443 22 277 22 277 21 297 18 364 2051 1863
26   Ricardo Boneo   (ARG) A
20 318 23 258 25 222 19 341 25 222 28 172 25 222 1755 1583
27   Juan Olabarri   (ESP) E
25 222 DNF 101 DNF 101 21 297 24 239 16 415 23 258 1633 1532
28   Alan Stevens   (HKG) KH
22 277 25 222 20 318 26 205 26 205 25 222 DNF 101 1550 1449
29   Karsten Boysen   (VEN) V
29 157 28 172 22 277 29 157 DNF 101 24 239 27 188 1291 1190
30   Rachot Kanjanavanit   (THA) TH
28 172 29 157 DNF 101 30 142 29 157 27 188 29 157 1074 973
31   Juan R. Torruella   (PUR) PR
DNF 101 DNF 101 23 258 31 128 30 142 29 157 28 172 1059 958
32   Fernando Ortíz   (MEX) MX
24 239 DNF 101 DNF 101 DNF 101 DNF 101 30 142 DNS 0 785 785
33   Touch Kim Sy   (CAM) CA
30 142 DSQ 0 DNF 101 32 114 DNS 0 DNS 0 DNS 0 357 357

DNF = Did Not Finish, DNS= Did Not Start, DSQ = Disqualified
  = Male,   = Female

Daily standings edit

Graph showing the daily standings in the Finn during the 1964 Summer Olympics

Conditions at Enoshima edit

Of the total of three race areas were needed during the Olympics in Enoshima. Each of the classes was using the same scoring system. The center course was used for the Finn.

Date Race Weather Wind direction Wind speed (m/s)
12 October 1964 I Fine E 3
13 October 1964 II Cloudy NNE 3
14 October 1964 III Cloudy N 12
15 October 1964 IV Fine NE 8
19 October 1964 V Fine NNE 5
20 October 1964 VI Cloudy N 5
21 October 1964 VII Cloudy SSW 5

Notes edit

  1. ^ "Sailing at the 1964 Summer Olympics: One Person Dinghy (Finn), Open". Olympedia. Retrieved 7 June 2020.
  2. ^ The 1964 Olympic scoring system was used.
  3. ^ Total after applying discard.

References edit