European Scout Region (World Organization of the Scout Movement)

(Redirected from Roverway)

The European Scout Region is one of five geographical subdivisions of the World Organization of the Scout Movement, headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland, with a satellite office in Brussels, Belgium.

European Scout Region
Map of members or potential members of the European Scout Region (marked in blue). Andorra and Vatican City, with currently no recognized Scouting, and other countries outside the European Scout Region are marked in grey
OwnerWorld Organization of the Scout Movement
HeadquartersGeneva, Switzerland
Membership1.8 million
ChairMatthias Gerth[1]
2022 – 2025
Regional DirectorAbir Koubaa
Vice ChairDiana Slabu [1]
2022 – 2025
 Scouting portal

It is a vital part of the global Scouting community, plays a pivotal role in shaping the future leaders of Europe. It is a vibrant network of 40 National Scout Organizations, fostering a spirit of unity and camaraderie among young people across geographical and cultural boundaries.[2] The region is not confined to Europe alone; it extends its reach to countries like Cyprus, Turkey, and Israel, reflecting the inclusive and diverse nature of Scouting.[2] Through its various initiatives and programs, the European Scout Region is committed to promoting personal development, mutual understanding, and a sense of European citizenship among its members.[3][4]





The European Scout Region comprises 47 National Scout Organizations that are members of the World Organization of the Scout Movement, and services Scouting in Western and Central and Eastern Europe, inclusive, for cultural reasons, of Cyprus (technically not part of Europe, but a member-state of the European Union) and Turkey (which spans across two continents), and, as a member of the United Nations' Western European and Others Group, Israel (despite being part of Asia due to them being barred in its own continent's organizations under the Arab-led boycott). The World Organization of the Scout Movement recognises at most one member organisation per country. Some countries have several organisations combined as a federation, with different component groups divided on the basis of religion (e.g., France and Denmark), ethnic identification (e.g., Bosnia-Herzegovina), or language (e.g., Belgium).

All the formerly communist states of Central and Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union have developed or are developing Scouting in the wake of the renaissance in the region. These include Albania, Bulgaria, East Germany, Hungary, Poland, Romania, and the successor states to Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia and the Baltic nations independent of the former Soviet Union. Of these, Poland, the Czech Republic and Hungary have been most successful in regrowing their Scout movements and are very well-developed, thanks in part to the existence of Scouts-in-Exile movements for the diaspora of each nation.

Country Membership
(from 2015) [5][6]
Name of National Scout Organisation Year current National Scout Organisation joined WOSM [7] Year National Scout Organisation was founded [7] Admits boys/girls
Austria 10,136 Pfadfinder und Pfadfinderinnen Österreichs 1922/1946 1912 both
Belgium 103,725 Guides and Scouts Movement of Belgium (federation of several associations) 1922 1911 both
Bosnia and Herzegovina 3,247 Savjet izviđačkih organizacija u Bosni i Hercegovini (federation of several associations) 1999 1999 both
Bulgaria 966 Organizatsia Na Bulgarskite Skauty 1999 1911–1913 both
Croatia 2,550 Savez izviđača Hrvatske 1993 1915 both
Cyprus 5,890 Cyprus Scouts Association 1961 1913 both
Czech Republic 51,234 Junák-český skaut 1922/1990/1996 1911 both
Denmark 43,282 Fællesrådet for Danmarks Drengespejdere (federation of several associations) 1922 1909 both
Estonia 1,346 Eesti Skautide Ühing 1922/1996 1911/1989 both
Finland 52,655 Suomen Partiolaiset – Finlands Scouter ry 1922 1910 both
France 76,342 Scoutisme Français (federation of several associations) 1922 1910 both
Germany 110,165 Ring deutscher Pfadfinder*innenverbände (federation of several associations) 1950 1910 both
Greece 18,643 Soma Hellinon Proskopon 1922 1910 both
Hungary 12,447 Magyar Cserkészszövetség 1922/1990 1912 both
Iceland 4,960 Bandalag Íslenskra Skáta 1924 1912 both
Ireland 44,982 Scouting Ireland 1949 1908 both
Israel 83,332 Hitachdut Hatsofim Ve Hatsofot Be Israel (federation of several associations) 1951 1920 both
Italy 102,904 Federazione Italiana dello Scautismo (federation of several associations) 1922/1946 1912 both
Latvia 872 Latvijas Skautu un Gaidu Centrālā Organizācija 1993 1917 both
Liechtenstein 702 Pfadfinder und Pfadfinderinnen Liechtensteins 1933 1931 both
Lithuania 1,881 Lietuvos Skautija 1997 1918 both
Luxembourg 6,327 Scouting in Luxembourg (federation of several associations) 1922 1914 both
Malta 3,100 The Scout Association of Malta 1966 1908 both
Monaco 374 Association des Guides et Scouts de Monaco 1990 1990 both
Montenegro 1,268 Savez Izviđača Crne Gore 2008 1956 both
Netherlands 57,516 Scouting Nederland 1922 1910 both
North Macedonia 1,483 Sojuz na Izvidnici na Makedonija 1997 1921 both
Norway 17,736 Speidernes Fellesorganisasjon (federation of several associations) 1922 1911 both
Poland 39,825 Związek Harcerstwa Polskiego 1922/1996 1918 both
Portugal 80,718 Federação Escotista de Portugal (federation of several associations) 1922 1913 both
Romania 4,000 Cercetaşii României 1993 1914 both
San Marino 260 Associazione Guide Esploratori Cattolici Sammarinesi 1990 1973 both
Serbia 4,168 Savez Izviđača Srbije 1995 1915 both
Slovakia 6,927 Slovenský skauting 1922/1990/1997 1913 both
Slovenia 6,524 Zveza tabornikov Slovenije 1994 1915 both
Spain 67,660 Federación de Escultismo en España (federation of several associations) 1922/1978 1912 both
Sweden 75,000 Scouterna 1922 1911 both
Switzerland 23,298 Swiss Guide and Scout Movement 1922 1912 both
Turkey 141,277 Türkiye İzcilik Federasyonu 1950 1910[8] both
United Kingdom 548,128 The Scout Association 1922 1907 both
Armenia 2,303[9] National Scout Movement of Armenia 1997 1912
Azerbaijan Association of Scouts of Azerbaijan 2000 1997
Belarus 1,200 Republican Scout Association of Belarus 2010 1998
Georgia 1,343 Sakartvelos Skauturi Modzraobis Organizatsia 1997 1994 both
Moldova 2,430 Organizația Națională a Scouților din Moldova 1997 1913 both
Ukraine 2,569 National Organization of the Scouts of Ukraine 2008 2007 both
Albania 390 Scouts of Albania[10] 2024 2021

Overseas branches

United Kingdom

Previous members


Countries with no Scout organisation




European Regional Scout Conference


The European Scout Conference is the governing body of the European Scout Region and meets every three years. Its purposes are:

  • To further the Scout Movement within the European Scout Region by promoting the spirit of world brotherhood, cooperation and mutual assistance amongst Scout associations within the Region;
  • To foster the idea of a European citizenship, based on the conscience of a common heritage and destiny;
  • To develop cooperation among European youth;
  • To ensure proper implementation of the decisions and policies laid down by the World Organization of the Scout Movement, which affect the European Scout Region.

The 20th European Scout Conference was hosted by Guidisme et Scoutisme en Belgique and was held in Brussels, Belgium, from 17 to 21 July 2010.

The 21st European Scout Conference took place in Berlin, Germany, in August 2013, hosted by the Ring Deutscher Pfadfinderverbände.

The 22nd conference took place in 2016 in Norway.[12] The 23rd conference took place in 2019 in Split, Croatia.[13]

The 24th conference was hosted by Scouting Nederland.[14] It took place in Rotterdam from 22 to 26 July 2022.

The 25th conference will be hosted in Austria in 2025 by Pfadfinder und Pfadfinderinnen Österreichs.

European Regional Scout Committee


The European Regional Scout Committee is the executive body of the European Regional Scout Conference and is composed of six elected volunteer members.

The functions of the European Regional Scout Committee are:

  • To put into effect the resolutions of the European Regional Scout Conference and to fulfill any duty the European Regional Scout Conference may assign to it;
  • To fulfill tasks the Constitution of the World Organization of the Scout Movement assigns to it;
  • To act as an advisory body to the World Scout Committee;
  • To act as an advisory body for member organisations of the European Scout Region requiring advice and assistance.

The members of the European Regional Scout Committee are elected for a three-year term by the European Regional Scout Conference, and may be re-elected for an immediate second term. The members, elected without regard to their nationality, do not represent their country or National Scout Organisation but the interests of the Scout Movement as a whole, similar to Members of the World Scout Committee.

The Regional Director (professional position) and the Treasurer of the European Scout Region (volunteer position) are ex-officio members of the European Regional Scout Committee. The Chairman of the European Scout Foundation also regularly attends meetings of the European Regional Scout Committee.

European Regional Scout Office


The European Regional Scout Office serves as secretariat of the European Scout Region and is one of six Regional Offices of the World Scout Bureau, the secretariat of the World Organization of the Scout Movement. A Regional Director heads the European Regional Scout Office and is assisted by a number of professional staff. Currently, the European Regional Scout Office has offices in Geneva, Switzerland and Brussels, Belgium.

European Regional Scout Plan 2010–2013


In 2010, the 20th European Scout Conference adopted the European Regional Scout Plan 2010–2013, which summarises the Region's main areas of work, objectives and action planned for the triennium 2010–2013.

Working Groups and Core Groups


In order to achieve the objectives set out by the European Regional Scout Plan 2010–2013, five thematic Working Groups and three supporting Core Groups were set up in December 2010, composed of volunteers from different member organisations of the European Scout Region and supported by members of the European Regional Scout Committee and the European Regional Scout Office.

Working Groups:

  • Growth through Quality
  • Volunteering
  • Embracing Change
  • Youth Empowerment
  • Partnerships with other Regions

Core Groups:

  • Educational Methods (including Youth Programme and Adult Resources)
  • Organisational Development
  • External Relations and Funding

Regional Scouts administered directly by WOSM


The needs of Scout youth in unusual situations has created some interesting permutations, answerable directly to the World Scout Bureau. For years there was an active Boy Scouts of the United Nations in Geneva, as well as 84 Scouts of the European Coal and Steel Community, an early precursor to the European Union.



As one of the five geographical subdivisions of the World Organization of the Scout Movement the European Scout Region developed close relationships with a number of other Regions, in particular with the Arab Scout Region and the Africa Scout Region.

The European Scout Region also supports multilateral and bilateral relationships between National Scout Organisations of the European Scout Region with Scout associations of other Regions.

This region is the counterpart of the Europe Region of the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS). The European Scout Region has a strong relationship with the Europe Region of WAGGGS. To further develop their relationship, the two Regions had a Joint Regional Office during the late 1990s in Brussels, Belgium, which was closed again in 1998.

An informal Joint Regional Committee composed of the two Regional Committees continues to discuss matters of mutual interest and supports the planning and running of joint youth activities and training events.[citation needed]

The two Regions also maintain a Joint Communication Platform (Europak), which provides information for member organisations of the European Scout Region and the Europe Region WAGGGS. Together published a monthly newsletter called Eurofax (this newsletter was already published by the European Scout Office before the joint office was opened, and reverted to WOSM when the joint office closed.

The European Scout Region represents the World Organization of the Scout Movement in a number of relevant inter-governmental institutions as well as non-governmental platforms in Europe. This includes, in particular, the European Youth Forum (YFJ), which operates within the Council of Europe and European Union areas and works closely with these two bodies. It is also represented in the Advisory Council on Youth of the Council of Europe and has regular contacts with relevant institutions of the European Union.

A WOSM joint Eurasian-and-European Scout meeting was held in Kyiv in April 2009.

In 2023, it was decided to dissolve the Eurasian Region, on 30 September.[15][16] Ukraine, Moldova, Belarus, Georgia, Armenia, and Azerbaijan joined the European Region on 1 October,[16] while Kazakhstan and Tajikistan joined the Asia-Pacific Region.[15]



The European Scout Region offers a number of sharing and training activities for its member organizations, a number of which are organised jointly with the Europe Region of WAGGGS. The main purpose of these activities is to provide opportunities for sharing and exchanging of experiences and best practices as well as training for adult volunteers and professionals involved in Scouting.

Among regularly held events are:

  • The Academy – an annual sharing and training event for Scout and Guide associations in Europe
  • The Symposium – held every three years in preparation of the European Scout Conference
  • The Chief Volunteers and Chief Executives Meetings – networking events for people occupying similar positions
  • The International Commissioners Forum – sharing and networking event held in preparation of the European Scout and Guide Conference
  • Training Commissioners Meeting – networking event for people occupying similar positions
  • Education Methods Forum – sharing and networking event for people involved in Youth Programme and/or Adult Resources

The European Scout Region also supports informal networks of member organisations of the European Scout Region which provide platforms for dialogue and exchange in specific areas:

  • North-South Network – development and support of partnership projects between NSOs in Europe and, in particular, Africa
  • Overture Network – sharing and networking of NSOs working in the area of diversity
  • Odysseus Group (European Sea Scouting Network) – sharing, networking and training of NSOs engaged in Sea Scouting

European Scout Jamboree


The European Region of WOSM was the organizer of the European Scout Jamboree, which has been organized twice, in both cases as a dry run for a World Scout Jamboree organized in the same country within a few years. European jamborees were open to youth between the ages of 11 and 17, however many adults are involved as Scout leaders or as members of the IST (International Service Team),

Past European Scout Jamborees include:

  • 1st European Scout Jamboree in Dronten, The Netherlands, 1994
  • 2nd European Scout Jamboree in Hylands Park (Chelmsford, United Kingdom), 2005

The European Jamboree 2020, a joint event between WOSM and WAGGGS' European Regions, was planned to take place on Sobieszewo Island, in Gdańsk, Poland, with a target of 30,000 participants. However, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the event was initially postponed in April 2020 to summer of 2021, before being cancelled in November 2020.



Roverway is a joint activity of the European Region of WOSM and the Europe Region of WAGGGS, a ten-day event open for youth aged 16 to 22, who are members of the senior branches of member organisations of WOSM or WAGGGS. The activity was introduced in 2003 (as a follow-up to the Eurofolk event that existed from 1977 to 1997) and consists usually of two stages: a "journey" with small units of Scouts making their way to the main camp, which is the second stage.

Roverway is usually held every three years and hosted by a member organisation of the European Scout Region:

  • Roverway 2003 in Leiria, Portugal; motto "People in motion"
  • Roverway 2006 in Florence, Italy; motto: "Dare to share"
  • Roverway 2009 in Úlfljótsvatn Scout Center, Iceland; motto: "Open up"
  • Roverway 2012 in Evo, Hämeenlinna, National Campsite of the Guides and Scouts of Finland, Finland; motto: "See. Feel. Follow"
  • Roverway 2016 in France; 2015 was skipped as not to overlap the 23rd World Scout Jamboree, per decision of the March 2011 meeting of the Joint Committee;[17] motto: "Sur la Route", which translates 'On the Road".
  • Roverway 2018 in International Scout and Guide Centre Zeewolde,[18] the Netherlands; motto: "Opposites Attract"
  • Roverway 2024 in Norway; jointly hosted by the Norges Speiderforbund and Norges KFUM-KFUK-speidere; motto: "NORTH of the Ordinary";[19] 2021 was skipped due to the planned WOSM/WAGGGS European Jamboree 2020

Non-WOSM European Scouting


Two other multinational Europe-specific Scout organizations exist, not linked to WOSM, the only geographic area to have such. These are the Confédération Européenne de Scoutisme and the Union Internationale des Guides et Scouts d'Europe.

See also



  1. ^ a b "Europe Team". August 1, 2022. Archived from the original on 2022-08-01 – via
  2. ^ a b "European Scout Region | WOSM". 2023-09-27. Retrieved 2023-11-20.
  3. ^ "European Scout Region – Growing Together in Europe". Retrieved 2023-11-20.
  4. ^ "BUREAU EUROPEEN DU SCOUTISME ASBL". European Youth Portal - European Commission (in French). Retrieved 2023-11-20.
  5. ^ "WOSM's Membership Report" (PDF). World Scouting. Dec 31, 2015. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2022-04-19.
  6. ^ "Membership report 2013". European Scout Region (World Organization of the Scout Movement). 21 August 2013. Retrieved 5 December 2017 – via issuu.
  7. ^ a b "Some statistics". World Organization of the Scout Movement. Archived from the original on 2010-04-02. Retrieved 2010-03-30.
  8. ^ "Türkiye İzcilik Federasyonu Kuruluş". Türkiye İzcilik Federasyonu (in Turkish). Retrieved 14 February 2022.
  9. ^ [bare URL]
  10. ^ a b "Scouting in Albania joins as the 176th Member Organization of World Scouting | World Scouting". 16 August 2024. Archived from the original on 2024-08-17.
  11. ^ "Termination of the World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM) Membership" (PDF). World Organization of the Scout Movement. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2015-09-04. Retrieved 2014-12-08.
  12. ^ Tornholm, Pål Egil. "Tett på Europa-konferanse" [European Conference nears]. Varden (in Norwegian Nynorsk) – via
  13. ^ "23rd European Scout Conference & 16th European Guide and Scout Conference". 2019.
  14. ^ "17th European Guide and Scout Conference". WEConnect. 2022.
  15. ^ a b "📣 World Scout Committee Meeting Highlights - March 2023". Mailchimp. World Scout Bureau. 21 March 2023. Archived from the original on 2023-10-01.
  16. ^ a b "New Geographical Boundaries of the European Scout Region".
  17. ^ "WAGGGS & WOSM Europe Circular" (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on 2020-01-25. Retrieved 2011-07-25.
  18. ^ "Roverway 2018 |".
  19. ^ "Roverway 2024 til Norge - NORTH of the Ordinary!" [Roverway 2024 to Norway - NORTH of the Ordinary!]. (in Norwegian Nynorsk). September 10, 2021. Retrieved 2021-09-11.