Range query (computer science)

In computer science, the range query problem consists of efficiently answering several queries regarding a given interval of elements within an array. For example, a common task, known as range minimum query, is finding the smallest value inside a given range within a list of numbers.



Given a function   that accepts an array, a range query   on an array   takes two indices   and   and returns the result of   when applied to the subarray  . For example, for a function   that returns the sum of all values in an array, the range query   returns the sum of all values in the range  .[citation needed]



Prefix sum array


Range sum queries may be answered in constant time and linear space by pre-computing an array p of same length as the input such that for every index i, the element pi is the sum of the first i elements of a. Any query may then be computed as follows:  

This strategy may be extended to any other binary operation   whose inverse function   is well-defined and easily computable.[1] It can also be extended to higher dimensions with a similar pre-processing.[2] For example, if pi,j contains the sum of the first i × j elements of a, then  

Dynamic range queries


A more difficult subset of the problem consists of executing range queries on dynamic data; that is, data that may mutate between each query. In order to efficiently update array values, more sophisticated data structures like the segment tree or Fenwick tree are necessary.[citation needed]



Semigroup operators

Range minimum query reduced to the lowest common ancestor problem.

When the function of interest in a range query is a semigroup operator, the notion of   is not always defined, so the strategy in the previous section does not work. Andrew Yao showed[3] that there exists an efficient solution for range queries that involve semigroup operators. He proved that for any constant c, a pre-processing of time and space   allows to answer range queries on lists where f is a semigroup operator in   time, where   is a certain functional inverse of the Ackermann function.

There are some semigroup operators that admit slightly better solutions. For instance when  . Assume   then   returns the index of the minimum element of  . Then   denotes the corresponding minimum range query. There are several data structures that allow to answer a range minimum query in   time using a pre-processing of time and space  . One such solution is based on the equivalence between this problem and the lowest common ancestor problem.

The Cartesian tree   of an array   has as root   and as left and right subtrees the Cartesian tree of   and the Cartesian tree of   respectively. A range minimum query   is the lowest common ancestor in   of   and  . Because the lowest common ancestor can be solved in constant time using a pre-processing of time and space  , range minimum query can as well. The solution when   is analogous. Cartesian trees can be constructed in linear time.



The mode of an array is the element that appears the most in it. For instance the mode of   is 4. In case of a tie, any of the most frequent elements might be picked as the mode. A range mode query consists in pre-processing   such that we can find the mode in any range of  . Several data structures have been devised to solve this problem, we summarize some of the results in the following table.[1]

Range Mode Queries
Space Query Time Restrictions

Recently Jørgensen et al. proved a lower bound on the cell-probe model of   for any data structure that uses S cells.[4]



This particular case is of special interest since finding the median has several applications.[5] On the other hand, the median problem, a special case of the selection problem, is solvable in O(n), using the median of medians algorithm.[6] However its generalization through range median queries is recent.[7] A range median query   where A,i and j have the usual meanings returns the median element of  . Equivalently,   should return the element of   of rank  . Range median queries cannot be solved by following any of the previous methods discussed above including Yao's approach for semigroup operators.[8]

There have been studied two variants of this problem, the offline version, where all the k queries of interest are given in a batch, and a version where all the pre-processing is done up front. The offline version can be solved with   time and   space.

The following pseudocode of the quickselect algorithm shows how to find the element of rank r in   an unsorted array of distinct elements, to find the range medians we set  .[7]

rangeMedian(A, i, j, r) {
    if A.length() == 1
        return A[1]

    if A.low is undefined then
        m = median(A)
        A.low  = [e in A | e <= m]
        A.high = [e in A | e > m ]

    calculate t the number of elements of A[i, j] that belong to A.low

    if r <= t then
        return rangeMedian(A.low, i, j, r)
        return rangeMedian(A.high, i, j, r-t)

Procedure rangeMedian partitions A, using A's median, into two arrays A.low and A.high, where the former contains the elements of A that are less than or equal to the median m and the latter the rest of the elements of A. If we know that the number of elements of   that end up in A.low is t and this number is bigger than r then we should keep looking for the element of rank r in A.low; otherwise we should look for the element of rank   in A.high. To find t, it is enough to find the maximum index   such that   is in A.low and the maximum index   such that   is in A.high. Then  . The total cost for any query, without considering the partitioning part, is   since at most   recursion calls are done and only a constant number of operations are performed in each of them (to get the value of t fractional cascading should be used). If a linear algorithm to find the medians is used, the total cost of pre-processing for k range median queries is  . The algorithm can also be modified to solve the online version of the problem.[7]



Finding frequent elements in a given set of items is one of the most important tasks in data mining. Finding frequent elements might be a difficult task to achieve when most items have similar frequencies. Therefore, it might be more beneficial if some threshold of significance was used for detecting such items. One of the most famous algorithms for finding the majority of an array was proposed by Boyer and Moore [9] which is also known as the Boyer–Moore majority vote algorithm. Boyer and Moore proposed an algorithm to find the majority element of a string (if it has one) in   time and using   space. In the context of Boyer and Moore’s work and generally speaking, a majority element in a set of items (for example string or an array) is one whose number of instances is more than half of the size of that set. Few years later, Misra and Gries [10] proposed a more general version of Boyer and Moore's algorithm using   comparisons to find all items in an array whose relative frequencies are greater than some threshold  . A range  -majority query is one that, given a subrange of a data structure (for example an array) of size  , returns the set of all distinct items that appear more than (or in some publications equal to)   times in that given range. In different structures that support range  -majority queries,   can be either static (specified during pre-processing) or dynamic (specified at query time). Many of such approaches are based on the fact that, regardless of the size of the range, for a given   there could be at most   distinct candidates with relative frequencies at least  . By verifying each of these candidates in constant time,   query time is achieved. A range  -majority query is decomposable [11] in the sense that a  -majority in a range   with partitions   and   must be a  -majority in either  or  . Due to this decomposability, some data structures answer  -majority queries on one-dimensional arrays by finding the Lowest common ancestor (LCA) of the endpoints of the query range in a Range tree and validating two sets of candidates (of size  ) from each endpoint to the lowest common ancestor in constant time resulting in   query time.

Two-dimensional arrays


Gagie et al.[12] proposed a data structure that supports range  -majority queries on an   array  . For each query   in this data structure a threshold   and a rectangular range   are specified, and the set of all elements that have relative frequencies (inside that rectangular range) greater than or equal to   are returned as the output. This data structure supports dynamic thresholds (specified at query time) and a pre-processing threshold   based on which it is constructed. During the pre-processing, a set of vertical and horizontal intervals are built on the   array. Together, a vertical and a horizontal interval form a block. Each block is part of a superblock nine times bigger than itself (three times the size of the block's horizontal interval and three times the size of its vertical one). For each block a set of candidates (with   elements at most) is stored which consists of elements that have relative frequencies at least   (the pre-processing threshold as mentioned above) in its respective superblock. These elements are stored in non-increasing order according to their frequencies and it is easy to see that, any element that has a relative frequency at least   in a block must appear its set of candidates. Each  -majority query is first answered by finding the query block, or the biggest block that is contained in the provided query rectangle in   time. For the obtained query block, the first   candidates are returned (without being verified) in   time, so this process might return some false positives. Many other data structures (as discussed below) have proposed methods for verifying each candidate in constant time and thus maintaining the   query time while returning no false positives. The cases in which the query block is smaller than   are handled by storing   different instances of this data structure of the following form:


where   is the pre-processing threshold of the  -th instance. Thus, for query blocks smaller than   the  -th instance is queried. As mentioned above, this data structure has query time   and requires   bits of space by storing a Huffman-encoded copy of it (note the   factor and also see Huffman coding).

One-dimensional arrays


Chan et al.[13] proposed a data structure that given a one-dimensional array , a subrange   of   (specified at query time) and a threshold   (specified at query time), is able to return the list of all  -majorities in   time requiring   words of space. To answer such queries, Chan et al.[13] begin by noting that there exists a data structure capable of returning the top-k most frequent items in a range in   time requiring   words of space. For a one-dimensional array  , let a one-sided top-k range query to be of form  . For a maximal range of ranges   in which the frequency of a distinct element   in   remains unchanged (and equal to  ), a horizontal line segment is constructed. The  -interval of this line segment corresponds to   and it has a  -value equal to  . Since adding each element to   changes the frequency of exactly one distinct element, the aforementioned process creates   line segments. Moreover, for a vertical line   all horizonal line segments intersecting it are sorted according to their frequencies. Note that, each horizontal line segment with  -interval   corresponds to exactly one distinct element   in  , such that  . A top-k query can then be answered by shooting a vertical ray   and reporting the first   horizontal line segments that intersect it (remember from above that these line segments are already sorted according to their frequencies) in   time.

Chan et al.[13] first construct a range tree in which each branching node stores one copy of the data structure described above for one-sided range top-k queries and each leaf represents an element from  . The top-k data structure at each node is constructed based on the values existing in the subtrees of that node and is meant to answer one-sided range top-k queries. Please note that for a one-dimensional array  , a range tree can be constructed by dividing   into two halves and recursing on both halves; therefore, each node of the resulting range tree represents a range. It can also be seen that this range tree requires   words of space, because there are   levels and each level   has   nodes. Moreover, since at each level   of a range tree all nodes have a total of   elements of   at their subtrees and since there are   levels, the space complexity of this range tree is  .

Using this structure, a range  -majority query   on   with   is answered as follows. First, the lowest common ancestor (LCA) of leaf nodes   and   is found in constant time. Note that there exists a data structure requiring   bits of space that is capable of answering the LCA queries in   time.[14] Let   denote the LCA of   and  , using   and according to the decomposability of range  -majority queries (as described above and in [11]), the two-sided range query   can be converted into two one-sided range top-k queries (from   to   and  ). These two one-sided range top-k queries return the top-( ) most frequent elements in each of their respective ranges in   time. These frequent elements make up the set of candidates for  -majorities in   in which there are   candidates some of which might be false positives. Each candidate is then assessed in constant time using a linear-space data structure (as described in Lemma 3 in [15]) that is able to determine in   time whether or not a given subrange of an array   contains at least   instances of a particular element  .

Tree paths


Gagie et al.[16] proposed a data structure which supports queries such that, given two nodes   and   in a tree, are able to report the list of elements that have a greater relative frequency than   on the path from   to  . More formally, let   be a labelled tree in which each node has a label from an alphabet of size  . Let   denote the label of node   in  . Let   denote the unique path from   to   in   in which middle nodes are listed in the order they are visited. Given  , and a fixed (specified during pre-processing) threshold  , a query   must return the set of all labels that appear more than   times in  .

To construct this data structure, first   nodes are marked. This can be done by marking any node that has distance at least   from the bottom of the three (height) and whose depth is divisible by  . After doing this, it can be observed that the distance between each node and its nearest marked ancestor is less than  . For a marked node  ,   different sequences (paths towards the root)   are stored,


for   where   returns the label of the direct parent of node  . Put another way, for each marked node, the set of all paths with a power of two length (plus one for the node itself) towards the root is stored. Moreover, for each  , the set of all majority candidates   are stored. More specifically,   contains the set of all  -majorities in   or labels that appear more than   times in  . It is easy to see that the set of candidates   can have at most   distinct labels for each  . Gagie et al.[16] then note that the set of all  -majorities in the path from any marked node   to one of its ancestors   is included in some   (Lemma 2 in [16]) since the length of   is equal to   thus there exists a   for   whose length is between   where   is the distance between x and z. The existence of such   implies that a  -majority in the path from   to   must be a  -majority in  , and thus must appear in  . It is easy to see that this data structure require   words of space, because as mentioned above in the construction phase   nodes are marked and for each marked node some candidate sets are stored. By definition, for each marked node   of such sets are stores, each of which contains   candidates. Therefore, this data structure requires   words of space. Please note that each node   also stores   which is equal to the number of instances of   on the path from   to the root of  , this does not increase the space complexity since it only adds a constant number of words per node.

Each query between two nodes   and   can be answered by using the decomposability property (as explained above) of range  -majority queries and by breaking the query path between   and   into four subpaths. Let   be the lowest common ancestor of   and  , with   and   being the nearest marked ancestors of   and   respectively. The path from   to   is decomposed into the paths from   and   to   and   respectively (the size of these paths are smaller than   by definition, all of which are considered as candidates), and the paths from   and   to   (by finding the suitable   as explained above and considering all of its labels as candidates). Please note that, boundary nodes have to be handled accordingly so that all of these subpaths are disjoint and from all of them a set of   candidates is derived. Each of these candidates is then verified using a combination of the   query which returns the lowest ancestor of node   that has label   and the   fields of each node. On a  -bit RAM and an alphabet of size  , the   query can be answered in   time whilst having linear space requirements.[17] Therefore, verifying each of the   candidates in   time results in   total query time for returning the set of all  -majorities on the path from   to  .


All the problems described above have been studied for higher dimensions as well as their dynamic versions. On the other hand, range queries might be extended to other data structures like trees,[8] such as the level ancestor problem. A similar family of problems are orthogonal range queries, also known as counting queries.

See also



  1. ^ a b Krizanc, Danny; Morin, Pat; Smid, Michiel H. M. (2003). "Range Mode and Range Median Queries on Lists and Trees". ISAAC: 517–526. arXiv:cs/0307034. Bibcode:2003cs........7034K.
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