Rabbi Ilai (Hebrew: רבי אלעאי; sometimes referred to as Ilai the Elder;[1] others: Rabbi Ilai I,[2] or Alternative Hebrew spelling: רבי עילאי [2]) was a third Generation, and 2nd-century Jewish Tanna sage, father of the well-known Tanna sage, Judah ben Ilai, and disciple of Eliezer ben Hurcanus and Gamaliel II.

Rabbi Ilai is cited once in the Mishnah, and six times in the Tosefta.

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A man is known in three things: by his purse, by his drinking and by his anger.[3]

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  1. ^ ILAI, Encyclopedia Judaica, January 1, 2007
  2. ^ a b Rabbi Il'ai (I) - רבי עילאי, sages of the Talmud
  3. ^ Babylonian Talmud (Eruvin 65b). Jerusalem: Menaqed. 1980.