Gachaq Nabi (1854, Ashaghi Mollu, Gubadli district – 1896) is a national hero of Azerbaijan, an active participant of the "Gachaq Movement" in Azerbaijan in the second half of the 19th century.



Gachaq Nabi was born in 1854 in the village of Ashaghi Mollu of Zangezur district (now Gubadli district). According to some sources, he is of Kurdish origin, and according to others, he is Turkmens. In March 1896, when Nabi was returning from Karbala, he was the victim of an ambush prepared in advance by Russian spies in the village of Larni, which is located between the border of Turkey and Iran. The memory of Nabi still lives in the hearts of the Azerbaijani people. Epics, songs and poems reflecting his heroism are told.

Nabi married Hajar Khanum from Yukhari Mollu village. Hajar Khanum also fought against injustice shoulder to shoulder with her husband Nabi.

Along with Nabi's wife Hajar Khanum, her sister-in-law Mehri Khanum also participated closely in this struggle.

The father of Gachag Nabi, Ali, considering the difficulties in his family, hires him out to a rich man in the village of Aşağı Mollu. The local landlord wanted to seize the peasants' land. Nabi did not tolerate this and resisted the landlord. After that, the fugitive falls. He forms a gang of disgruntled villagers like himself. His gang is on the run in Nakhchivan and Zangezur districts. He defended the peasants from oppressors. He took the property of the landowners and distributed it to the peasants. His wife Hajar was also a comrade in arms of Gachaq Nabi. For 20 years, the tsarist government tried to destroy the fugitive Nabini group. However, he could not achieve his goal. Finally, on March 12, 1896, two traitors suddenly attacked Nabi and killed him.

The family of Qaçaq Nəbin

  • Atası – Alı kişi
  • Anası –Mehri
  • Qardaşları – Mehdi, Məcid
  • Həyat yoldaşı – Həcər
  • Uşaqları – Xəlil, Əhməd ,Zeynəb, Məhəmməd(Oğlu Nəcəf)(Nəcəfin Oğlu Zülfəli)(Zülfəlinin Oğlu Lətif)

More reading

  • Qaçaq Nəbi dastanı, 1938 (Ə.H.Tahirov).
  • "Qaçaq Nəbi" dastanı, 1941 (Əhliman Axundov).
  • "Qaçaq Nəbi" dastanı, 1961 (Ə.Axundov).
  • "Qaçaq Nəbinin tarixi", nəşr: 2011 (Bəhlul Bəhcət).
  • "Qaçaq Nəbi" pyesi (Süleyman Rüstəm).[1]


  • "Atları yəhərləyin (film, 1985)"[1]


  • Hacı Nərimanoğlu, "Elin bu günündə gələydin, Nəbi", Aydınlıq qəzeti, 1988.
  • Hacı Nərimanoğlu, "Yaddaş", Gənclik jurnalı, may 1989.
  • Hacı Nərimanoğlu, Qubadlısız 16 il, "Nurlan", 2009.
  • Bəhlul Bəhcət, Qaçaq Nəbinin tarixi, (vəsiqə və sənədlər üzrə), Bakı, Çıraq, 2011, 288 səh
  • "Qaçaq Nəbinin ölümündən 115 il ötür" məqaləsi, Bütöv Azərbaycan qəzeti. 16 mart 2011. № 09(97). səh.16.
  • "Tarixi Xalq Qəhrəmanı – Qaçaq Nəbi" (in Azerbaijani). Archived from the original on 2015-10-17. Retrieved 2015-10-09.


  1. ^ a b "Qaçaq Nəbi" (in Azerbaijani). Archived from the original on 2017-01-14. Retrieved 2014-10-09.