Please add yourself to the list if you are (or consider) contributing to articles about Lithuania. Please also add area of expertise or interests and relations to Lithuania.

  • Sigis - native Lithuanian living in Dublin, interested in history, military, libertarianism, culture, economy, and law.
  • Renata3 - native Lithuanian interested in everything and at the moment living in the US. Creator of the portal. 04:46, 16 August 2005 (UTC)
  • Lysy (talk) - a foreigner from a neighbourhood ;-) interested in history, geography, culture, nature ... devoted to promote friendship between LT and PL. 15:51, 5 September 2005 (UTC)
  • Linas (talk) - a "Chicago Lithuanian" born in Chicago, raised Lithuanian, by the parents of Santara-Šviesa [1] [2] and Metmenys [3] [4]
  • H Padleckas - a member of both the English and Lithuanian Wikipedias by identical User names. If interested, you can see further discussion in this Portal talk:Lithuania/Guest book Talk page.
  • Icelandic Hurricane #12 - 12.5% Lithuania. I plan on contributing more in the near future.
  • Ramuneetia - native Lithuanian living in Cardiff, capital of Wales, UK. Interested in photography, currently studying mathematics in Cardiff University.
  • Andrius - native Lithuanian living in London, England, 15 years old. No paticular area of expertise in terms of Lithuania, although I am interested in the History of Lithuania, and maybe pop culture. Although, mainly it's just general knowledge, but I'd be happy to contribute in any way I can... 17:59, 29 July 2006 (UTC)
  • Mykolas - American of Lithuanian Ancestory with family ties to Lithuania. I am very impressed by the task your group is undertaking and wish you the very best in your endeavors. I would like to invite everyone to participate in my new forum called Lithuania Past and Present. It's new as of today jan/2007 and waiting for your ideas and discussion
  • Novickas - My parents were Lithuanian refugees from World War II.
  • User:Zscout370 (Return Fire) 02:08, 1 October 2007 (UTC) (national symbolics)
  • 16kibbles - I'm an Australian of Lithuanian descent, living in Brisbane, Queensland. My paternal grandparents were from Lithuania (well, my grandmother was born in Lithuania and escaped the second soviet occupation in World War 2 and my grandfather was born in Scotland to Lithuanian parents, serving in the Royal Navy in WWII). I am interested in the History side of Lithuania and it's military, and hope to fix up the grammar on some of the pages relating to Lithuania.
  • Pofka (talk) - native Lithuanian living in Vilnius and mostly editing the basketball-related topics since 2011.