Kampung Boy is an animated television series first broadcast in 1997 over Malaysian satellite television network Astro and later in 60 other countries such as Canada and Germany. Comprising 26 episodes—one of which won an Annecy Award—the series is adapted from the best selling graphical novel The Kampung Boy. The book is an autobiography by the Malaysian cartoonist Lat, detailing his early life experiences. The television series adapted Lat's tale of the adventures of a young boy, Mat, and his life in a Malaysian kampung (village). The stories focus on the meeting between traditional and modern ways of life, either depicting the village way of life as superior to urban lifestyles, or discussing the merits and integration of modern conveniences. Kampung Boy has won praises for its technical work and refreshing content. It has also faced questions from Southeast Asian audiences for its similarities with Western animation and deviations from the local style of spoken English.