Portal:Bible/Featured chapter/Exodus 14

God tells the Israelites to camp between Migdol and the sea. Pharaoh continues his pursuit. The Israelites see the Egyptians approaching and become frightened, but God commands Moses to stretch out his staff and divide the sea. The angel of God and the pillar of cloud move between the Israelites and the Egyptians, separating them. God sends a strong east wind and the Israelites enter the sea on dry ground, the water like a wall on the right and left. The Egyptians follow, but God commands Moses to stretch out his staff again, and the waters return, covering the chariots and horsemen. The people fear the LORD and have faith in Moses.

PEOPLE: יהוה‎ YHVH - Moses - children of Israel - Pharaoh - Angel of God

PLACES: Pi-hahiroth - Baal-zephon - Migdol - Red Sea

RELATED ARTICLES: Beshalach - Passage of the Red Sea - Egyptians - Egypt - chariot - Pillar of Fire (theophany)

ENGLISH TEXT: American Standard - Douay-Rheims - Free - King James - Jewish Publication Society - Tyndale - World English - Wycliffe