In mathematics, a polyadic space is a topological space that is the image under a continuous function of a topological power of an Alexandroff one-point compactification of a discrete space.



Polyadic spaces were first studied by S. Mrówka in 1970 as a generalisation of dyadic spaces.[1] The theory was developed further by R. H. Marty, János Gerlits and Murray G. Bell,[2] the latter of whom introduced the concept of the more general centred spaces.[1]



A subset K of a topological space X is said to be compact if every open cover of K contains a finite subcover. It is said to be locally compact at a point xX if x lies in the interior of some compact subset of X. X is a locally compact space if it is locally compact at every point in the space.[3]

A proper subset AX is said to be dense if the closure Ā = X. A space whose set has a countable, dense subset is called a separable space.

For a non-compact, locally compact Hausdorff topological space  , we define the Alexandroff one-point compactification as the topological space with the set  , denoted  , where  , with the topology   defined as follows:[2][4]

  •  , for every compact subset  .



Let   be a discrete topological space, and let   be an Alexandroff one-point compactification of  . A Hausdorff space   is polyadic if for some cardinal number  , there exists a continuous surjective function  , where   is the product space obtained by multiplying   with itself   times.[5]



Take the set of natural numbers   with the discrete topology. Its Alexandroff one-point compactification is  . Choose   and define the homeomorphism   with the mapping


It follows from the definition that the image space   is polyadic and compact directly from the definition of compactness, without using Heine-Borel.

Every dyadic space (a compact space which is a continuous image of a Cantor set[6]) is a polyadic space.[7]

Let X be a separable, compact space. If X is a metrizable space, then it is polyadic (the converse is also true).[2]



The cellularity   of a space   is  

The tightness   of a space   is defined as follows: let  , and  . Define     Then  [8]

The topological weight   of a polyadic space   satisfies the equality  .[9]

Let   be a polyadic space, and let  . Then there exists a polyadic space   such that   and  .[9]

Polyadic spaces are the smallest class of topological spaces that contain metric compact spaces and are closed under products and continuous images.[10] Every polyadic space   of weight   is a continuous image of  .[10]

A topological space   has the Suslin property if there is no uncountable family of pairwise disjoint non-empty open subsets of  .[11] Suppose that   has the Suslin property and is polyadic. Then   is dyadic.[12]

Let   be the least number of discrete sets needed to cover  , and let   denote the least cardinality of a non-empty open set in  . If   is a polyadic space, then  .[9]

Ramsey's theorem


There is an analogue of Ramsey's theorem from combinatorics for polyadic spaces. For this, we describe the relationship between Boolean spaces and polyadic spaces. Let   denote the clopen algebra of all clopen subsets of  . We define a Boolean space as a compact Hausdorff space whose basis is  . The element   such that   is called the generating set for  . We say   is a  -disjoint collection if   is the union of at most   subcollections  , where for each  ,   is a disjoint collection of cardinality at most   It was proven by Petr Simon that   is a Boolean space with the generating set   of   being  -disjoint if and only if   is homeomorphic to a closed subspace of  .[8] The Ramsey-like property for polyadic spaces as stated by Murray Bell for Boolean spaces is then as follows: every uncountable clopen collection contains an uncountable subcollection which is either linked or disjoint.[13]



We define the compactness number of a space  , denoted by  , to be the least number   such that   has an n-ary closed subbase. We can construct polyadic spaces with arbitrary compactness number. We will demonstrate this using two theorems proven by Murray Bell in 1985. Let   be a collection of sets and let   be a set. We denote the set   by  ; all subsets of   of size   by  ; and all subsets of size at most   by  . If   and   for all  , then we say that   is n-linked. If every n-linked subset of   has a non-empty intersection, then we say that   is n-ary. Note that if   is n-ary, then so is  , and therefore every space   with   has a closed, n-ary subbase   with  . Note that a collection   of closed subsets of a compact space   is a closed subbase if and only if for every closed   in an open set  , there exists a finite   such that   and  .[14]

Let   be an infinite set and let   by a number such that  . We define the product topology on   as follows: for  , let  , and let  . Let   be the collection  . We take   as a clopen subbase for our topology on  . This topology is compact and Hausdorff. For   and   such that  , we have that   is a discrete subspace of  , and hence that   is a union of   discrete subspaces.[14]

Theorem (Upper bound on  ): For each total order   on  , there is an  -ary closed subbase   of  .

Proof: For  , define   and  . Set  . For  ,   and   such that  , let   such that   is an  -linked subset of  . Show that  .  

For a topological space   and a subspace  , we say that a continuous function   is a retraction if   is the identity map on  . We say that   is a retract of  . If there exists an open set   such that  , and   is a retract of  , then we say that   is a neighbourhood retract of  .

Theorem (Lower bound on  ) Let   be such that  . Then   cannot be embedded as a neighbourhood retract in any space   with  .

From the two theorems above, it can be deduced that for   such that  , we have that  .

Let   be the Alexandroff one-point compactification of the discrete space  , so that  . We define the continuous surjection   by  . It follows that   is a polyadic space. Hence   is a polyadic space with compactness number  .[14]



Centred spaces, AD-compact spaces[15] and ξ-adic spaces[16] are generalisations of polyadic spaces.

Centred space


Let   be a collection of sets. We say that   is centred if   for all finite subsets  .[17] Define the Boolean space  , with the subspace topology from  . We say that a space   is a centred space if there exists a collection   such that   is a continuous image of  .[18]

Centred spaces were introduced by Murray Bell in 2004.

AD-compact space


Let   be a non-empty set, and consider a family of its subsets  . We say that   is an adequate family if:

  • given  , if every finite subset of   is in  , then  .

We may treat   as a topological space by considering it a subset of the Cantor cube  , and in this case, we denote it  .

Let   be a compact space. If there exist a set   and an adequate family  , such that   is the continuous image of  , then we say that   is an AD-compact space.

AD-compact spaces were introduced by Grzegorz Plebanek. He proved that they are closed under arbitrary products and Alexandroff compactifications of disjoint unions. It follows that every polyadic space is hence an AD-compact space. The converse is not true, as there are AD-compact spaces that are not polyadic.[15]

ξ-adic space


Let   and   be cardinals, and let   be a Hausdorff space. If there exists a continuous surjection from   to  , then   is said to be a ξ-adic space.[16]

ξ-adic spaces were proposed by S. Mrówka, and the following results about them were given by János Gerlits (they also apply to polyadic spaces, as they are a special case of ξ-adic spaces).[19]

Let   be an infinite cardinal, and let   be a topological space. We say that   has the property   if for any family   of non-empty open subsets of  , where  , we can find a set   and a point   such that   and for each neighbourhood   of  , we have that  .

If   is a ξ-adic space, then   has the property   for each infinite cardinal  . It follows from this result that no infinite ξ-adic Hausdorff space can be an extremally disconnected space.[19]

Hyadic space


Hyadic spaces were introduced by Eric van Douwen.[20] They are defined as follows.

Let   be a Hausdorff space. We denote by   the hyperspace of  . We define the subspace   of   by  . A base of   is the family of all sets of the form  , where   is any integer, and   are open in  . If   is compact, then we say a Hausdorff space   is hyadic if there exists a continuous surjection from   to  .[21]

Polyadic spaces are hyadic.[22]

See also



  1. ^ a b Hart, Klaas Pieter; Nagata, Jun-iti; Vaughan, Jerry E. (2003). "Dyadic compacta". Encyclopedia of General Topology. Elsevier Science. p. 193. ISBN 978-0444503558.
  2. ^ a b c Al-Mahrouqi, Sharifa (2013). Compact topological spaces inspired by combinatorial constructions (Thesis). University of East Anglia. pp. 8–13.
  3. ^ Møller, Jesper M. (2014). "Topological spaces and continuous maps". General Topology. p. 58. ISBN 9781502795878.
  4. ^ Tkachuk, Vladimir V. (2011). "Basic Notions of Topology and Function Spaces". A Cp-Theory Problem Book: Topological and Function Spaces. Springer Science+Business Media. p. 35. ISBN 9781441974426.
  5. ^ Turzański, Marian (1996). Cantor Cubes: Chain Conditions. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego. p. 19. ISBN 978-8322607312.
  6. ^ Nagata, Jun-Iti (1985-11-15). "Topics related to mappings". Modern General Topology. p. 298. ISBN 978-0444876553.
  7. ^ Dikranjan, Dikran; Salce, Luigi (1998). Abelian Groups, Module Theory, and Topology. CRC Press. p. 339. ISBN 9780824719371.
  8. ^ a b Bell, Murray (2005). "Tightness in Polyadic Spaces" (PDF). Topology Proceedings. 25. Auburn University: 2–74.
  9. ^ a b c Spadaro, Santi (2009-05-22). "A note on discrete sets". Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae. 50 (3): 463–475. arXiv:0905.3588.
  10. ^ a b Koszmider, Piotr (2012). "Universal Objects and Associations Between Classes of Banach Spaces and Classes of Compact Spaces". arXiv:1209.4294 [math.FA].
  11. ^ "Topology Comprehensive Exam" (PDF). Ohio University. 2005. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2015-02-14. Retrieved 2015-02-14.
  12. ^ Turzański, Marian (1989). "On generalizations of dyadic spaces". Acta Universitatis Carolinae. Mathematica et Physica. 30 (2): 154. ISSN 0001-7140.
  13. ^ Bell, Murray (1996-01-11). "A Ramsey Theorem for Polyadic Spaces". University of Tennessee at Martin. Retrieved 2015-02-14.
  14. ^ a b c Bell, Murray (1985). "Polyadic spaces of arbitrary compactness numbers". Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae. 26 (2). Charles University in Prague: 353–361. Retrieved 2015-02-27.
  15. ^ a b Plebanek, Grzegorz (1995-08-25). "Compact spaces that result from adequate families of sets". Topology and Its Applications. 65 (3). Elsevier: 257–270. doi:10.1016/0166-8641(95)00006-3.
  16. ^ a b Bell, Murray (1998). "On character and chain conditions in images of products" (PDF). Fundamenta Mathematicae. 158 (1). Polish Academy of Sciences: 41–49.
  17. ^ Bell, Murray G. (1985). "Generalized dyadic spaces". Fundamenta Mathematicae. 125 (1): 47–58. doi:10.4064/fm-125-1-47-58. MR 0813988.
  18. ^ Bell, Murray (2004). "Function spaces on τ-Corson compacta and tightness of polyadic spaces". Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal. 54 (4): 899–914. doi:10.1007/s10587-004-6439-z. S2CID 123078792.
  19. ^ a b Gerlits, János (1971). Novák, Josef (ed.). "On m-adic spaces". General Topology and Its Relations to Modern Analysis and Algebra, Proceedings of the Third Prague Topological Symposium. Prague: Academia Publishing House of the Czechoslovak Academy of Science: 147–148.
  20. ^ Bell, Murray (1988). "Gk subspaces of hyadic spaces" (PDF). Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society. 104 (2). American Mathematical Society: 635–640. doi:10.2307/2047025. JSTOR 2047025. S2CID 201914041.
  21. ^ van Douwen, Eric K. (1990). "Mappings from hyperspaces and convergent sequences". Topology and Its Applications. 34 (1). Elsevier: 35–45. doi:10.1016/0166-8641(90)90087-i.
  22. ^ Banakh, Taras (2003). "On cardinal invariants and metrizability of topological inverse Clifford semigroups". Topology and Its Applications. 128 (1). Elsevier: 38. doi:10.1016/S0166-8641(02)00083-4.