In mathematics, a Poisson–Lie group is a Poisson manifold that is also a Lie group, with the group multiplication being compatible with the Poisson algebra structure on the manifold.

The infinitesimal counterpart of a Poisson–Lie group is a Lie bialgebra, in analogy to Lie algebras as the infinitesimal counterparts of Lie groups.

Many quantum groups are quantizations of the Poisson algebra of functions on a Poisson–Lie group.



A Poisson–Lie group is a Lie group   equipped with a Poisson bracket for which the group multiplication   with   is a Poisson map, where the manifold   has been given the structure of a product Poisson manifold.

Explicitly, the following identity must hold for a Poisson–Lie group:


where   and   are real-valued, smooth functions on the Lie group, while   and   are elements of the Lie group. Here,   denotes left-multiplication and   denotes right-multiplication.

If   denotes the corresponding Poisson bivector on  , the condition above can be equivalently stated as


In particular, taking   one obtains  , or equivalently  . Applying Weinstein splitting theorem to   one sees that non-trivial Poisson-Lie structure is never symplectic, not even of constant rank.

Poisson-Lie groups - Lie bialgebra correspondence


The Lie algebra   of a Poisson–Lie group has a natural structure of Lie coalgebra given by linearising the Poisson tensor   at the identity, i.e.   is a comultiplication. Moreover, the algebra and the coalgebra structure are compatible, i.e.   is a Lie bialgebra,

The classical Lie group–Lie algebra correspondence, which gives an equivalence of categories between simply connected Lie groups and finite-dimensional Lie algebras, was extended by Drinfeld to an equivalence of categories between simply connected Poisson–Lie groups and finite-dimensional Lie bialgebras.

Thanks to Drinfeld theorem, any Poisson–Lie group   has a dual Poisson–Lie group, defined as the Poisson–Lie group integrating the dual   of its bialgebra.[1][2][3]



A Poisson–Lie group homomorphism   is defined to be both a Lie group homomorphism and a Poisson map. Although this is the "obvious" definition, neither left translations nor right translations are Poisson maps. Also, the inversion map   taking   is not a Poisson map either, although it is an anti-Poisson map:


for any two smooth functions   on  .



Trivial examples

  • Any trivial Poisson structure on a Lie group   defines a Poisson–Lie group structure, whose bialgebra is simply   with the trivial comultiplication.
  • The dual   of a Lie algebra, together with its linear Poisson structure, is an additive Poisson–Lie group.

These two example are dual of each other via Drinfeld theorem, in the sense explained above.

Other examples


Let   be any semisimple Lie group. Choose a maximal torus   and a choice of positive roots. Let   be the corresponding opposite Borel subgroups, so that   and there is a natural projection  . Then define a Lie group


which is a subgroup of the product  , and has the same dimension as  .

The standard Poisson–Lie group structure on   is determined by identifying the Lie algebra of   with the dual of the Lie algebra of  , as in the standard Lie bialgebra example. This defines a Poisson–Lie group structure on both   and on the dual Poisson Lie group  . This is the "standard" example: the Drinfeld-Jimbo quantum group   is a quantization of the Poisson algebra of functions on the group  . Note that   is solvable, whereas   is semisimple.

See also



  1. ^ Lu, Jiang-Hua; Weinstein, Alan (1990-01-01). "Poisson Lie groups, dressing transformations, and Bruhat decompositions". Journal of Differential Geometry. 31 (2). doi:10.4310/jdg/1214444324. ISSN 0022-040X. S2CID 117053536.
  2. ^ Kosmann-Schwarzbach, Y. (1996-12-01). "Poisson-Lie groups and beyond". Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 82 (6): 3807–3813. doi:10.1007/BF02362640. ISSN 1573-8795. S2CID 123117926.
  3. ^ Kosmann-Schwarzbach, Y. (1997). "Lie bialgebras, poisson Lie groups and dressing transformations". In Y. Kosmann-Schwarzbach; B. Grammaticos; K. M. Tamizhmani (eds.). Integrability of Nonlinear Systems. Proceedings of the International Center for Pure and Applied Mathematics at Pondicherry University, 8–26 January 1996. Lecture Notes in Physics. Vol. 495. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer. pp. 104–170. doi:10.1007/BFb0113695. ISBN 978-3-540-69521-9.