In mathematics, an Orlicz sequence space is any of certain class of linear spaces of scalar-valued sequences, endowed with a special norm, specified below, under which it forms a Banach space. Orlicz sequence spaces generalize the spaces, and as such play an important role in functional analysis. Orlicz sequence spaces are particular examples of Orlicz spaces.



Fix   so that   denotes either the real or complex scalar field. We say that a function   is an Orlicz function if it is continuous, nondecreasing, and (perhaps nonstrictly) convex, with   and  . In the special case where there exists   with   for all   it is called degenerate.

In what follows, unless otherwise stated we'll assume all Orlicz functions are nondegenerate. This implies   for all  .

For each scalar sequence   set


We then define the Orlicz sequence space with respect to  , denoted  , as the linear space of all   such that   for some  , endowed with the norm  .

Two other definitions will be important in the ensuing discussion. An Orlicz function   is said to satisfy the Δ2 condition at zero whenever


We denote by   the subspace of scalar sequences   such that   for all  .



The space   is a Banach space, and it generalizes the classical   spaces in the following precise sense: when  ,  , then   coincides with the  -norm, and hence  ; if   is the degenerate Orlicz function then   coincides with the  -norm, and hence   in this special case, and   when   is degenerate.

In general, the unit vectors may not form a basis for  , and hence the following result is of considerable importance.

Theorem 1. If   is an Orlicz function then the following conditions are equivalent:

  1.   satisfies the Δ2 condition at zero, i.e.  .
  2. For every   there exists positive constants   and   so that   for all  .
  3.   (where   is a nondecreasing function defined everywhere except perhaps on a countable set, where instead we can take the right-hand derivative which is defined everywhere).
  4.  .
  5. The unit vectors form a boundedly complete symmetric basis for  .
  6.   is separable.
  7.   fails to contain any subspace isomorphic to  .
  8.   if and only if  .

Two Orlicz functions   and   satisfying the Δ2 condition at zero are called equivalent whenever there exist are positive constants   such that   for all  . This is the case if and only if the unit vector bases of   and   are equivalent.

  can be isomorphic to   without their unit vector bases being equivalent. (See the example below of an Orlicz sequence space with two nonequivalent symmetric bases.)

Theorem 2. Let   be an Orlicz function. Then   is reflexive if and only if

  and  .

Theorem 3 (K. J. Lindberg). Let   be an infinite-dimensional closed subspace of a separable Orlicz sequence space  . Then   has a subspace   isomorphic to some Orlicz sequence space   for some Orlicz function   satisfying the Δ2 condition at zero. If furthermore   has an unconditional basis then   may be chosen to be complemented in  , and if   has a symmetric basis then   itself is isomorphic to  .

Theorem 4 (Lindenstrauss/Tzafriri). Every separable Orlicz sequence space   contains a subspace isomorphic to   for some  .

Corollary. Every infinite-dimensional closed subspace of a separable Orlicz sequence space contains a further subspace isomorphic to   for some  .

Note that in the above Theorem 4, the copy of   may not always be chosen to be complemented, as the following example shows.

Example (Lindenstrauss/Tzafriri). There exists a separable and reflexive Orlicz sequence space   which fails to contain a complemented copy of   for any  . This same space   contains at least two nonequivalent symmetric bases.

Theorem 5 (K. J. Lindberg & Lindenstrauss/Tzafriri). If   is an Orlicz sequence space satisfying   (i.e., the two-sided limit exists) then the following are all true.

  1.   is separable.
  2.   contains a complemented copy of   for some  .
  3.   has a unique symmetric basis (up to equivalence).

Example. For each  , the Orlicz function   satisfies the conditions of Theorem 5 above, but is not equivalent to  .


  • Lindenstrauss, Joram; Tzafriri, Lior (1977), Classical Banach Spaces I, Sequence Spaces, ISBN 978-3-642-66559-2
  • Lindenstrauss, Joram; Tzafriri, Lior (September 1971). "On Orlicz Sequence Spaces". Israel Journal of Mathematics. 10 (3): 379–390. doi:10.1007/BF02771656.
  • Lindenstrauss, Joram; Tzafriri, Lior (December 1972). "On Orlicz Sequence Spaces. II". Israel Journal of Mathematics. 11 (4): 355–379. doi:10.1007/BF02761463.
  • Lindenstrauss, Joram; Tzafriri, Lior (December 1973). "On Orlicz Sequence Spaces III". Israel Journal of Mathematics. 14 (4): 368–389. doi:10.1007/BF02764715.