Order of battle at the Battle of Bussaco

This is the order of battle for the Battle of Bussaco, 27 September 1810.

French Army of Portugal


Commander-in-Chief: Marshal Masséna

Army total: 65,050 (49,809 infantry, 8,419 cavalry, 144 guns)

II Corps


GD Jean Reynier

Division Brigade Regiments and Others
1st Division

    GD Pierre Hugues Victoire Merle
    (6,589 total)

1st Brigade

    GB Jacques Thomas Sarrut

  • 2e Légère (4 bns)
  • 36e Ligne (4 bns)
2nd Brigade

    GB Jean François Graindorge

  • 4e Légère (3 or 4 bns)
2nd Division

    GD Étienne Heudelet de Bierre
    (8,087 total)

1st Brigade

    GB Maximilien Sébastien Foy

  • 17e Légère (3 bns)
  • 70e Ligne (4 bns)
2nd Brigade

    GB Arnaud

  • 31e Légère (4 bns)
  • 47e Ligne (3 or 4 bns)
Cavalry Brigade

    GB Pierre Benoît Soult
    (1,397 total)

  • 1e Hussards
  • 22e Chasseurs à Cheval
  • 8e Dragons
  • Hanoverian Chasseurs

    (1,645 total)

  • 3 batteries (24 guns)
Corps total: 17,718 (14,676 infantry, 1,397 cavalry, 24 guns)

VI Corps


Marshal Michel Ney

Division Brigade Regiments and Others
1st Division

    GD Jean Gabriel Marchand
    (6,671 total)

1st Brigade

    GB Antoine Louis Popon de Maucune

  • 6e Légère (3 bns)
  • 69e Ligne (3 or 4 bns)
2nd Brigade

    GB Pierre-Louis Binet de Marcognet

  • 39e Ligne (3 or 4 bns)
  • 76e Ligne (3 or 4 bns)
2nd Division

    GD Julien Augustin Joseph Mermet
    (7,616 total)

1st Brigade

    GB Bardet

  • 25e Légère
  • 27e Ligne
2nd Brigade

    GB Labassée

  • 50e Ligne
  • 59e Ligne
3rd Division

    GD Louis Henri Loison
    (6,750 total)

1st Brigade

    GB Simon
    (3,250 total)

  • 26e Ligne
  • Légion du Midi
  • Légion Hannoverienne
2nd Brigade

    GB Claude François Ferey
    (3,500 total)

  • 2/32e Légère
  • 66e Ligne
  • 82e Ligne
Cavalry Brigade

    GB Lamotte
    (1,680 total)

  • 3e Hussards
  • 15e Chasseurs à Cheval

    (1,513 total)

  • 4 batteries (32 guns)
Corps total: 24,306 (21,113 infantry, 1,680 cavalry, 32 guns)

VIII Corps


GD Jean-Andoche Junot

Division Brigade Regiments and Others
1st Division

    GD Bertrand Clausel
    (6,794 total)

1st Brigade

    GB Jean François Ménard
    (2,339 total)

  • 4th Battalion, 19e Ligne
  • 4th Battalion, 25e Ligne
  • 4th Battalion, 28e Ligne
  • 4th Battalion, 34e Ligne
2nd Brigade

    GB Eloi Charlemagne Taupin
    (1,949 total)

  • 4th Battalion, 15e Légère
  • 4th Battalion, 46e Ligne
  • 4th Battalion, 75e Ligne
3rd Brigade

    GB Roch Godard
    (2,507 total)

  • 22e Ligne (4 bns)
2nd Division

    GD Jean Baptiste Solignac
    (7,226 total)

1st Brigade

    GB Pierre Guillaume Gratien
    (2,470 total)

  • 15e Ligne (3 bns)
  • 86e Ligne (3 bns)
2nd Brigade

    GB Jean Guillaume Barthélemy Thomières
    (4,756 total)

Cavalry Brigade

    GB Charles Marie Robert Escorches de Saint-Croix (k)
    (1,863 total)

  • 1e Dragons (2 sqns)
  • 2e Dragons (2 sqns)
  • 4e Dragons (2 sqns)
  • 9e Dragons (2 sqns)
  • 14e Dragons (2 sqns)
  • 26e Dragons (2 sqns)

    GD Louis François Foucher de Careil
    (981 total)

  • 3 batteries (24 guns)
Corps total: 16,939 (14,020 infantry, 1,863 cavalry, 24 guns)


Division Brigade Regiments and Others
Reserve Cavalry Division

    GD Louis-Pierre Montbrun
    (3,479 total)

1st Brigade

    GB Cavrois

  • 14e Hussards
  • 19e Hussards
  • 27e Chasseurs à Cheval
2nd Brigade

    GB Philippe Antoine d'Ornano

  • 19e Dragons
  • 21e Dragons
Reserve Artillery

    (2,608 total)

  • 8 batteries
  • Engineers, gendarmerie etc.
Corps total: 6,087 (3,479 cavalry, 64 guns)

Anglo-Portuguese Army


Commander-in-Chief: Lt Gen Viscount Wellington

Army total: 51,768 (49,328 infantry, 210 cavalry, 60 guns)

Division Brigade Regiments and Others
1st Division

    Maj Gen Brent Spencer
    (7,053 total)

1st Brigade

    Col the Hon Edward Stopford
    (1,684 total)

  • 1/Coldstream Guards
  • 1/3rd Guards
  • coy, 5/60th Rifles
2nd Brigade

    Lt Col Lord Blantyre
    (1,516 total)

  • 2/24th Foot
  • 1/42nd Foot
  • 1/61st Foot
  • coy, 5/60th Rifles
3rd Brigade

    Maj Gen Baron Löw
    (2,061 total)

  • 1st KGL Line
  • 2nd KGL Line
  • 5th KGL Line
  • 7th KGL Line
  • detachments, 1st & 2nd KGL Light Bns
4th Brigade

    Col the Hon Edward Pakenham
    (1,792 total)

  • 1/7th Foot
  • 1/79th Foot
  • von Rettberg's Battery, KGA
2nd Division

    Maj Gen Rowland Hill
    (5,737 total)

1st Brigade

    Maj Gen the Hon William Stewart
    (2,247 total)

  • 1/3rd Foot
  • 2/31st Foot
  • 2/48th Foot
  • 2/66th Foot
  • coy, 5/60th Rifles
2nd Brigade

    Col William Inglis
    (1,818 total)

  • 29th Foot
  • 1/48th Foot
  • 1/57th Foot
3rd Brigade

    Brig Gen Catlin Craufurd
    (1,672 total)

  • 2/28th Foot
  • 2/34th Foot
  • 2/39th Foot
  • de Rozierres' Portuguese Battery
  • da Cunha Preto's Portuguese Battery
3rd Division

    Maj Gen Thomas Picton
    (4,743 total)

1st Brigade

    Col Henry MacKinnon
    (1,808 total)

  • 1/45th Foot
  • 1/74th Foot
  • 1/88th Foot
2nd Brigade

    Maj Gen Stafford Lightburne
    (1,160 total)

  • 2/5th Foot
  • 2/83rd Foot
  • 5/60th Rifles (3 coys)
Portuguese Brigade

    Col José Joaquim Champalimaud
    (1,775 total)

  • 9th Portuguese Line (2 bns)
  • 21st Portuguese Line (1 bn)
  • da Silva's Portuguese Battery
  • Freira's Portuguese Battery
  • Thompson's Battery, RA
4th Division

    Maj Gen the Hon Lowry Cole
    (7,400 total)

1st Brigade

    Brig Gen Alexander Campbell
    (2,109 total)

  • 2/7th Foot
  • 1/11th Foot
  • 2/53rd Foot
  • coy, 5/60th Rifles
2nd Brigade

    Col James Kemmis
    (2,448 total)

  • 3/27th Foot
  • 1/40th Foot
  • 97th Foot
Portuguese Brigade

    Col Richard Collins
    (2,843 total)

  • 11th Portuguese Line (2 bns)
  • 23rd Portuguese Line (2 bns)
5th Division

    Maj Gen James Leith
    (7,305 total)

British Brigade

    Lt Col James Stevenson Barnes
    (1,879 total)

  • 1/3rd Foot
  • 1/9th Foot
  • 2/38th Foot
Spry's Portuguese Brigade

    Col William Spry
    (2,619 total)

  • 3rd Portuguese Line (2 bns)
  • 15th Portuguese Line (2 bns)
  • Thomar Militia
Eben's Portuguese Brigade

    Col Frederick Baron Eben
    (2,807 total)

  • Loyal Lusitanian Legion (2 bns)
  • 8th Portuguese Line (2 bns)
Light Division

    Brig Gen Robert Craufurd
    (3,787 total)

1st Brigade

    Lt Col Sidney Beckwith
    (1,896 total)

  • 1/43rd Foot
  • 1/95th Rifles (4 coys)
  • 3rd Caçadores
2nd Brigade

    Lt Col Robert Barclay
    (1,891 total)

  • 1/52nd Foot
  • 1/95th Rifles (4 coys)
  • 1st Caçadores
Portuguese Division

    Maj Gen John Hamilton
    (4,940 total)

1st Brigade

    Brig Gen Archibald Campbell
    (2,250 total)

  • 4th Portuguese Line (2 bns)
  • 10th Portuguese Line (2 bns)
2nd Brigade

    Brig Gen Luiz Fonseca
    (2,690 total)

  • 2nd Portuguese Line (2 bns)
  • 14th Portuguese Line (2 bns)
Independent Portuguese Brigades 1st Independent Portuguese Brigade

    Brig Gen Denis Pack
    (2,769 total)

  • 1st Portuguese Line (2 bns) - Major Thomas Noel Hill
  • 16th Portuguese (Vieira Telles) Line (2 bns)
  • 4th Caçadores
5th Independent Portuguese Brigade

    Brig Gen Alexander Campbell
    (3,249 total)

  • 6th Portuguese Line (2 bns)
  • 18th Portuguese Line (2 bns)
  • 6th Caçadores
6th Independent Portuguese Brigade

    Brig Gen Francis Coleman
    (2,345 total)

  • 7th Portuguese Line (2 bns)
  • 19th Portuguese Line (2 bns)
  • 2nd Caçadores

    (210 total)

  • 4th Dragoons (2 sqns)
Reserve Artillery

    Brig Gen Edward Howarth
    (2,230 total)[1]

Corps total: 51,768 (49,328 infantry, 210 cavalry, 60 guns)


  1. ^ Includes all artillery attached to divisions


  • Glover, Michael (2001). The Peninsular War 1807-1814. London: Penguin. ISBN 0-141-39041-7.
  • Lipscombe, Nick (2010). The Peninsular War Atlas. Oxford: Osprey. ISBN 978-1-84908-364-5.