National Record of Achievement

The National Record of Achievement was a folder given to secondary school pupils in the United Kingdom in the 1990s and early 2000s.[citation needed] It was a portfolio of documentation related to a pupil's academic and non-academic achievements, typically including GCSE certificates, certificates from extracurricular activities, school reports and anything else of relevance, presented in an official-looking folder.

National record of achievement folder
National record of achievement folder

Originally introduced in the late 1970's and adopted by the Department for Education in 1991, it became mandatory in 1993, some education authorites used it during the 1970's and 1980's but its use was not widespread. The Record was intended to allow pupils to demonstrate skills and achievements beyond their exam results, potentially of use for further education and higher education admissions and to employers.[citation needed] It was hoped that pupils would continue to add to their Records after leaving school.

In practice, the National Record of Achievement failed to meet these aspirations. In the mid-1990s it was common to use them for further education admissions, for instance to sixth form college, but university admissions tutors never found them relevant. Neither further nor higher education institutions encouraged students to continue to update them.[1] Only a small number of employers (typically those used to recruiting large numbers of school-leavers) made use of them alongside the traditional application form, and found them of limited use.[2]

In 1996 the Dearing Review of Qualifications for 16–19 Year Olds recommended a restructuring of the NRA and suggested renaming it the Progress File. Ronald Dearing recommended the winding up of the National Record of Achievement scheme.[3]


  1. ^ Theresa Tinklin; Bridget Somekh. "Good Practice in the National Record of Achievement: Who has the right to judge?". Scottish Council for Research in Education. Retrieved 28 Dec 2017.
  2. ^ "Employers' Use of the National Record of Achievement". Institute of Employment Studies. Retrieved 28 Dec 2017.
  3. ^ "Overview: National Record of Achievement".