Nadasi Kasa (also Nadasi Akasa, Nadadi Akasa, or Nada Diaka) was a queen of the Indo-Scythian mahakshatrapa Rajuvula, daughter of Aiyasi Kamuia.[1] She finds mention in inscription no A-5 of the Mathura Lion Capital. F. W. Thomas has read this name as Nadadi (Nadasi)- Akasa,[2] Dr Bühler however, has read it as Nadasia Kasaye, but Sten Konow, on the other hand, reads it as Nada Diaka.[3]

See also


References and notes

  1. ^ Corpus Inscriptionum Indicarum, II. I. 47.
  2. ^ Epigraphia.Indica., IX, p 135.
  3. ^ Corpus Inscriptionum Indicarum, II. I. 47; Political History of Ancient India, 1996, p 394, Dr H. C. Raychaudhury, Dr B. N. Mukerjee.