In modal logic, the modal depth of a formula is the deepest nesting of modal operators (commonly and ). Modal formulas without modal operators have a modal depth of zero.



Modal depth can be defined as follows.[1] Let   be a function that computes the modal depth for a modal formula  :

 , where   is an atomic formula.



The following computation gives the modal depth of  :


The modal depth of a formula indicates 'how far' one needs to look in a Kripke model when checking the validity of the formula. For each modal operator, one needs to transition from a world in the model to a world that is accessible through the accessibility relation. The modal depth indicates the longest 'chain' of transitions from a world to the next that is needed to verify the validity of a formula.

For example, to check whether  , one needs to check whether there exists an accessible world   for which  . If that is the case, one needs to check whether there is also a world   such that   and   is accessible from  . We have made two steps from the world   (from   to   and from   to  ) in the model to determine whether the formula holds; this is, by definition, the modal depth of that formula.

The modal depth is an upper bound (inclusive) on the number of transitions as for boxes, a modal formula is also true whenever a world has no accessible worlds (i.e.,   holds for all   in a world   when  , where   is the set of worlds and   is the accessibility relation). To check whether  , it may be needed to take two steps in the model but it could be less, depending on the structure of the model. Suppose no worlds are accessible in  ; the formula now trivially holds by the previous observation about the validity of formulas with a box as outer operator.


  1. ^ Nguyen, Linh Anh. "Constructing the Least Models for Positive Modal Logic Programs" (PDF). p. 32. Archived from the original (PDF) on January 26, 2019. Retrieved January 26, 2019.