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The following events occurred in May 1969:

May 22, 1969: Apollo 10 astronauts descend to within 10 miles (16 km) of the Moon's surface
May 9, 1969: Saint Christopher removed from Catholic saints list
Astronauts Cernan, Stafford and Young
May 15, 1969: Supreme Court Justice Abe Fortas forced to resign

May 1, 1969 (Thursday)


May 2, 1969 (Friday)


May 3, 1969 (Saturday)

  • Varahagiri Venkata Giri, more commonly known as V. V. Giri, was sworn in as the Acting President of India a few hours after the sudden death of President Zakir Husain from a heart attack. President Husain had returned to New Delhi the night before from a tour of India's eastern region and had been preparing for a scheduled checkup from his team of physicians when he was found collapsed in his room at 11:20 in the morning, and doctors were unable to resuscitate him after 40 minutes. Vice-President Giri had been in Bhopal to begin a tour of the Madhya Pradesh state. After being told the news, Giri was flown back to New Delhi and sworn into office after his arrival.[6]
  • Majestic Prince finished ahead of Arts and Letters and seven other thoroughbred horses to win the 1969 Kentucky Derby. Majestic Prince would beat Arts and Letters again to win the second stage of the American horse racing Triple Crown, the Preakness Stakes, but would sustain an injured tendon in the process. Against the advice of trainer Johnny Longden, owner Frank M. McMahon would reverse a decision to keep Majestic Prince out of the final jewel of the Triple Crown, the Belmont Stakes. This time, Majestic Prince finished second to Arts and Letters and suffered a career-ending injury.[7]
  • Italy created the world's first police division to specialize in investigating and combating crimes involving antiquities works of art. T.P.C. ("il nucleo Tutela Patrimonio Artistico, the Division for the Protection of Artistic Heritage) is a commando unit of the Carabinieri police force within the Italian Ministry of Defense.[8]
  • Died:

May 4, 1969 (Sunday)

  • James Forman, a militant black leader who had formed the National Black Economic Development Conference (NBEDC) and had issued what he called the "Black Manifesto" seeking $500,000,000 in reparations from white Christian churches and Jewish synagogues, followed through with his April 29 pledge to disrupt church services by appearing at New York City's venerable Riverside Church during interdenominational Christian services. Reverend Ernest T. Campbell signaled the organist and choir to play a recessional hymn to drown out Forman's attempt to speak while he led a walkout of the congregation.[9] Campbell would later read Forman's manifesto and preach a controversial sermon, "The Case for Restitution", though the Riverside Church would decline Forman's demands for 60 percent of the church's income from investments. At least one house of worship, the Washington Square United Methodist Church in New York's Greenwich Village, would donate $15,000 to Forman's fund.[10]
  • In a repeat of the previous season's finals, the Montreal Canadiens completed a four-game sweep of the National Hockey League's best-of-seven championship series to win the Stanley Cup. The Canadiens defeated the St. Louis Blues 2–1 before a St. Louis crowd of 16,126 fans. The Blues had taken a 1–0 lead midway through the second period, but Montreal's Harris and Ferguson scored back-to-back goals in the first three minutes of the final stanza.[11]

May 5, 1969 (Monday)


May 6, 1969 (Tuesday)

  • The United States Navy announced that it would not seek a court-martial against any of the crew of the USS Pueblo, whose crew had been held captive in North Korea for 11 months after the ship's seizure in 1968, and then were questioned in 80 days of testimony taken by the Naval Court of Inquiry in Coronado, California. U.S. Secretary of the Navy John Chafee disclosed that the court of inquiry had recommended a general court-martial against the Pueblo skipper, Commander Lloyd M. Bucher and the officer in charge of the ship's intelligence section, Lieutenant Stephen R. Harris, for allowing the ship, equipment and codebooks to fall in the hands of the enemy. Secretary Chafee said that he had overruled the recommendation because the crew of the Pueblo "have suffered long enough" and added that "I am convinced that neither individual discipline, nor the state of discipline or morale of the Navy, nor any other interest requires further legal proceedings."[13]
  • Thirty-four servicemen were killed, and 35 others injured, in the most deadly helicopter crash of the Vietnam War when the U.S. Army CH-47 Chinook helicopter experienced mechanical failure while flying near Khe Sanh. All but two of the dead were South Vietnamese Army infantrymen and officers; the other fatalities were the American helicopter crew.[14]
  • Born: Jim Magilton, midfielder for the Northern Ireland soccer football team from 1991 to 2002; in Belfast
  • Died: Don Drummond, 37, Jamaican ska trombonist; of natural causes in the Bellevue Asylum prison in Kingston

May 7, 1969 (Wednesday)


May 8, 1969 (Thursday)

  • The Sysco Corporation, the world's largest private distributor of food and related products to hospitals, schools, hotels, industrial caterers and other institutions ordering lower-cost foods in mass quantities, was founded in Texas by John F. Baugh, Herbert Irving and Harry Rosenthal.[16] Sysco is an acronym for Systems and service company.
  • The 1969 Cannes Film Festival opened.

May 9, 1969 (Friday)

  • Saint Christopher, formerly venerated in the Roman Catholic Church as the patron saint of travelers, was dropped from the Church's liturgical calendar along with more than 40 other names of people who had been designated as saints.[17] The image of St. Christopher had been on millions of medallions as a symbol of a prayer for safe travel, and the Caribbean Sea nation of Saint Kitts and Nevis commemorates his name as well. The 40 names had been dropped following research within the Vatican that concluded that the persons identified as saints had never actually existed. In addition to Christopher, Saint Susanna — for whom a Roman Catholic Church for American visitors to Rome was built — was also dropped from the list.

May 10, 1969 (Saturday)

  • "Zip to Zap", the invasion of the 339-person town of Zap, North Dakota, by more than 2,000 college students and young revelers, was brought to a quick end by the North Dakota National Guard and local law enforcement.[18] The uninvited visitors "transformed the main street of this tiny village into a shambles overnight", breaking windows, setting bonfires in the middle of the street, and destroying retail merchandise. The heaviest damage was to Zap's two beer taverns, "Lucky's Bar" (whose owner had stocked a side room with 10,000 cases of beer "in anticipation of the revelry" and had "left some young employees in charge") and "Paul's Bar". The event had started as a joke in the student newspaper at North Dakota State University, which suggested that students could come to the "Fort Lauderdale of the North" for a celebration. Village Mayor Norman Fuchs had endorsed the idea in a letter to several of the state's colleges, welcoming students to "good, clean, beer-bust, food-munching, tear-jerking, rib-ticklin' fun."[19]
  • The Battle of Hamburger Hill, which would prove to be the most costly U.S. offensive of the Vietnam War (with 72 Americans killed, seven MIA and more than 400 wounded) began as an air strike during Operation Apache Snow. Major General Melvin Zais ordered a U.S. Army jet and helicopter assault against North Vietnamese artillery on Hill 937 of the South Vietnamese mountain range of Dong Ap Bia, and paratroopers from the 101st Airborne Division were sent in the next day.[20]
  • Born: Dennis Bergkamp, Netherlands soccer football forward for Ajax Amsterdam, Inter Milan and Arsenal F.C. (1986 to 2006), as well as the Dutch National Team; in Amsterdam

May 11, 1969 (Sunday)


May 12, 1969 (Monday)


May 13, 1969 (Tuesday)


May 14, 1969 (Wednesday)

A 1969 Corvair

May 15, 1969 (Thursday)

USS Guitarro
  • The American nuclear submarine USS Guitarro (SSN-665) became stuck in the bottom of California's Napa River. Damages of over 15 million dollars, made by mistakes by two construction crews, had caused the submarine to take on water.[35] Before the vessel could be raised, a U.S. Navy salvage team had to pump out 1,300 tons (1,200 metric tons) of seawater without letting the Guitarro roll over. About 10 feet (3.0 m) of the submarine's conning tower remained above water; Rear Admiral Norbert Frankenberger commented that "The sub's nuclear reactor was not aboard, thank God."[36] The accident was traced by a Congressional investigation to a lack of communication between two civilian construction groups, with neither group aware of what the other one was doing, and both filling ballast tanks at opposite ends of the sub with water as part of calibrating instruments. The front of the submarine dipped low enough that water began pouring into an open hatch while the crew at the front was away for a 30-minute dinner break. Because of the number of cables and lines running through openings, responders were unable to seal the sub's watertight doors and hatches as water poured in.[37] Not including the cost of refloating, the cost of repairing and replacing damaged equipment and electronics was estimated at between $15,200,000 and $21,850,000 in 1969,[37] equivalent to between $105 million and $150 million in 2018.[38] The Guitarro would be commissioned in 1972 and would serve the U.S. Navy until 1992.
  • Abe Fortas became the first U.S. Supreme Court justice to resign as the result of a scandal. In 1966, while serving on the Court, Fortas entered into an agreement with a charitable foundation funded by financier Louis Wolfson, which contemplated that Fortas would receive $20,000 per year for life for services. The story of the pact with the Wolson Family Foundation — and Fortas's acceptance of a $20,000 payment — was revealed on May 4 by Life magazine. After the news was removed, Fortas informed Chief Justice Earl Warren of the details of the arrangement.[39] The seat vacated by Fortas would remain empty for the entire 1969–70 U.S. Supreme Court term, until filled after 389 days by Justice Harry Blackmun on June 9, 1970. The U.S. Supreme Court vacancy would remain a record until 2017, when Neil Gorsuch's succession to the seat of Antonin Scalia following a 422-day vacancy.[40]
  • Robert Rayford, a 16-year-old black American teenager identified years later as "Robert R.", died at the Washington University medical center in St. Louis, Missouri, of complications from a baffling medical condition that caused lesions of Kaposi's sarcoma. In 1986, after the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) had been found to be the cause of AIDS, Robert R.'s tissue samples would be examined and found to have had the antibodies to HIV and the P24 antigen, making Robert R. the earliest confirmed case of AIDS in America.[41]
  • Born: Emmitt Smith, American NFL running back primarily for the Dallas Cowboys, College Football and Pro Football Hall of Fame inductee, and the NFL record holder for most yards (18,355) in a career; in Pensacola, Florida
  • Died: Joe Malone, 79, Hockey Hall of Fame inductee who holds the standing record for most goals scored in a National Hockey League game, with 7 for the Quebec Bulldogs on January 31, 1920.

May 16, 1969 (Friday)

Venera 5
Venera 6
  • Venera 5, a Soviet Union space probe launched on January 5, landed on Venus but ceased transmitting data back to Earth after 43 minutes of its descent through the Venusian atmosphere.[42] It entered the atmosphere of Venus at 6:01 UTC and ceased transmission a 6:44 UTC.[43]
  • Born:

May 17, 1969 (Saturday)

  • The Soviet probe Venera 6, launched five days after Venera 5, arrived after its predecessor and began to descend into Venus' atmosphere at 6:05 UTC. It transmitted atmospheric data for 51 minutes, ending at 6:56 UTC, before being crushed by pressure.[43]

May 18, 1969 (Sunday)

May 18, 1969: Launch of Apollo 10
  • At 12:49 in the afternoon local time, Apollo 10 was launched from Cape Kennedy for what the Associated Press called "a dress rehearsal of a lunar landing mission" with the crew detaching the Apollo Lunar Module from the lunar orbiter and descending (but not actually landing) on the Moon's surface. After the ship made two orbits of the Earth, the engines were fired for the trip to the Moon at 20,000 miles per hour (32,000 km/h). When the ship was 23,000 miles (37,000 km) from Earth, the astronauts turned the camera toward the planet below to show television viewers on Earth "its first color portrait" to be seen live.[44] Tom Stafford, Gene Cernan, and John Young were scheduled to orbit the Moon, with the most critical portion being Stafford and Cernan taking photos of "Apollo site two", within the Sea of Tranquility, from low altitude in order to prepare for the safe landing of the Apollo 11 module.
  • Diane Toney became the first of three young girls in Connecticut to be kidnapped and murdered in the same fashion in a 13-day period. Diane, age 11, vanished from her neighborhood in New Haven after going to watch a parade. On May 27, 10-year-old Mary Mount failed to return home from playing in a park near her home in New Canaan, 35 miles (56 km) west of New Haven. Three days later, 14-year-old Dawn Cave vanished after walking away from her home in Bethany, about 10 miles (16 km) north of New Haven. The bodies of all three girls would be found later in the summer, all with fractured skulls.[45][46] No person would ever be charged with the murders, although police would question another Connecticut individual who would be convicted of the killing in August 1970 of three young people with intellectual disabilities in New Haven in similar fashion.[47]
  • Born: Martika (Marta Marrero), American singer and actress; in Whittier, California

May 19, 1969 (Monday)

  • The name "Hamburger Hill" first appeared in the American press descriptions of "Hill 937" of the Dong Ap Bia range, as the number of American combat deaths since May 10 at A Shau Valley exceeded 50 for the first time. South Vietnamese troops had been sent in to reinforce the U.S. 101st Airborne Division, but the North Vietnamese Army had resisted more than a week of attacks and had refused to yield the hill.[48][49]
  • The English rock band The Who released the first popular studio album to be promoted as a "rock opera", Tommy, through Decca Records.[50] Guitarist Pete Townshend created the backstory (described in the release) and composed the songs that furthered the plot.[51]

May 20, 1969 (Tuesday)

  • A force of 1,800 U.S. and South Vietnamese troops captured "Hamburger Hill" on their 12th attempt to charge up the 3,000-foot (910 m) high slopes of Hill 937 to dislodge North Vietnamese troops.[52] With more than 50 Americans killed and 410 wounded in a fight for a hill that Major General Zais acknowledged "has no tactical significance", the White House soon came under heavy criticism from Congress.[53] However, Lt. Col Weldon Honeycutt, commander of the battalion explained that the hill needed to be taken as it overlooks a good deal of the A Shau Valley, which was a major supply and staging area for the North Vietnamese.[54] Further evidence of the importance of the Mountain and the necessity to capture it came from U.S. intelligence officers who identified the area as being the headquarters of the 29th North Vietnamese Regiment.[55]
  • A California National Guard helicopter, called to respond to the sixth day of anti-war protests at the University of California Berkeley, sprayed "heavy clouds" of tear gas on the crowd, an action not previously taken in the state for control of protesters.[56] Governor Ronald Reagan conceded the next day that a helicopter spraying tear gas to clear crowds might have been "a tactical mistake," but added that "once the dogs of war are unleashed, you must expect things will happen, and people being human will make mistakes on both sides."[57]

May 21, 1969 (Wednesday)

U.S. Chief Justices Earl Warren and Warren Burger

May 22, 1969 (Thursday)

  • Apollo 10's lunar module, designated as Snoopy, separated from the lunar orbiter with USAF Colonel Tom Stafford and U.S. Navy Commander Gene Cernan firing the descent engines to make the closest approach up to that time to the Moon, coming within 15,400 metres (50,500 ft) (about 9.6 miles) of the Moon's surface, reaching its lowest altitude at 2130:43 UTC (4:30 in the afternoon EST).[62] For eight hours, the module and the orbiter (designated Charlie Brown) were separated. At one point during the second low pass over the Moon, the module began rolling and Cernan was heard to say on live television "Son of a bitch!" before getting the vehicle back under control.[63][64]

May 23, 1969 (Friday)

  • A U.S. Air Force mechanic stole a C-130 Hercules from RAF Mildenhall in England and flew the $2,200,000 cargo plane past the Isle of Wight in an apparent attempt to return to his home at Langley Air Force Base in the United States. Sergeant Paul A. Meyer, a decorated Vietnam War veteran, requested that the Air Force set up a telephone hookup to his wife in Virginia and refused to speak directly to anyone else. After a 2-hour flight, Sgt. Meyer told his wife that he had trouble with the automatic pilot, and the aircraft was presumed lost at sea.[65] The wreckage would be discovered days later in the English Channel, and on June 11, American investigators would advance the theory than Meyer's aberrant behavior might have been the result of a chemical interaction between antidepressant drugs that had been prescribed to him, in combination with scotch whiskey and amines within English cheddar cheese, which he had been seen to consume at a party a few hours before stealing the plane.[66]
  • Responding to George Mueller's request for opinions, Manned Space Flight Centers Director Wernher von Braun recommended that the proposed Skylab orbiting space station use the "dry workshop" stage of the Saturn V launch vehicle rather than the Saturn IB's second stage, citing the Saturn V's "real and solid" advantages without any attendant program perturbations. Von Braun described an "organic and logical step for gaining experience" in long-duration flight and said it would "allow us to qualify subsystems for the full-fledged space station/space base." MSC Director Robert R. Gilruth concurred on May 26.[60]
  • Died: Jimmy McHugh, 74, American songwriter and composer of the melodies of over 500 songs

May 24, 1969 (Saturday)

  • A stuntman was killed in the filming of the West German action movie Cardillac while standing in for Gunter Sachs, a director who had a part in the film as well. Johann Tharaldsen, a 23-year old skier from Norway, was carrying out a scene where Sachs's character, Kunstsammler, was to speed down a mountain trail, "leap into space, shed his skis and parachute 1,200 feet into the valley" below the Italian Alps town of Canazei. However, Tharaldsen lost his balance, was unable to shed his skis or open his parachute, and plunged to his death.[67]
  • Died: Mitzi Green (Elizabeth Keno), 48, American child film actress and later a Broadway singer, died of cancer.

May 25, 1969 (Sunday)


May 26, 1969 (Monday)

  • Apollo 10 returned to Earth, after a successful 8-day test of all the components needed for the upcoming first crewed Moon landing. The aircraft carrier USS Princeton was within 3 miles (4.8 km) of the splashdown target in the South Pacific and recovered the capsule. The three astronauts — Cernan, Stafford and Young — were the first to have returned from space clean-shaven after demonstrating that they could use an ordinary razor and cream without the danger of hair bristles floating in the cabin.[70]
  • The Andean Pact (Andean Group), a South American free trade area, was established.
  • Born: Siri Lindley, American triathlete; in Greenwich, Connecticut

May 27, 1969 (Tuesday)

  • Los Angeles Mayor Sam Yorty won a runoff election in an upset victory over Tom Bradley, despite having finished a distant second in the April 1 voting.[71] Black city councilman Bradley afterwards accused Yorty, who was white, of having made a "blatant appeal to racial prejudice and the kind of fears that were being fanned by the Yorty camp". Among other statements, Yorty had charged that Bradley had surrounded himself with black militants.[72] Neither Yorty nor Bradley, both Democrats, had won a majority of the vote in April when they had been part of a field of four major candidates (and 10 minor ones), but Bradley had finished more than 110,000 votes ahead of Yorty.[73]
  • Died:
    • Jeffrey Hunter (Henry McKinnies, Jr.), 42, American film and television actor who portrayed Jesus in the 1961 film King of Kings, starred in the title role of the 1963 TV western Temple Houston, and was the original choice for the lead role in Star Trek, died from an intracranial hemorrhage and skull fracture related to injuries six months earlier.
    • Fodeba Keita, 48, former Minister of Defense for the Republic of Guinea, along with 11 other individuals who were executed for their roles in a failed plot to overthrow the government of Guinean dictator Sekou Toure.
    • Muhammad Fareed Didi, 68, the last Sultan of Maldives until the monarchy was abolished in 1968

May 28, 1969 (Wednesday)


May 29, 1969 (Thursday)

  • El Cordobazo, a general strike by the General Confederation of Labor began in Córdoba in Argentina, with protests that led to rioting. Four civilians were killed in the first day of violence. The next day, Argentine Army troops opened fire on 1,000 workers and students, wounding an undetermined number of them.[76] When El Cordobazo ended, most of the 3,000 Argentine troops in the city were pulled out on June 2. The final official death toll was 14 people killed, 100 injured and $14,000,000 in property damage.[77]

May 30, 1969 (Friday)

  • Mario Andretti won his first and only Indianapolis 500 race, becoming the first race car driver to win both the premier American races for Formula One cars and for NASCAR stock cars. Andretti had previously won the 1967 Daytona 500. Andretti, who had sustained facial burns in a crash during practice runs on May 21, set a new Indy record with an average speed of 156.867 miles per hour (252.453 km/h) to complete the race in 3 hours and 11 minutes.[78]
  • Riots in Curaçao marked the start of an Afro-Caribbean civil rights movement on the island in the Netherlands Antilles. About 5,000 oil refinery workers went on strike and then began setting fires and looting stores in Willemstad. As many as 90 percent of the island's population was black, while the Netherlands colonial administrators and corporate officers were white.[79]

May 31, 1969 (Saturday)

  • The tightening Soviet Union grip on Czechoslovakia continued with the announcement by KSČ General Secretary Gustáv Husák of the removal of eight liberal members of the Communist Party's Central Committee. Among the more prominent members removed were economist Ota Šik and National Front leader František Kriegel, one of two Central Committee members who had voted against the October 18 treaty permitting occupation of Czechoslovakia by Soviet troops.[80]


  1. ^ "Unknown Voted PM In Ulster". Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. May 2, 1969. p. 2.
  2. ^ "Queen Elizabeth 2 Departs England On Maiden Voyage". Newport Daily News. Newport, Rhode Island. May 2, 1969. p. 1.
  3. ^ "Satellites Guide New Ocean Liner". Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. May 7, 1969. p. 8.
  4. ^ "Elizabeth 2 Makes Big Splash in Our Harbor". New York Daily News. May 8, 1969. p. 5.
  5. ^ "Last Episode for Gomer Pyle". TV Time Previews. St. Joseph News-Press. St. Joseph, Missouri. May 2, 1969.
  6. ^ "NATION MOURNS Dr. HUSAIN— Sudden end after heart attack". The Sunday Standard. Madras. May 4, 1969. p. 1 – via Google News.
  7. ^ Reesjrees, Jennie (January 27, 2015). "Derby countdown: Majestic Prince, 1969". The Courier-Journal.
  8. ^ Rush, Laurie; Millington, Luisa Benedettini (2015). The Carabinieri Command for the Protection of Cultural Property: Saving the World's Heritage. Boydell Press. p. 7.
  9. ^ "Negro Leader Upsets Church With Demands". Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. May 5, 1969. p. 1.
  10. ^ "N.Y. Church Pays $15,000 to Forman". Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. July 7, 1969. p. 6.
  11. ^ Jordan, Jimmy (May 5, 1969). "Canadiens Make Playoff Sweep". Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. p. 38.
  12. ^ "'Old Pro' Celtics Win NBA Title, 108-106". Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. May 6, 1969. p. 28.
  13. ^ Beecher, William (May 7, 1969). "Naval Trials Ruled Out In Pueblo Case". Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. p. 1.
  14. ^ "'Worst' Viet Copter Crash Costs 34 Lives". Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. May 7, 1969. p. 1.
  15. ^ "Mikan Flubs, Oaks Don't— Beat Pacers for ABA Title". San Francisco Examiner. May 8, 1969. p. 55.
  16. ^ "Sysco Corp (SYY)". Reuters.com.
  17. ^ "40 Saints Dropped By Catholic Church". Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. May 10, 1969. p. 1.
  18. ^ "3,000 revelers 'zap' North Dakota hamlet". Honolulu Star-Bulletin. May 10, 1969. p. 1.
  19. ^ Feinstein, Larry (May 9, 1969). "High Jinks Old Hat For Residents of Zap". Bismarck Tribune. Bismarck, North Dakota. p. 1.
  20. ^ "Jets Strip Mountain Held by Foe". Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. May 17, 1969. p. 5.
  21. ^ "Nuclear Fire Cost Millions". Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. May 16, 1969. p. 2.
  22. ^ Mpulo, Nontsikelelo. "'I don't bear any grudges, even against my torturers' – Winnie Madikizela-Mandela in 2013 interview". News24.com.
  23. ^ White, W. C.; et al. (1970). "Project Gulf Q: A Study of Maritime Cumulus Modification" (PDF). Naval Weapons Center – via The Black Vault.
  24. ^ "You Can Vote, Gals!". Orlando Evening Star. May 13, 1969. p. 1.
  25. ^ "19th Amendment By State". National Park Service.
  26. ^ "Pilot-Hero Killed in Crash". Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. May 14, 1969. p. 1.
  27. ^ "Malaysia Strife Laid to Reds". Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. May 16, 1969. p. 2.
  28. ^ "Last Corvair Is Assembled With Tender, Loving Care". Detroit Free Press. May 15, 1969. p. 1.
  29. ^ "May 14, 2015: Chevrolet Corvair Appreciation Day", proclamation of Michigan Governor Rick Snyder
  30. ^ "Abortion Clause Intact As Omnibus Bill Passes". Ottawa Journal. May 15, 1969. p. 17.
  31. ^ "1969 Abortion Law". PetitionOfOneMillion.ca.
  32. ^ "Royal assent given 12 bills in Senate". Ottawa Citizen. June 28, 1969. p. 20.
  33. ^ "Criminal Code Bill Passes In Commons". Nanaimo Daily News. Nanaimo, British Columbia. May 15, 1969. p. 2.
  34. ^ Price, Carolyn E. (May 14, 2009). "Legacy of Bill C-150 in Canada 40 Years Later"". DigitalJournal.com.
  35. ^ "Sub Sinks In Napa River". Santa Cruz Sentinel. Santa Cruz, California. May 16, 1969. p. 1.
  36. ^ "Salvage Experts Prepare to Raise Sub Sunk at Pier". Philadelphia Daily News. May 17, 1969. p. 5.
  37. ^ a b U.S. Representative Samuel S. Stratton (June 30, 1969). "Sinking of USS Guitarro (SSN-665)".
  38. ^ CPI Inflation Calculator, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
  39. ^ "Fortas Resigns From High Court". Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. May 16, 1969. p. 1.
  40. ^ "Neil Gorsuch Confirmation Sets Record For Longest Vacancy on 9-Member Supreme Court". TIME. April 7, 2017.[dead link]
  41. ^ Richards, Matt; Langthorne, Mark (2016). Somebody to Love: The Life, Death and Legacy of Freddie Mercury. Simon and Schuster. pp. 30–31.
  42. ^ "Soviet Venus Ship's Signals Conk Out". Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. May 17, 1969. p. 3.
  43. ^ a b "Venera 5". NASA Space Science Data Coordinated Archive. Retrieved 13 August 2019. Cite error: The named reference "nssdc" was defined multiple times with different content (see the help page).
  44. ^ "Apollo 10 Zooms On Way to Moon, Launch Flawless". Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. May 19, 1969. p. 1.
  45. ^ "Missing Girl Feared Linked With 2 Killed". Hartford Courant. Hartford, Connecticut. July 16, 1969. p. 19.
  46. ^ "Search for Clues Goes on in Death of Jennifer Noon, 5". New York Daily News. December 19, 1970. p. 7C.
  47. ^ "4 Deaths: A Trail Left Cold". Hartford Courant. Hartford, Connecticut. April 2, 2000.
  48. ^ "HAMBURGER HILL FIGHT RAGES— Allied Troops Reinforce Paratroopers". El Paso Herald Post. El Paso, Texas. May 19, 1969. p. 1.
  49. ^ "RED FIRE STOPS GIs IN ASSAULT ON HILL— Battle Rages For Key Peak In A Shau". Pittsburgh Press. May 19, 1969. p. 1.
  50. ^ Neill, Andy; Kent, Matt (2002). Anywhere Anyhow Anywhere: The Complete Chronicle of The Who. Virgin Books. p. 232.
  51. ^ "Who's Peter Townshend Explains Their 'Tommy'". Detroit Free Press. May 23, 1969. p. 8-D.
  52. ^ "Allies Take Hamburger Hill". Pittsburgh Press. May 20, 1969. p. 1.
  53. ^ "Battle Shifts To U.S.: Did We Need Hamburger Hill?". Pittsburgh Press. May 25, 1969. p. 1.
  54. ^ "B-52s Pound Enemy Bunkers On Mountain". The Blade. May 19, 1969. p. 1. Retrieved December 19, 2022 – via Google News.
  55. ^ "Red Mountain Fortress Seized By Allied Force After 10 Days Of Battle". The Blade. May 20, 1969. p. 1. Retrieved December 19, 2022 – via Google News.
  56. ^ Hager, Philip (May 21, 1969). "Guard Copter Sprays Tear Gas on Crowd at UC; 51 Arrested". Pittsburgh Press. p. I-1.
  57. ^ "Governor, Profs In Yelling Match". The Register (Santa Ana CA). May 22, 1969. p. A1.
  58. ^ "Burger Is Picked For Chief Justice— Nixon Names Obscure U.S. Judge for Post". Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. May 22, 1969. p. 1.
  59. ^ "Yacht Racer Rescued at Sea". Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. May 23, 1969. p. 3.
  60. ^ a b   This article incorporates text from this source, which is in the public domain. Brooks, Courtney G.; Ertel, Ivan D.; Newkirk, Roland W. "PART II: Apollo Application Program -January 1969 to February 1970.". SKYLAB: A CHRONOLOGY. NASA Special Publication-4011. NASA. pp. 160–162. Retrieved 12 May 2023.
  61. ^ "Irish President Dissolves Dail". Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. May 22, 1969. p. 2.
  62. ^ "Apollo 10 Timeline". NASA.
  63. ^ "Astronauts Safe In Mother Ship". Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. May 23, 1969. p. 1.
  64. ^ "Two Safe On Command Ship After Wild Snoopy Tumble". Pittsburgh Press. May 23, 1969. p. 1.
  65. ^ "Air Force Mechanic Steals Plane, Lost Over Ocean". Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. May 24, 1969. p. 2.
  66. ^ "Cheese may have touched off airman's fatal plane flight". Ottawa Citizen. Reuters. June 12, 1969. p. 4.
  67. ^ "Brigite Bardot Mate's Stand-In Dies in Film Stunt". Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. May 27, 1969. p. 1.
  68. ^ "Sudanese Army Seizes Control". Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. May 26, 1969. p. 1.
  69. ^ "Heyerdahl's Boat Sails for Mexico". Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. May 26, 1969. p. 2.
  70. ^ "Apollo 10's Flight Clears Way For Landing on Moon— Fresh-Shaven Astronauts Complete 700,000-Mile Voyage in Space With Perfect Splashdown in South Pacific". Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. May 27, 1969. p. 1.
  71. ^ Bergholz, Richard (May 28, 1969). "YORTY REELECTED— Powers Way to Upset Victory". Los Angeles Times. p. 1.
  72. ^ "'Symbol' Yorty Wins 3rd Term— Bradley Blames Racial Prejudices In Runoff Defeat". Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. May 29, 1969. p. 2 – via Google News.
  73. ^ Bergholz, Richard (April 2, 1969). "Bradley 41% and Yorty 27%; Meet in Runoff Next Month". Los Angeles Times. p. 1.
  74. ^ "Milan's Cup— so easily". The Guardian. Manchester. May 29, 1969. p. 20.
  75. ^ "Blast Kills 20". Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. May 29, 1969. p. 2.
  76. ^ "Argentine Troops Fire On Crowd". Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. May 31, 1969. p. 2.
  77. ^ "Troops Remain On Cordoba Edge". Indianapolis Star. June 3, 1969. p. 3.
  78. ^ "Andretti Wins Indianapolis 500 Race". Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. May 31, 1969. p. 8.
  79. ^ "Strikers Loot In Curacao". Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. May 31, 1969. p. 3.
  80. ^ "Liberals Ousted In Czech Purge". Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. June 1, 1969. p. 4.