Mauro Afro Borella (born 1956) is an Italian architect and professor at Albertina Academy of Turin. He is one of the member of the Empathic Movement (Empathism).



Borella was born in Milan, graduated in architecture at the Politecnico di Milano, has carried out a professional activity in design, architecture and art since 1979. He has been teaching design at the Polytechnic of Milan and at the Brera Academy. He is Full professor in Elements of Architecture and Urban Planning and in History of Architecture at the Albertina Academy in Turin. As a Visiting Professor he gave lessons in several European universities: Madrid, Barcelona, Porto, Krakow, Budapest, Murcia, Granada, Malaga. He wrote articles, texts and essays on design, architecture and art, organizes or coordinates events. He is a member of the ADI National Council (Association for Industrial Design). One of his projects, "Probo Viro", was selected for the Compasso d'Oro 2019.[1] Winner of the Lombardy Region Excellence Award - ADI for Design 2019 and of the CECart award for design and architecture 2019. Since 2020 he adhered to Empathism.[2] About the movement he wrote the article "Scuola empatica: genesi e sviluppo di una nuova corrente artistico-letteraria" on the literary magazine ClanDestino.[3] Since 2024 he is one of the members of the Cilento International Poetry Prize commission.[4]


  1. ^ "ORCID".
  2. ^ "I cento della "Scuola Empatica", nuovo Movimento per le Arti, fondato da Menotti Lerro. Un libro con il Manifesto e le testimonianze".
  3. ^ Clandestino, Rivista (January 9, 2021). "Scuola empatica: genesi e sviluppo". ClanDestino - Rivista.
  4. ^ "Commissione Premio Internazionale Cilento Poesia 2024, di Menotti Lerro [ Articolo, Letteratura ] ::".