In the Lutheran Church, Matins is a morning-time liturgical order combining features that were found in the Medieval orders of Matins, Lauds, and Prime. Lutherans generally retained the Order of Matins for use in schools and in larger city parishes throughout the 16th and 17th centuries. In some places, Matins continued to be sung in Latin still longer. For example, at the close of the eighteenth century in Leipzig, one historian records that "every Sunday and festival day the canonical hours taken over from the Roman Catholic Church are still being chanted before [the chief service] at 6:30 am."[1] The orders experienced a revival in the Confessional Renewal that took place in the 19th century, and now have a stable place in modern Lutheran liturgical books.

Representative examples


A few examples of Matins in the Lutheran Church can be found below. The first column contains the Offices of Matins, Lauds, and Prime as found in the pre-Reformation breviary from the Archdiocese of Magdeburg. The second column provides the Office of Matins from the Lutheran Cathedral of Havelberg, a suffragan of Magdeburg, as found in the 1589 Vesperale of Matthäus Ludecus, dean of the Havelberg Cathedral. The third column provides Matins as it was sung in the Lutheran Cathedral of Magdeburg in 1613, precisely one century after the pre-Reformation breviary in the first column. The final column contains the Order of Matins as found in the 1941 Lutheran Hymnal of the Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod. Along with the outline of the office itself, the various propers for Matins of the First Sunday in Advent are also included.

Magdeburg Breviary (1513) Vesperale (Havelberg, 1589) Cantica Sacra (Magdeburg, 1613) The Lutheran Hymnal (LCMS, 1941)
Matins Matins Matins Matins
Domine labia mea aperies Domine labia mea aperies Domine labia mea aperies "O Lord, open Thou my lips"
Deus in adiutorium meum intende Deus in adiutorium meum intende Deus in adiutorium meum intende "Make haste, O God, to deliver me"
Gloria Patri Gloria Patri Gloria Patri Glory be to the Father...
Alleluia Alleluia Alleluia Alleluia

Advent I:

  • Ecce venit rex
Invitatory Invitatory

Advent I:

  • Ecce venit rex

Advent I:

  • "Behold, the King cometh..."
Venite Venite Venite Venite
First Nocturne
Psalmody Psalmody Psalmody Psalmody - "One or more psalms shall be said or chanted"

Advent I: Unspecified


Advent I:

  • V: Egredietur virga de radice Iesse
  • R: Et flos de radice eius ascendet
First Lection

Advent I:

  • Visio Esaie, filii Amos... (Isaiah 1:1-3)
Lections Three Lections on Feasts and Sundays, one on Ferias

Advent I:

  • Visio Esaie, filii Amos... (Isaiah 1:1-15)
Lections - one or more
Responsory (common, seasonal, or proper to a certain Sunday or feast)

Advent I:

  • Aspiciens a longe
Responsory (common, seasonal, or proper to a certain Sunday or feast)

Advent I:

  • Ecce dies venerunt
Three Responsories on Sundays and Feasts, one on Ferias (common, seasonal, or proper to a certain Sunday or feast)

Advent I:

  • Aspiciens a longe
Responsory (common, seasonal, or proper to a certain Sunday or feast)

Advent I:

  • "Behold, the days come, saith the Lord..."
Second Lection

Advent I:

  • Ve genti peccatrici (Isaiah 1:4-6)
Second Lection

Advent I:

  • Lavamini, mundi estote... (Isaiah 1:16-31)

Advent I:

  • Aspiciebam in visu noctis

Advent I:

  • Aspiciebam in visu noctis
Third Lection

Advent I:

  • Terra vestra deserta (Isaiah 1:7-9)
Third Lection

Advent I:

  • Et cum appropinquasset... (Matthew 21:1-9)

Advent I:

  • Missus est Gabriel angelus

Advent I:

  • Missus est Gabriel angelus
Second Nocturne
Psalmody Psalmody

Advent I:

  • V: Egredietur Dominus de loco sancto suo
  • R: Veniet ut salvum faciat populum suum
Fourth Lection

Advent I:

  • Audite verbum Domini (Isaiah 1:10-13a)

Advent I:

  • Ave Maria gratia plena
Fifth Lection

Advent I:

  • Incensum abhominatio est mihi (Isaiah 1:13b-15)

Advent I:

  • Salvatorem expectamus
Sixth Lection

Advent I:

  • Levamini mundi estote (Isaiah 1:16-18)

Advent I:

  • Audite verbum Domini gentes
Third Nocturne
Psalmody Psalmody

Advent I:

  • V: Ex Syon species decoris eius
  • R: Deus noste manifeste veniet
Seventh Lection

Advent I:

  • Cum appropinquasset Iesus (Matthew 21:1-9a)
See Third Lection

Advent I:

  • Puto res ipsa exigit ut queramus... (Pseudo-Chrysostom, Opus Imperfectum in Matthaeum, Homily 37)

Advent I:

  • Ecce virgo concipiet
Eighth Lection

Advent I:

  • Ideo ergo cum tanta (Opus Imperfectum in Matthaeum, Homily 37)

Advent I:

  • Obsecro Domine mitte quem missurus
Ninth Lection

Advent I:

  • Quando Iudei voluerunt Christum (Opus Imperfectum in Matthaeum, Homily 37)

Advent I:

  • Letentur celi et exultet terra
Sermon (optional)
Te Deum
  • Not said in Advent
Te Deum Te Deum Te Deum or Benedictus
Dominus vobiscum and Oremus


Advent I:

  • Excita quesumus Domine

Dominus vobiscum

Benedicamus Domino

Lauds Lauds Lauds
Psalmody Psalmody Psalmody
Hymn (seasonal, common, or proper)

Advent I:

Hymn (seasonal, common, or proper)

Advent I:


Advent I:

  • Scientes quia hora est (Romans 13:11)
Chapter (German version of what was read in Matins)

Advent I:

  • Da sie nun nahe... (Matthew 21:1-9)
Versicle and response (seasonal, common, or proper)

Advent I:

  • V: Vox clamantis in deserto parate viam Domino
  • R: Rectas facite semitas Dei nostri
Benedictus with antiphon (usually proper, frequently taken from Gospel at Mass)
  • Antiphon for Advent I: Spiritus sanctus in te descendit Maria
Benedictus with antiphon Benedictus with antiphon (usually proper, frequently taken from Gospel at Mass)
  • Antiphon for Advent I: Spiritus sanctus in te descendet Maria

Advent I:

  • V: Ex Syon species decoris eius
  • R: Deus noste manifeste veniet

Advent I:

  • Excita quesumus Domine

Advent I:

  • Excita quesumus Domine
Prime Prime Prime
Hymn - Nocte surgentes Hymn - Jam lucis orto sydere
Psalmody Psalmody
  • Domine miserere nostri... (Isaiah 33:2)
  • Christe fili Dei vivi
  • Christe fili Dei vivi
Ninefold Kyrie Threefold Kyrie
Pater noster "Our Father..."
Preces Optional suffrages
Dominus vobiscum and Oremus Dominus vobiscum and Oremus "The Lord be with you"
Collect - Domine sancte Pater omnipotens... Collects

Collect for Grace: "O Lord, our heavenly Father..."

Collect - Actiones nostras...
Collect - Sancta Maria mater Domini...
Deus in adiutorium meum intende (x3)
Gloria Patri
Threefold Kyrie
Pater noster
Versicles (Psalm 90:16-17)
Dirigere et sanctificare...
Dominus vobiscum Dominus vobiscum
Benedicamus Domino Benedicamus Domino Benedicamus Domino "Bless we the Lord."


  1. ^ Leonhardi, p. 416; cited in Stiller, p. 49


  • Leonhardi, F. G. (1799). Geschichte und Beschreibung der Kreis- und Handelsstadt Leipzig nebst der umliegenden Gegend. Leipzig.
  • Stiller, Günther (1984). Leaver, Robin A. (ed.). Johann Sebastian Bach and Liturgical Life in Leipzig. Translated by Bouman, Herbert J. A.; Poellot, Daniel F.; Oswald, Hilton C. St. Louis: Concordia Publishing House. ISBN 0-570-01320-8.
  • Breviarum Magdeburgense. Magdeburg. 1513.
  • Ludecus, Matthäus (1589). Vesperale et Matutinale, hoc est cantica, hymni, et collectæ, sive precationes ecclesiasticæ, quæ in Primus et Secundis Vesperis, itemque Matutinis precibus, per totius anni circulum, in Ecclesiis et religiosis piorum congressibus cantari usitate solent, notis rite applicatæ, et in duas partes ordine digestæ a Matthaeo Ludeco, Ecclesiæ Cathedralis Havelbergensis Decano. Havelberg.
  • Cantica Sacra, Quo ordine et melodiis, per totius anni curriculum, in Matutinis et Vespertinis, itemque; Intermediis precibus cantari solent, una cum lectionibus et precationibus in unum volumen congesta pro S. Metropolitana Magdeburgensi Ecclesia. Magdeburg: Andreas Bezelius (Petzel). 1613.
  • The Evangelical Lutheran Synodical Conference of North America (1941). Polack, W. G. (ed.). The Lutheran Hymnal. St. Louis: Concordia Publishing House.