Lists of spelling-to-sound correspondences in Catalan

These are lists of spelling-to-sound correspondences in the Catalan language. The two main standard forms (Standard Catalan and Standard Valencian) are used as primary transcriptions norms of their respective spelling forms.

Spelling patterns and pronunciation in Catalan and Valencian

Consonants and combinations of consonant letters
Spelling Main values (IPA) Examples Other values (IPA) Examples
Cat. (IEC) Va. (AVL) Cat. (IEC) Va. (AVL)
b initially and medially (elsewhere) /b/ blau, roba /p/ Baotou
medially before a lateral /bː/ /b/ poble
medially before a nasal /mː/[a] submarins
/nː/[b] obnoxi
medially before a voiceless cons. /p/ absolut
finally cub  Ø  Ø amb
/p/ tomb
bb /bː/ abbàssida /b/ lobby
bh /b/ subhasta
bs /ps/[c] abstracte
bv /bː/[d] /bv/[e] obvietat
ç final before vowels or a voiced cons. /z/ feliçment
elsewhere /s/ açò
c before e, i ciri /t͡ʃ/ Versace
initially and medially (elsewhere) /k/ casa /t͡s/ Cao Zhi
finally rec  Ø /k/ banc
medially before a voiced cons. /ɡ/ ècdisi
medially before a nasal /ŋ/[f] cnics
cc before e, i /ks/ acc /t͡ʃ/ Gucci
*ch[1] (old form and loanwords) /k/ Lluch Alborch
/ʃ/ quiche
/x/ Bach (Ge. surname)
cch (in loanwords) Crecchio
cht (in loanwords) /t/ yacht
ck (in loanwords) /k/ hacker
cks (in loanwords) /ks/ snacks
cs dacsa
ct initially /t/ ctònic
medially /kt/ acte
cz before e, i /gz/[g] èczema
d initially and medially /d/ dolçcada /t/ Dalian
finally /t/ sord  Ø /t/ rotund
dd /dː/ adduir
dg before e, i /dʒ/ /dd͡ʒ/ pidgin /t͡ʃ/[h] bridge
elsewhere /dɡ/[i] Edgar
dh /d/ adhesiu
dj /d͡ʒ/ Django
/dʒ/ /dd͡ʒ/ adjunt
dm /dm/[j] cadmi
dn /dn/[k] adnat
ds /t͡s/[c] adscriure
dv /db/[l] /dv/[m] ludvígia
f medially before a voiced cons. /v/ hafni
elsewhere /f/ fars
ff (in loanwords) /fː/ affidavit /f/ office
fh /f/ sulfhídric
g before e, i /ʒ/ /d͡ʒ/ gens /ʃ/[n] collage
/ɡ/ bagel
initially and medially (elsewhere) /ɡ/ ganaàgab /k/ Gansu
medially before a lateral /ɡː/ /ɡ/ regla
medially and finally after i (see ig) /t͡ʃ/ mig /ɡ/ amígdala
/d͡ʒ/ migdia
finally /k/ reg  Ø /k/ sang
gg[2] before e, i /ʒː/ /d͡ʒ/ suggerir
elsewhere /ɡː/[o] burggravi /ɡ/ ziggurat
gh (in loanwords) /ɡ/ oghuz
ght (in loanwords) /t/ light
gm /ŋm/[p] estigma
gn initially /n/ gnom
medially /ŋn/[q] cigne /ɲ/ cognac
gs /ks/ regs
/t͡ʃ/[r] migs
h  Ø hivern /h/ hàmster
j /ʒ/ /d͡ʒ/ jocs /ʒ/ /j/ ja
/j/ Jotti
/x/ jota (d.)
/ʃ/ /t͡ʃ/ Rijkov
k (in loanwords) /k/ kiwi  Ø knock-out
kh (in loanwords) /x/ abkhaz /k/ kha
ks (in loanwords) /ks/ quarks
l /l/ laca /l/  Ø altre
ł (in loanwords) /w/ Wojtyła
ll[1] /ʎ/ llaccellaell /ʎ/ /l/ estrel(l)a
/l/ ballet
/lː/ allegro
ŀl[1] /lː/ ceŀla
lh /l/ alhora /lh/ coolhunter
/ʎ/ Vielha
lj /ʎʒ/ /ʎd͡ʒ/ aljub Ljubljana
m initially and finally /m/ mutem
before f or v /ɱ/ nimfatramvia (Va.)
mm[1] /mː/ immens
mn initially /n/ mnemòtic
medially /mn/ somni
Mc (in loanwords) /mək/ /mak/ McCain
mh /m/ amhàric
n initially and finally /n/ nouens
before f or v /ɱ/ ínfimcanvi (Va.)
before a labial cons. /m/ benparlat
before a palatal cons. /ɲ/ menjaàngel
before a velar cons. /ŋ/ vinclefang
nn[1] /nː/ innat /n/ sonne
ng (in loanwords) /ŋ/ víking
nh /n/ anhel /nh/ skinhead
/ɲ/ caipirinha
nj /ɲʒ/ /ɲd͡ʒ/ penjar oranje
nm /mː/ enmig
ny[1] /ɲ/ any
ñ (in loanwords) El Niño
p initially and finally /p/ pontcup  Ø /p/ camp
before a voiced cons. /b/ capgròs
before a nasal /mː/[a] /b/ capmàs
pp /pː/ proppassat /p/ hippy
ph (in compounds and classical terms) /p/ caphuitada (Va.) /f/ pholis
pn initially /n/ pneuma
medially /bn/[s] apnea
ps initially /s/ psicòleg
medially /ps/ capsa
pt initially /t/ ptilosi
medially /pt/ apte /t/ comptar
q (see qu) /k/ Qatar /t͡ʃ/ Qinghai
r initially /r/ ratolí
medially after l, n, s folro
medially (elsewhere) /ɾ/ però /r/ infraroig
 Ø[t] prendre
finally mar  Ø  Ø dimarts
/ɾ/ córrer
rr[1] /r/ marró
rh initially rhodesià
medially /ɾ/ superhome /ɾh/ rham
s initially /s/ sac /z/ Saarland (Ge.)
medially next to a cons. estimar esma
after a nasal institut trànsit
most cases between two vowels /z/ rosa /s/ contrasenya
finally /s/ dinsrepòs /ʃ/ ells
ss[1] rossa
sc[1] before e, i ascens /ʃ/ crescendo
elsewhere /sk/ escriure /ʃk/[u] visca
-scs /sks/[v] boscs
sch (in loanwords) /sk/[w] scherzo
/ʃ/ jiddisch
sh (in compounds and loanwords) /z/ deshora /ʃ/ sushi
/ʒ/[x] flashback
-st /st/ est /t/ /st/ aquest
-sts /sts/[y] gusts /ts/[y] /sts/[y] aquests
sx /(s)ʃ/ /st͡ʃ/[z] desxifrat
sz (in loanwords) /s/ Szolnok
/ʃ/ Tomasz
szcz (in loanwords) /t͡ʃ/[aa] Szczecin
t initially and medially /t/ tamís
finally sort  Ø /t/ font
tt /tː/ posttònic /t/ dittografia
tb (in loanwords) /db/[ab] futbol
tg[1] before e, i /d͡ʒ/ fetge
th (in compounds and loanwords) /t/ tothom /θ/ theta
/ð/ The Times
/th/ apartheid
ti /ti/ ties /ʃ/ National Mall (En.)
tj[1] /d͡ʒ/ mitjà
tl[1] /lː/ vetl(l)a /dl/[ac] atles
tll[1] /ʎː/ /ʎː/ /ʎ/ bitllet
tm[1] initially /m/ tmesi
medially /mː/[ad] sotmetre /dm/[j] ritme
tn[1] /nː/ cotna /dn/[k] ètnic
tch (in loanwords) /t͡ʃ/ sketch
tsch (in loanwords) kitsch
ts initially /t͡s/[ae] tsar
medially and finally potserbits
tx[1] /t͡ʃ/ cotxe
tz[1] /d͡z/ dotze /d͡z/ /z/ utilitzar
/t͡s/ hertz
tzsch (in loanwords) /t͡ʃ/ nitzsch
v initially and medially /b/[af] /v/[ag] vila /f/ von (Ge.)
finally /p/[ah] /f/[ai] salv Kíev
w (in loanwords) /w/ western /b/[af] /v/[ag] watt
/f/ Bukowski
wh (in loanwords) whisky /h/ The Who
x initially /ʃ/ /t͡ʃ/ xiular /ʃ/ Xàtiva
next to a voiceless cons. /ks/ expert
medially (elsewhere) /ɡz/ examen /ks/ fixar
medially and finally after i (see ix) /ʃ/ guix mix
/ʒ/ guix verd
finally /ks/ índex
xc before e, i excel·lent
elsewhere /(k)sk/ excavar
xh /gz/ exhaust
xs /ks/ exsudar
-xt /(k)st/ mixt
-xts /(k)sts/[aj] texts
y (in loanwords, except the digraph ny) /j/ yuppie
/i/ husky /ai̯/ bypass
yy (in loanwords) /j/ Hudaybiyya
z most cases /z/ zona /d͡z/ scherzo
/t͡s/ Zemin
finally /s/ brunz /θ/[ak] López
zz (in loanwords) /d͡z/ mezzo /z/ jacuzzi
/t͡s/ pizza /s/ jazz
zh (in loanwords) /z/ alzhèimer /d͡ʒ/ Zhou
Vowels and combinations of vowel letters
Spelling Main values (IPA) Examples Other values (IPA) Examples
Cat. (IEC) Va. (AVL) Cat. (IEC) Va. (AVL)
a, à, â stressed position /a/ /a/ arcàtompâ (Va.) /ei̯/ /ei̯/ lady
/ɔ/ yacht
unstressed position /ə/ anís, mitja /a/ allegretto
/ə/ ~ ɔ/ terradona
/e/ artista (m.)
 Ø mitja hora
/o/ Quartet (En.)
unstressed position
(in contact with rhotics)
 Ø barana /e/ software
/eə/ /ea/ Square
ä (in loanwords) /ɛ/ Händel
aa stressed position /əˈa/ /aˈa/ Isaac
unstressed position /əː/ /aː/ aalenià
ae stressed position (open) /əˈɛ/ /aˈɛ/ aeri
stressed position (closed) /əˈe/ /aˈe/ graella
unstressed position /əe/ /ae/ aeròbic /i/ reggae
/ə/ /e/ Michael
/ai̯/[al] taekwondo
/əˈe/ /aˈe/ tac
ai stressed position /ai̯/ /ai̯/ aigua /e/ affaire
/ei̯/ container
unstressed position /əi̯/ airós
stressed position /əˈi/ /aˈi/ rm
unstressed position /ə.i/ /a.i/ llat
/əˈi/ /aˈi/ ps
ao /au/ /ao/ caos
/əˈo/ /aˈo/ graons
au stressed position /au̯/ /au̯/ caus /o/ Foucault
unstressed position /əu̯/ hau Faubourg
stressed position /əˈu/ /aˈu/ tt /ɔi̯/ fräulein
unstressed position /ə.u/ /a.u/ llar
/əˈu/ /aˈu/ Es
e, é, è stressed position (open/closed) /ɛ/ densèxit /ɛ/ /e/ alè/aléquè
stressed position (closed/open) /e/ ellabé
stressed position (closed) /i/[am] reggae
unstressed position /ə/ /e/ enrere /e/ ídem
/ə/ /a/ espill
/i/ naixement
/i/ reality
 Ø fanzines
no el té
unstressed position
(in contact with rhotics)
 Ø /e/ veritat
ea stressed position /eˈa/ crear /i/ beat
/ɛ/ spread
/e(i̯)ə/ /ea/ idea /ɔ/ Sean
unstressed position /eə/ àrea /ə/ /e/ bearnesa
/eˈa/ oc
eau (in loanwords) /o/ Rousseau
ee stressed position /əˈɛ/ /eˈe/ creença
/i/ jeep
/e(i̯)ə/ /eː/ idees
unstressed position /eə/ àrees
/əː/ reeixir
ei stressed position (open/closed) /ɛi̯/ oleic /ɛi̯/ /ei̯/ remei
stressed position (closed/open) /ei̯/ /ei̯/ reina
unstressed position /əi̯/ eivissenc
stressed position (in loanwords) /ai̯/ eingang
stressed position /əˈi/ /eˈi/ obt
unstressed position /ə.i/ /e.i/ vnat
èi /ɛi̯/ plèiade
eo stressed position (open) /əˈɔ/ /eˈɔ/ beoci
stressed position (closed) /əˈo/ /eˈo/ eons
unstressed position /əu/ /eo/ teoria /eo/ vídeo
/əˈɔ/ /eˈɔ/ lic
eu stressed position (open) /ɛu̯/ peu /ɔi̯/ Bayreuth
stressed position (closed) /eu̯/ /eu̯/ seu /e/[an] amateur
unstressed position /əu̯/ europea
/əˈu/ /eˈu/ pc
i, í, ï stressed position /i/ illa, ací /ai̯/ copyright
/ɛ/[ao][ap] Rodin, birdie
unstressed position  Ø business
after vowels (hiatus) /ˈi/ naïf
after vowels (unstressed position) /i̯/ creies
ia stressed position /i̯a/ /i̯a/ iaio
unstressed position /i̯ə/ veia
ie stressed position /i̯e/ /i̯e/ veient (Cat.) /i/ briefing
unstressed position /i̯ə/ feien
ii /iː/ xiisme
/iˈi/ xta
io stressed position (open) /i̯ɔ/ iode
stressed position (closed) /i̯o/ /i̯o/ io-io
unstressed position /i̯u/ iogurt
iu /i̯u/ iuguslau
o, ó, ò stressed position (open) /ɔ/ boallò
stressed position (closed) /o/ /o/ motós /ou̯/ pincode
/u/ Guangdong
unstressed position /u/ ferro /o/ ego
/u/ cobert
/u̯/ posa-ho
/ə/ /a/ Ogariov
oa stressed position /uˈa/ /oˈa/ poal /uˈa/ Joan
/ou̯/ coach
/oə/ /oa/ quinoa /o/ snowboard
unstressed position /uə/ lloador /uə/ /ua/ Joaquim
oe stressed position (open/closed) /uˈɛ/ /oˈe/ coet
stressed position (closed) /uˈe/ poeta
unstressed position /uə/ /oe/ àloe
oi (see ix) stressed position (open) /ɔi̯/ boira /u̯a/ foie
stressed position (closed) /oi̯/ coix
unstressed position /ui̯/ joiós /uə/ /ua/ croissant
/uˈi/ /oˈi/ rns
oo /oː/ zoo /u/ zoom
/uˈo/ /oˈo/ microones
ou stressed position (open) /ɔu̯/ bou /au̯/ cloud
/ɔ/ final four
stressed position (closed) /ou̯/ /ou̯/ sou (v.) /u/ tour
/w/ ouija
unstressed position /ɵu̯/[aq] clou
u, ú, ü stressed position /u/ tu, ús /i/ business
/y/[ar] déjà vu, Müller
/a/ punk
/iu̯/ duty-free
/ɛ/[ap] return
after vowels (hiatus) /ˈu/ reüll
after vowels (unstressed position) /u̯/ creua
ua stressed position /uˈa/ suat
unstressed position /uə/ /ua/ cua
ue stressed position (open) /uˈɛ/ /uˈɛ/ duel /u/ blues
/y/[ar] fondue
stressed position (open/closed) /uˈe/ fuet
unstressed position /uə/ /ue/ duen
ui /ui̯/ /ui̯/
(in. /u̯i/)
buit /u̯ei̯/ Anhui
/uˈi/ flt
uo stressed position (open) /uˈɔ/ cuot
stressed position (closed) /uˈo/ suor
unstressed position /uː/ suo /uo/ duo
uu /uː/ lluu
Combinations of vowel and consonant letters
Spelling Main values (IPA) Examples Other values (IPA) Examples
Cat. (IEC) Va. (AVL) Cat. (IEC) Va. (AVL
aha /əː/ /aː/ bahamià /əha/ /aha/ Kalahari
ahà /əˈa/ /aˈa/ sahàric
ahe /əe/ /ae/ sahelians
/əˈe/ /aˈe/ subtrahend
ahi /əi/ /ai/ Tahi
/əˈi/ /aˈi/ ahir
ahí tahírida
aho /əˈo/ /aˈo/ Mahoma /aho/ navaho
/əu/ /ao/ mahometà
ahò /əˈɔ/ /aˈɔ/ mahònia
ahu /əu/ /au/ infrahumans
aw (in loanwords) /ɔ/ Law
ay (old form and loanwords) /ai̯/ faraday /ɛ/ /e/ Quai d'Orsay
/ei̯/ play
ci (in loanwords) /t͡ʃ/ ciao
cci (in loanwords) carpaccio
cqu (in loanwords) /k/ jacquard
dqu before e, i /tk/[as] adquirir
eha /eə/ /ea/ rehabilitar
ehe /əˈɛ/ /eˈe/ aprehendre
/əː/ /eː/ vehement
ehi /əˈi/ /eˈi/ vehicle
/əi/ /ei/ dehiscent
ehí /əˈi/ /eˈi/ aldehídic
eho /əu/ /eo/ prehomínids
ehu /eu/ sobrehu
ew (in loanwords) /iu̯/ newton /u/ crew
ey (old form and loanwords) /ei̯/ keynesià /i/ bogey
gi (in loanwords) /d͡ʒ/ adagio
ggi (in loanwords) appoggiatura
gu[1] before a, o /ɡw/ guant
before a cons. /ɡu/ agut
before e, i /ɡ/ guitza
/ɡw/ piní
iha /iə/ /ia/ polihalita /iha/ jihad
ihe /iˈɛ/ periheli
/iə/ /ie/ antiheroi
ihè /iɛ/ dihèlia
ihi /iː/ anihilar
ihí /iˈi/ polihídric
iho /iu/ /io/ antihorari
ihu /iu/ antihumitat /iu̯/ marihuana
ig[1] finally /t͡ʃ/ reig
/it͡ʃ/ mig
before a vowel or voiced cons. /d͡ʒ/ reig blanc
/id͡ʒ/ migdia
igs /t͡ʃ/[at] reigs
/it͡ʃ/[r] migs
ix[1] finally /ʃ/ /i̯ʃ/ coix
/iʃ/ guix
before a vowel or voiced cons. /ʒ/ /i̯ʒ/ coix i cec
/iʒ/ guix verd
ïx finally /iʃ/ reïx
before a vowel or voiced cons. /iʒ/ reïx
le (in loanwords) /əl/ /el/ paddle surf
oha /uə/ /oa/ cohabitar
ohà /uˈa/ /oˈa/ bohàiric
ohe /uə/ /oe/ cohesió
ohè /uɛ/ /oɛ/ bohèmia
ohi /ui/ /oi/ prohibir
ohí /uˈi/ /oˈi/ microhílids
oho /uˈɔ/ /oˈɔ/ cohort
/uː/ /oː/ cohobació
ohò /uˈɔ/ /oˈɔ/ alcohòlic
ohu /uː/ /ou/ argiŀlohumífer
ow (in loanwords) /ou̯/ flow
/au̯/ cowboy
oy (old form and loanwords) /ɔi̯/ Roy /u̯a/ Troyes
qu[1] before a, o /kw/ quan
before e, i /k/ quina
/kw/ estió


  1. ^ a b (or /b+m/, /p+m/: /bm/)
  2. ^ (or /b+n/: /bn/)
  3. ^ a b (or simply /s/)
  4. ^ (or /bv/)
  5. ^ (or /bː/)
  6. ^ (or /ɡ/)
  7. ^ (or /ks/, in Valencian)
  8. ^ (or /dʒ/)
  9. ^ (or /ɡ/, after a nasal: /ŋɡ/)
  10. ^ a b (or /mː/)
  11. ^ a b (or /nː/)
  12. ^ (or /dv/)
  13. ^ (or /db/)
  14. ^ (or /ʒ/)
  15. ^ (or simply /ɡ/, in Valencian)
  16. ^ (or /ɡm/)
  17. ^ (or /ɡn/)
  18. ^ a b (it varies with /-d͡ʒus/ and /-d͡ʒos/ (mitjos))
  19. ^ (or /nː/)
  20. ^ (or /r/)
  21. ^ (or /sk/)
  22. ^ (it varies with /-skus/ and /-skos/ (boscos))
  23. ^ (or /esk/ in loanwords with initial s+consonant)
  24. ^ (or /ʃ/)
  25. ^ a b c (it varies with /-stus/ and /-stos/ (gustos, aquestos))
  26. ^ (or /(s)ʃ/)
  27. ^ (or /ʃt͡ʃ/)
  28. ^ (or /bː/)
  29. ^ (or /lː/)
  30. ^ (or simply /m/, in Valencian)
  31. ^ (or initially /s/)
  32. ^ a b (or /v/)
  33. ^ a b (or /b/)
  34. ^ (or /f/)
  35. ^ (or /p/)
  36. ^ (it varies with /-(k)stus/ and /-(k)stos/ (textos))
  37. ^ (or /s/)
  38. ^ (or /ae/)
  39. ^ (or /ɛ/)
  40. ^ (it corresponds to French /œ/)
  41. ^ (it corresponds to French /ɛ̃/)
  42. ^ a b (it corresponds to English /ɜː/)
  43. ^ (/əu̯/, /ou̯/ or /u/)
  44. ^ a b (usually replaced with /i/ or /u/)
  45. ^ (or /kː/)
  46. ^ (it varies with /-(d͡)ʒus/ (lletjos with /d͡ʒ/, but rejos with /ʒ/) and /-d͡ʒos/ (both lletjos and rejos with /d͡ʒ/))


  1. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u "Ortografia". Gramàtica normativa valenciana. Acadèmia Valenciana de la Llengua (AVL). pp. 37–46.
  2. ^ "Dictamen, llistat 27 (grup gg)" (PDF). La veu de les ones | Butlletí electrònic de la plataforma reSOLC-mitjansCAT. Laboratori de Tecnologies Lingüístiques, Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF).

