List of nearest stars by spectral type

Below there are lists the nearest stars separated by spectral type. The scope of the list is still restricted to the main sequence spectral types: M, K, F, G, A, B and O. It may be later expanded to other types, such as S, D or C.

The Alpha Centauri star system is the closest star system to the Sun.

List of nearest M-type stars


This is a list of M-type stars within 13 light years.

Proxima Centauri is the closest M-type star to the Earth.
Name Distance (ly) Spectral type Stellar radius (R) Stellar mass (M) Apparent magnitude (V) Absolute magnitude (V) Notes
Proxima Centauri 4.24[1] M5.5Ve[1] 0.1542 ± 0.0045[2] 0.1221±0.0022[2] 10.43 – 11.1[3] 15.6[4] Also the nearest star to the Solar System.
Barnard's Star 5.96[5] M4.0V[6] 0.187±0.001[7] 0.161[7] 9.511[8] 13.21[8] Also the second-nearest stellar system to the Solar System.
Wolf 359 7.856±0.001[5] M6V[9] 0.144±0.004[7] 0.11±0.003[7] 13.507[10] 16.614[11] Also the fourth-nearest stellar system to the Solar System.
Lalande 21185 8.034[12] M2V[13] 0.392±0.004[7] 0.389±0.008[7] 7.52[14] 10.48[15] Also the fifth-nearest stellar system to our Solar System.
Luyten 726-8 B 8.77±0.01[16] M6V[17] 0.159±0.006[18] 0.1195±0.0043[18] 12.8[11] 15.7[11] Also known as UV Ceti.
A M5.5V[17] 0.165±0.006[18] 0.1225±0.0043[18] The archetype of the flare stars. Also known as BL Ceti
Ross 154 9.706[5] M3.5V[19] 0.200±0.008[7] 0.177±0.004[7] 10.44[19] 13.07[19]
Ross 248 10.306[20] M6V[21] 0.19[22] 0.145[22] 12.23 – 12.34[19] 14.79[23]
Lacaille 9352 10.74[12] M0.5V[24] 0.474±0.008[7] 0.479+0.011
7.34[25] 9.8[26]
Ross 128 11.007±0.001[5] M4V[27] 0.198±0.007[7] 0.176±0.004[7] 11.13[19] 13.53[19]
EZ Aquarii A 11.11[28] M5V[19] 0.175[29] 0.1187±0.0011[28] 13.03[19] 15.33[19]
B 0.21±0.04[28] 0.1145±0.0012[28] 13.27[19] 15.58[19]
C 0.093[28] 12.38[19] 17.37[19]
Struve 2398 A 11.4908[5] M3V[22] 0.354±0.003[7] 0.336±0.007[7] 8.94
B 11.491[5] M3.5V[22] 0.273±0.011[22] 0.248±0.235[22] 9.7[30]
Groombridge 34 A 11.6191±0.0008[5] M1.4V[22] 0.385±0.002[22] 0.393+0.009
B 11.62[5] M4.1V[22] 0.18±0.03[31] 0.15±0.02[31] 11.007[22]
DX Cancri 11.68[5] M6.5V[32] 0.11[33] 0.09[34] 14.81[35] 16.98[19]
GJ 1061 11.984[36] M5.5V[36] 0.152±0.007[7] 0.125±0.003[7] 13.03[36] 15.26[37]
YZ Ceti 12.122±0.002[5] M4Ve 0.168±0.009[30] 0.13±0.013[38] 12.03—12.18[39] 14.3[40]
Luyten's Star 12.348±0.002[5] M3.5V[19] 0.293±0.007[41] 0.29[41] 9.87[42] 11.94[42]
Teegarden's Star 12.497±0.004[43] M7V[40] 0.107±0.004[44] 0.093±0.003[44] 15.13[45] 17.2[46]
Kapteyn's Star 12.83 [47] M1.5V[48][24] or sdM1[8] 0.291±0.025[48] 0.281±0.014[48] 8.853±0.008[48] 10.89[8]
Lacaille 8760 12.947[5] M0Ve[49] 0.51[50] 0.6[19] 6.67[19] 8.69[19] Brightest red dwarf in the sky.

List of nearest K-type stars


This is a list of K-type stars within 30 light years.

Alpha Centauri B is the closest K-type star to the Earth.
Name Distance (ly) Spectral type Stellar radius (R) Stellar mass (M) Apparent magnitude (V) Absolute magnitude (V) Notes
Alpha Centauri B (Toliman) 4.344 K1V[51] 0.8591 ± 0.0036[52] 0.9092 ± 0.0025[52] 1.33[53] 5.71[54] Also the 2nd/3rd nearest individual star to the Solar System. Named Toliman.
Epsilon Eridani (Ran) 10.475 K2V[55] 0.735±0.005[24] 0.82±0.02[56][57] 3.736[58] 6.19[19] Also the tenth-nearest star system to our Solar System. Has one confirmed exoplanet
61 Cygni A 11.404 K5V[59] 0.665±0.005[60] 0.7[61] 5.21[62] 7.506[63] The first star to have its distance to Earth measured after the Sun. Also the 15th nearest stellar system to our solar system.
B K7V[59] 0.595±0.008[60] 0.63[61] 6.05[64] 8.228[63]
Epsilon Indi A 11.867 K5V[24] 0.711 ± 0.005[65] 0.754±0.038[22] 4.83[12] 6.89[66] Also the 19th nearest star system to our Solar System. Has one confirmed exoplanet and 2 brown dwarfs.
Groombridge 1618 15.886 K7.5Ve[45] 0.605±0.02[67] 0.67±0.033[67] 6.6[68] 8.11[69]
40 Eridani A 16.33[5] K0.5V[55] 0.812±0.017[70] 0.78±0.08[70] 4.43[12] 5.93[69] Part of a triple star system
70 Ophiuchi A 16.68 K0V[71] 0.91±0.03[71] 0.9±0.03[72] 4.13[73] 5.49[69]
B 16.707 K4V[71] 0.7±0.07[72] 6.07[73]
Sigma Draconis (Alsafi) 18.799 K0V[74] 0.776±0.008[75] 0.85+0.01
4.674[77] 5.89[78]
Gliese 570 A 19.199[79] K4V[79] 0.739±0.019[24] 0.82±0.04[24] 5.7[79] 6.89[69] Part of a quadruple star system
Eta Cassiopeiae B 19.42[12] K7V[72] 0.66[15] 0.57[72] 7.51[72] Part of a binary star system
36 Ophiuchi A 19.41 K2V[80] 0.817±0.016[24] 0.85 5.08[80] Also known as Guniibuu
B K1V[80] 0.81 5.03[80]
C 19.418±0.004 K5V[80] 0.72 0.71 6.34[80]
HR 7703 A 19.61 K2.5V[55] 0.66[81] 0.65[81] 5.31[82] 6.53[83] Part of a binary system
ADS 7251 B 20.658±0.003 K7V[17] 0.58 ± 0.03[84] 0.64 ± 0.07[84] 7.7[24] Part of a binary star system
HD 219134 21.336 K3V[85] 0.778 ± 0.005[86] 0.81 ± 0.03[86] 5.574[77] 6.46[69] Has six known exoplanets
Xi Boötis B 23.011±0.008 K4Ve[87] 0.61[88] 0.66 ± 0.07[72] 6.8[87] Part of a binary star system
268 G. Ceti A 23.58 K3V[89] 0.65 ± 0.053[89] 0.7 ± 0.1[81] 5.83[89] 6.5[90] Part of a trinary stellar system also known as Gliese 105
Gliese 667 A 23.623±0.005 K3V[91][92] 0.76[91] 0.73[93] 5.91[91] Part of a triple star system
B K5V[91][92] 0.7[91] 0.69[93] 7.2[91]
HD 4628 24.25±0.01[94] K2.5V[55] 0.749 ± 0.051[89] 0.7 ± 0.1[95] 5.74[96] 6.37[69]
TW Piscis Austrini 24.793±0.005 K5Vp[55] 0.629 ± 0.051[24] 0.725 ± 0.036[24] 5.44 – 6.51[97] 7.08[98] Also known as Fomalhaut B. Part of a triple star system
107 Piscium 24.8±0.03[94] K1V[74] 0.82 ± 0.03[99] 0.86[99] 5.14 — 5.26[100] 5.87[101]
Gliese 673 25.157±0.003 K7V[8] 0.564[89] 7.492[8] 8.83[8]
p Eridani A 26.710±0.008 K2V[55] 0.75[5] 0.78[102] 5.76[103] 6.25[69]
B 26.733±0.007 0.77[5] 0.77[102] 5.87[103] 6.27[69]
Gliese 884 26.85[104] K7V[104] 0.67[104] 0.63[104] 7.9[104] 8.3[104]
Chi Draconis B 27.17±0.03 K0V[28] 0.73 ± 0.11[28] 0.748 ± 0.017[28] 3.57 (combined)[105] Part of a binary star system
HR 1614 28.4±0.1[12] K3V[106] 0.78+0.03
6.208[106] 6.51[69]
HD 50281 28.54±0.01 K3.5V[107] 0.73+0.01
0.79[108] 6.58[109] 6.87[69]
HD 192310 28.74±0.01 K2+ V[110] 0.79 – 0.85[91] 0.78 ± 0.04[111] 5.73[110] 6.0[112]
AK Leporis 29±0.004 K2V[113] 0.8[5] 6.141[114] 6.31[105]
Delta Eridani (Rana) 29.49±0.08[12] K0 IV[115] 2.35 ± 0.01[65] 1.33 ± 0.07[71] 3.51 – 3.56[3] 3.77[116]

List of nearest G-type stars


This is a list of G-type stars within 40 light years.

The Sun is the closest G-type star to the Earth.
Name Distance (ly) Spectral type Stellar radius (R) Stellar mass (M) Apparent magnitude (V) Absolute magnitude (V) Notes
Sun 1.58 × 10-5 (149,600,000 km) G2V 1 -26.74[117] 4.83[117] The star at the centre of the Solar System.
Alpha Centauri A (Rigil Kentaurus) 4.344±0.002 G2V[51] 1.2175 ± 0.0055[52] 1.0788 ± 0.0029[52] 0.01[53] 4.38[54] It is the 2nd/3rd nearest individual star to the Solar System, and the fourth-brightest individual star in the night sky. Has one candidate exoplanet.
Tau Ceti 11.912±0.007 G8V[74] 0.793 ± 0.004[118] 0.783 ± 0.012[118] 3.5[118] 5.68[118] Also the 20nd nearest star system to the Solar System. Has one confirmed exoplanet.
Eta Cassiopeiae A (Achird) 19.42[12] G0V[119] 1.0386 ± 0.0038}}[120] 0.972 ± 0.012[75] 3.44[110] 4.57[69] Part of a binary star system
82 G. Eridani 19.704±0.009 G6V[74] 0.92[15] 0.7[121] 4.254 5.34[69] Has two confirmed exoplanets and one unconfirmed
Delta Pavonis 19.89[5] G8 IV[55] 1.197 ± 0.016[65] 1.051 ± 0.062[122] 3.56[123] 4.62[69] The nearest undisputed subgiant.
Xi Boötis A 22.027[124] G8Ve[124] 0.817 ± 0.007[125] 0.88 ± 0.03[125] 4.7[124] 5.54[126] Part of a binary star system
Beta Hydri 24.33[12] G2 IV[127] 1.809 ± 0.015[128] 1.08 ± 0.03[127] 2.8[110] 3.45[129]
Mu Cassiopeiae Aa (Marfak) 25.03±0.08 G5Vb[74] 0.789 ± 0.008[130] 0.744 ± 0.0122[130] 5.14[131] 5.78[132] Part of a binary star system
Mu Herculis Aa 27.11±0.04 G5IV[133] 1.73 ± 0.02[134] 1.11 ± 0.01[134] 3.417[12] 3.82[134] Part of a quadruple star system
Chara 27.63±0.04[5] G0V[135] 1.03 ± 0.03[136] 0.97 ± 0.04[135] 4.25[135] 4.64[69]
61 Virginis 27.84±0.03 G7V[107] 0.9867 ± 0.0048}}[137] 0.93[137] 4.74 5.07[69] Has three confirmed exoplanets
Chi1 Orionis A 28.26±0.07 G0V[74] 0.983 ± 0.001[138] 1.01[139] 4.38 – 4.41[140] 4.82[126]
41 G. Arae A 28.67±0.02 G8V[141] 0.79[50] 0.81[50] 5.61 5.74[69] Part of a binary star system
Xi Ursae Majoris Ba 29 G2V[74] 0.92 ± 0.04[142] 0.86[142] 4.264[143] 4.66[a] Part of a quadruple star system
Groombridge 1830 (Argelander's Star) 29.93[94] G8VIp[144] 0.585 ± 0.004[138] 0.67±0.006[138] 6.44[68] 6.64[69]
Beta Comae Berenices 29.95±0.1 G0V[145] 1.106 ± 0.011[75] 1.15[50] 4.26[110] 4.46[69]
HD 102365 A 30.4±0.02 G2V[55] 0.96[50] 0.889[50] 4.88[82] 5.07[69] Part of a binary star system
61 Ursae Majoris 31.24±0.04[94] G8V[146] 0.86 ± 0.02[147] 0.93 ± 0.02[148] 5.35[149] 5.53[126]
Alpha Mensae A 33.31±0.02 G7V[55] 0.96 ± 0.013[150] 0.964 ± 0.037[150] 5.09 5.03[69] Part of a binary star system
Iota Persei 34.38±0.08[12] G0V[74] or F9.5V[55] 1.417 ± 0.008[138] 1.08 – 1.13[138] 4.062[151] 3.94[69]
Zeta Herculis A 35±0.2[12] G7V[133] 0.915 – 0.92[152] 0.98 ± 0.02[152] 2.81 (combined)[110] 2.65 (combined)[116] Part of a binary star system
Delta Trianguli A 35.2±0.1 G0V[153] 0.98[91] 1[154] 4.865[69] 4.69[69] Part of a binary star system
11 Leonis Minoris A 36.54±0.08 G8V[155] 0.992 ± 0.015[138] 0.936 ± 0.015[138] 5.54[156] 5.25[126] Part of a binary star system
Eta Boötis A (Muphrid) 37.2±0.5[12] G0IV[157] 2.659 ± 0.044[158] 1.61 ± 0.11[158] 2.68[69] 2.41[105] Part of a binary star system
Lambda Serpentis 38.87±0.07[5] G0V[159] 1.363 ± 0.031[160] 1.09 ± 0.04[160] 4.43[144] 4.01[69]
Zeta Reticuli A 39.27±0.03 G3-5V[161] 0.92[50] 0.958[50] 5.52[82] 5.11[69]
B 39.29±0.09 G2V[161] 0.99[50] 0.985[50] 5.22[82] 4.83[69]
85 Pegasi A 39.5±0.4[162] G5Vb 0.948 ± 0.011[138] 0.827 ± 0.047[138] 5.75 5.32[69] Part of a binary star system

List of nearest F-type stars


This is a list of F-type stars within 45 light years.

Procyon A is the closest F-type star to the Earth.
Name Distance (ly) Spectral type Stellar radius (R) Stellar mass (M) Apparent magnitude (V) Absolute magnitude (V) Notes
Procyon A 11.46±0.05[12] F5IV-V[163] 2.048 ± 0.025[163] 1.499 ± 0.031[164] 0.34[163] 2.66[23] Part of a binary star system. Eight-brightest star in the night sky.
Pi3 Orionis (Tabit) 26.32±0.04[12] F6V[144] 1.317 ± 0.004[138] 1.288 ± 0.019[138] 3.16[144] 3.65[69]
Chi Draconis A 27.17±0.03[12] F7V[28] 1.2 ± 0.09[28] 1.029 ± 0.06[28] 3.57[105] 4.04[105] Part of a binary system
Zeta Tucanae 28.01±0.04[12] F9.5V[55] 1.08 ± 0.08[81] 0.99 ± 0.02[111] 4.23 4.67[126]
Xi Ursae Majoris A (Alula Australis) 28.5±0.1[5] F8.5:V[74] 1.02 ± 0.04[99] 0.97[99] 4.264[143] 4.66[b] Part of a five-star system
Gamma Leporis 29.12±0.05 F6V[165] 1.33 ± 0.04[166] 1.23 ± 0.05[166] 3.587[167] 3.84[69]
Gamma Pavonis 30.21±0.05[12] F9 V Fe-1.4 CH-0.7[55] 1.15 ± 0.04[71] 1.21 ± 0.12[71] 4.22[168] 4.40[69]
Zeta Herculis A 35±0.2[12] F9IV[133] 2.56 – 2.61[169] 1.45 ± 0.1[169] 2.81[110] 2.65[116]
Beta Virginis (Zavijava) 35.65±0.09[12] F9V[170] 1.681 ± 0.008[75] 1.413 ± 0.061[171] 3.604[172] 3.41[69]
Theta Persei A 36.29±0.09[12] F8V[173] 1.319 ± 0.011[75] 1.138 ± 0.01[75] 4.11[89] 3.88[69]
Gamma Serpentis 36.7±0.07[12] F6V[174] 1.55 ± 0.05[71] 1.3 ± 0.15[71] 3.85[174] 3.60[69]
Zeta Doradus A 37.91±0.07[12] F9.5V Fe-0.5[175] 1.07+0.02
1.07[177] 4.708[175] 4.38[83]
Gamma Virginis (Porrima) A 38.1±0.3[12] F0V[178] 1.45[179] 1.4±0.05[180] 3.4[181] 3[181]
B 3.5[181] 3.1[181]
Iota Pegasi A 38.5±0.2[12] F5V 1.526 ± 0.068[89] 1.33[142] 3.84[142] 3.49[142]
Zeta Trianguli Australis A 39.5±0.2[12] F9V[55] 1.12[182] 4.90[96] 4.49[69] Part of a binary star system
Beta Trianguli Australis 40.37±0.08[12] F1V[55] 1.976 ± 0.021[65] 1.56[183] 2.85[184] 2.37[109]
Theta Ursae Majoris 43.96±0.08[12] F6IV 2.365 ± 0.008 1.41 3.166 2.43
Upsilon Andromedae A (Titawin) 44±0.1[12] F8V 1.57 ± 0.03[185] 1.27 ± 0.06[186] 4.10[89] 3.44[186]

List of nearest A-type stars


This is a list of A-type stars within 70 light years.

Sirius A is the closest A-type star to the Earth.
Name Distance (ly) Spectral type Stellar radius (R) Stellar mass (M) Apparent magnitude (V) Absolute magnitude (V) Notes
Sirius A 8.6±0.04 A0mA1Va[107] 1.711[187] 2.063 ± 0.023[188] −1.46 [189] 1.43[190] Also the sixth-nearest stellar system to the Solar System and the brightest star in the night sky.
Altair 16.7[191] A7Vn[107] 2.01 × 1.57[192] 1.86 ± 0.03[192] 0.76[53] 2.22[193] 12th brightest star in the night sky.
Vega 25.04±0.07 A0Va[107] 2.726 × 2.418[194] 2.135 ± 0.074[195] 0.026[196] 0.582[197] Fifth-brightest star in the night sky.
Fomalhaut A 25.13±0.09[198] A3V[24] 1.842 ± 0.019[98] 1.92 ± 0.02[98] 1.16[53] 1.72[98] 18th brightest star in the night sky. Part of a triple star system.
Denebola 35.9±0.2[12] A3Va[107] 1.75 ± 0.02[199] 1.78[200] 2.14[3] 1.93[109]
Delta Capricorni (Deneb Algedi) 38.7±0.09 A7m III[201] 1.91[202] 2[202] 2.81[201] 2.48[109] Part of a binary star system
Iota Ursae Majoris A (Talitha) 47.3±0.1 A7V(n)[203] 1.67[204] 1.7 ± 0.1 3.14[110] 2.31[109] Part of a quadruple star system
Alpha Ophiuchi A (Rasalhague) 48.6±0.8 A5IVnn[205] 2.858 × 2.388[206] 2.4+0.23
2.07[110] 1.248[208] Part of a binary star system.
Alderamin 49.05±0.08 A8Vn[107] or A7IV-V[209] 2.823 × 2.175[209] 2 ± 0.15[209] 2.46[210] 1.57[116]
Castor Aa 51±3 A1V[211] 2.089[212] 2.37[212] 1.93[73] 0.986[213] Part of a sextuple star system.
Ba Am[211] 1.648[212] 1.79[212] 2.97[73] 1.886[213]
Alpha Circini 54±0.1 A7Vp[55] 1.976 ± 0.066[214] 1.5–1.7[215] 3.18 - 3.21[97] 2.18[83]
Delta Leonis (Zosma) 58.4±0.3[12] A4V[216] 2.14 ± 0.04[217] 2.2[218] 2.56[219] 1.29[109]
Beta Arietis A (Sheratan) 58.4±0.3[220] A3V[220] 1.985[220] 2.067[220] 2.655[167] 1.444[220] Part of a binary star system
Iota Centauri 58.6[12] A2V[55] 1.9[221] 2.03 ± 0.03[221] 2.73[110] 1.47[109]
Beta Pictoris 63.4±0.2[5] A6V[55] 1.8[222] 1.75[223] 3.861[224] 2.402[225] Has two known planets

List of nearest B-type stars


This is a list of B-type stars within 200 light years.

Regulus A is the closest B-type star to the Earth.
Name Distance (ly) Spectral type Stellar radius (R) Stellar mass (M) Apparent magnitude (V) Absolute magnitude (V) Notes
Regulus A 79.3±0.7 B8IVn[89] 4.16 × 3.14[226] 3.44[227] 1.40[89] −0.57[109] Part of a binary star system. Also the 20th brightest star in the night sky.
Algol Aa1 90±3[12] B8V[228] 2.73±0.2[229] 3.17±0.21[229] 2.12 (combined)[53] −0.07[230] Part of a three-star system
Alpheratz A 97±1 B8IV-VHgMn[231] 2.94 ± 0.34[232] 3.63±0.201[233] 2.22[220] −0.193[220] Part of a binary star system
Alnair 101±0.7 B6V[55] or B7IV[156] 3.91[234][c] 3.82[183] 1.74[235] −0.72[109] 31st brightest star in the night sky.
Alkaid 103.9±0.8[12] B3V[170] 3.4±0.5[136] 6.1±0.1[236] 1.86[53] −0.67[109] 40th brightest star in the night sky.
Alpha Pegasi (Markab) 133±1 B9III[237] to A0IV[238] 4.62±0.29[239] 3.5[240] 2.48[110] −0.718[241]
Elnath 134±2 B7III[242] 4.82±0.34[239] 5±0.1[243] 1.65[53] −1.42[109] 27th brightest star in the night sky.
Achernar 139±3[12] B3Vpe[244] 9.16 × 6.78[245] 6[246] 0.40 – 0.46[247] −2.7[248] 9th brightest star in the night sky.
Beta1 Tucanae 140±1 B9V[249] 3.84[93] 4.37[103] Part of a six-star system
Epsilon Sagittarii A (Kaus Australis) 143±2[12] B9.5III[250] 8.8 × 6.01[251] 3.8[251] 1.85[110] −1.41[252] 38th brightest star in the night sky.
Epsilon Hydri 151.8±0.6[12] B9Va[109] 2.2[253] 2.64[254] 4.12[109] 0.78[109]
Phi Eridani 153.7±0.9[12] B8IV[255] 2.4[256] 3.5[183] 3.55[96] 0.183±0.027[225]
Gamma Corvi A (Gienah) 154±1[12] B8III[257] 4.086[258] 4.2+0.4
2.585[58] −0.79[109]
Beta Canis Minoris (Gomeisa) 160±10 B8Ve[259] 3.5[260] 3.5[259] 2.84 – 2.92[247] -0.59[109]
Kappa Andromedae 168±2 B9IVn[216] 2.29±0.06[261] 2.768+1.00
4.139[263] 0.59[109] Has one confirmed exoplanet or brown dwarf
Peacock 179±5[12] B3V[264] 4.83[265] 5.91[183] 1.94[184] −1.762[266] 44th brightest star in the night sky.
Kappa1 Lupi 180±5[12] B9.5Vne[267] 2.3[91] 2.89±0.03[254] 3.86[96]
Alpha Sagittarii (Rukbat) 182±2 B8V[268] 2.35[d] 2.95[183] 3.97[110] 0.23[109]
Beta Librae (Zubeneschamali) 185±2 B8V[243] 4.9±0.3[e] 3.5+0.3
2.61[219] −1.16

List of nearest O-type stars


This is a list of O-type stars within 1,500 light years.

Zeta Ophiuchi is the closest O-type star to the Earth.
Name Distance (ly) Spectral type Stellar radius (R) Stellar mass (M) Apparent magnitude (V) Absolute magnitude (V) Notes
Zeta Ophiuchi 366±8[12] O9.5V[270] 8.5[271] 20.2[272] 2.56 – 2.58[3] -4.2[271]
Iota Arae B 915±23[5] sdO[273] 0.61±0.09[273] 1.06±0.29[273] A subdwarf O star.
V846 Arae B 985±13[5] sdO[273] 0.27±0.04[273] 0.53±0.11[273] A subdwarf O star.
Kappa1 Apodis B 1060±20[5] sdO[273] 0.44±0.06[273] 1.60±0.14[273] A subdwarf O star.
Zeta Puppis (Naos) 1080±40 O4If(n)p[274] 13.5±0.2[275] 25.3 to 42.4[275] 2.24 – 2.26[276] −6.23[277] One of the most massive stars visible to the naked eye.
Gamma Velorum A 1096+26
O7.5III[279] 16.2[278] 28.5±1.1[280] 1.83 (combined)[53] −5.63[280] 30th brightest star in the night sky.
Mintaka 1200[281] O9.5II[281] 13.1[282] 17.8[281] 2.5[283] −5.8[284] Part of a multiple star system
Alnitak 1260±180[285] O9.5lab[285] 20±3.2[285] 33±10[285] 2.08[285] −6[285] Part of a triple star system
Sigma Orionis Aa 1263±4.3[286] O9.5V[287] 5.6[286] 16[286] 4.07 (combined)[288] −3.49[289] Part of a quintuple star system
Meissa A 1260±200[5] O8III((f))[274] 13.4[290] 34[291] 3.7[292] −4.25 Part of a multiple star system
AE Aurigae 1320±40 O9.5V[274] 7.47[293] 23[293] 5.96[53] (5.78 – 6.08)[247]
Xi Persei (Menkib) 1333±143[5] O7.5III 14 26—36 4.04 −5.5
Theta1 Orionis C1 1340±65[294] O7Vp[295] 10.6±1.5[296] 33±5[297] 5.13[53] −4.9[296] Part of a binary star system
Iota Orionis Aa1 (Haytsa) 1343+45.6
O9III[299] 8.3[300] 23.1[300] 2.77(combined)[184] Part of a multiple star system
LS Muscae B 1383±43[5] sdO[273] 0.3±0.1[273] 1.43±0.31[273] A subdwarf O star.


  1. ^ Calculated from the bolometric magnitude 4.54 ± 0.06 and the bolometric correction −0.12 ± 0.05 using the formula: BC = Mbol − MV
  2. ^ Calculated from the bolometric magnitude 4.54 ± 0.06 and the bolometric correction −0.12 ± 0.05 using the formula: BC = MbolMV
  3. ^ 0.00117 arcseconds*31.1 pc = 0.036387 AU (diameter). Should be multiplied by 107.5 to convert from AU to R.
  4. ^ Radius calculated using a effective temperature of 12 387 K and a luminosity of 117 L.[183]
  5. ^ Calculated using an angular diameter of 0.801 Milliarcseconds.[269]


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