List of members of the 15th Bundestag

This is a list of members of the 15th Bundestag – the lower house of parliament of the Federal Republic of Germany, whose members were in office from 17 October 2002 until 17 October 2005.



This summary includes changes in the numbers of the four caucuses (CDU/CSU, SPD, FDP, Greens):

Time Reason of change SPD CDU/CSU Greens FDP Others Total number
17 October 2002 First meeting 251 248 55 47 2 603
11 February 2003 Jürgen Möllemann leaves the FDP caucus and becomes unaffiliated 46 3
14 June 2003 Michael Kauch becomes a member again as successor of Möllemann 47 2
14 November 2003 Martin Hohmann leaves the CDU/CSU caucus and becomes unaffiliated 247 3
17 April 2004 Anke Hartnagel dies; her seat is vacated permanently because it is an overhang seat 250 602
1 July 2004 Christoph Matschie resigns; his seat is vacated permanently because it is an overhang seat 249 601



See also
