List of filename extensions (F–L)

This alphabetical list of filename extensions contains extensions of notable file formats used by multiple notable applications or services.

Ext. Description Used by
F Forth language source code file Forth development systems
F Fortran language source code file (in fixed form) Many Fortran compilers
F01 Fax perfectfax
F03 Fortran language source code file (in free form) Many Fortran compilers
F08 Fortran language source code file (in free form) Fortran compilers
F18 Fortran language source code file (in free form) Fortran compilers
F4 Fortran IV source code file Fortran IV source code
F4V[1] A container format for Flash Video that differs from the older FLV file format (see also SWF) Adobe Flash
F77 Fortran language source code file (in fixed form) Many Fortran compilers
F90 Fortran language source code file (in free form) Many Fortran compilers
F95 Fortran language source code file (in free form) Many Fortran compilers
FA[2][3][4] FASTA format sequence file
FAA[2][3][4] FASTA format amino acid
FACTOR Factor source file
FASTA[2][3][4] FASTA format sequence file
FASTQ[2][3][4] FASTQ format sequence file
FB Forth language block file Forth development systems
FB2[5] FictionBook e-book 2.0 file (DRM-free XML format) e-book readers
FBX [6] 3D model geometry, material textures, lighting, armature, and animation sequences for inter application use/transport Autodesk
FCHK Gaussian-formatted checkpoint file. Used to store result of quantum chemistry calculation results.[7]
FCS FCS molecular biology format.[8]
FEN[9] Forsyth–Edwards Notation Chess applications -text data describes a specific position.
FF Farbfeld image
FFAPX FrontFace plugin file FrontFace digital signage software
FFN[3][4][2] FASTA format nucleotide of gene regions
Fit CurvFit Input file format CurvFit software
FITS[10][11] Flexible Image Transport System astronomy software
FLAC[12] Audio codec, Audio file format
FLAME Fractal configuration file Apophysis
FLP FL Studio project file FL Studio
FLV[13] A container format for Flash Video (see also SWF) Adobe Flash
FMU A Functional Mockup Unit (FMU) implements the Functional Mockup Interface (FMI).[14]
FNA[2][3][4] FASTA format nucleic acid
FNI FileNet Native Document FileNet
FNX Saved notes with formatting in markup language FeatherNote
FODG[15] OpenDocument Flat XML Drawings and vector graphics OpenDocument, LibreOffice, Collabora Online
FODP[15] OpenDocument Flat XML Presentations OpenDocument, LibreOffice, Collabora Online
FODS[15] OpenDocument Flat XML Spreadsheets OpenDocument, LibreOffice, Collabora Online
FODT[15] OpenDocument Flat XML Text Document OpenDocument, LibreOffice, Collabora Online
FOR Fortran language source file many
FQL[16] Fauna Query Language source file Fauna
Freq Match-n-Freq (TM) Input file format Match-n-Freq software
FRAG Fragment File, usually stored on MOVPKG files MOVPKG
FRM[17] MySQL Database Metadata MySQL
Frq7 Match-n-Freq (TM) version 7+ Input file format Match-n-Freq software
FS F# source file F# compilers
FS Forth language source code file (often used to distinguish from .fb) Forth development systems
FTH Forth language source code file Forth development systems
Ext. Description Used by
G4[18] ANTLR4 grammar ANTLR4
G6 Graph6 graph data format. Used for storing undirected graphs.[19]
GB GenBank molecular biology format.[20]
GBK same as GB
GBR[21] Gerber format PCB CAD/CAM
GDF[22] General Data Format for Biomedical Signals Biomedical signal processing, Brain Computer Interfaces
GDSCRIPT Godot (game engine) Script File Godot (game engine)
GDT Gerätedatentransfer, an xDT application Healthcare providers in Germany
GED[23] GEDCOM Genealogy data exchange
GEOJSON GeoJSON is specified by RFC 7946.[24]
GEOTIFF Used for archiving and exchanging aerial photography or terrain data.[25]
GGB GeoGebra File GeoGebra
GIF[26] Compuserves' Graphics Interchange Format (bitmapped graphics) QPeg - Display - CompuShow
GM9[27] Scripts for GodMode9 Godmode9
GMI Gemtext markup language[28] Gemini (Protocol)
GMK GameMaker Project File YoYo Games
GML[29] Geography Markup Language File Geography Markup Language
GML Used for the storage and exchange of graphs. Native format of the Graphlet graph editor software.[30]
GO Go source code file Go (Programming language)
GODOT Godot (game engine) Project File Godot (game engine)
GPX[31][32] GPS eXchange Format
GRAPHML GraphML is an acronym derived from Graph Markup Language. Represents typed, attributed, directed, and undirected graphs.[33]
GRB Commonly used in meteorology to store historical and forecast weather data. Represents numerical weather prediction output (NWP).[34]
GREXLI Uncompressed folder as a file WinGrex/GrexliLib
GRIB same as GRB
GRP Data pack files for the Build Engine Duke Nukem 3D
GSF Generic sensor format Used for storing bathymetry data, such as that gathered by a multibeam echosounder.
GTF[35] Gene transfer format
GV[36] Graph Visualization Graphviz
GW same as .lgr. See LGR below for details on LEDA (.gw, .lgr).
GXL GXL is an acronym derived from Graph Exchange Language. Represents typed, attributed, directed, and undirected graphs.[37]
GZ gzip compressed data gzip
Ext. Description Used by
H! On-line help file Flambeaux Help! Display Engine
H! Pertext database HELP.EXE
H-- C-- language header Sphinx C--
H Header file (usually C language) Watcom C/C++
H++ Header file C++
HA Archive HA
HACK Source file for the programming language hack The HHVM[38]
HAR[39] HTTP Archive format (JSON-format web-browser log) W3C draft standard
HDF General-purpose format for representing multidimensional datasets. Developed by the US National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA).[40]
HDF5 General-purpose format for representing multidimensional datasets and images. Incompatible with HDF Version 4 and earlier.[41]
HDI Hard Disk Image file (PC-9800 disk image file) PC-9800 emulators
HDMP heap dumpfile
HEIC HEIF raster image and compression format. Commonly used for storing still or animated images.[42]
HEIF same as HEIC.
HH C++ header file
HIN HyperChem HIN format. Used in cheminformatics applications and on the web for storing and exchanging 3D molecule models. Maintained by HyperCube, Inc.[43]
HOF Basic Configuration file OMSI The Bus Simulator
HOI4 Hearts Of Iron 4 file Hearts Of Iron 4 Save game
HPP C++ header file Zortech C++ - Watcom C/C++
HTA HTML Application Microsoft Windows
HTML[44] Hypertext Markup Language (WWW) Netscape - Mosaic - many
HUM 3D Model database OMSI The Bus Simulator
HXX C++ header file
Ext. Description Used by
ICAL same as ICS (see below).
ICC[45] ICC profile Color Configuration for color input or output devices
ICE LHA Archive Cracked LHA (old LHA), Total Commander
ICL Icon library Microsoft Windows
ICNS Macintosh icons format. Raster image file format.[46]
ICO Icon file ICONEDIT.EXE; Microsoft Windows
ICS ICS iCalendar format. Used for the storage and exchange of calendar information. Commonly used in personal information management systems.[47]
IFB Same as ICS (see above).
IFC[48] Industry Foundation Classes (platform neutral, open file format used by BIM software). It is registered by ISO and is an official International Standard ISO 16739-1:2018. BIM software
IGC[49] Flight tracks downloaded from GPS devices in the International Gliding Commission's prescribed format
IGES[50] Initial Graphics Exchange Specification
IMG Disk image
INFO Texinfo hypertext document Texinfo, info (Unix), Emacs
INI[51] Configuration file
IO[52] Archive CPIO
IPT XnView IPTC template XnView, XnViewMP
IPTRACE AIX iptrace captures[53] dualhome.iptrace (AIX iptrace) Shows Ethernet and Token Ring packets captured in the same file.[54] WireShark
IRX "IOP Relocatable eXecutable". Library files to dynamically link application code to the Input/Output Processor on the PS2 to communicate with devices like memory cards, USB devices, etc. Sony PlayStation 2
ISO ISO-9660 table see: List of ISO image software
IT Impulse Tracker music file Impulse Tracker
Ext. Description Used by
JL Julia script file Julia (programming language)
J2C[55] JPEG 2000 image JPEG 2000
J2K JPEG2000 raster image and compression format. Can store images as an array of rectangular tiles that are encoded separately.[56]
JAR[57] Java archive JAR, Java Games and Applications
JAV[58] see JAVA
JAVA[58] Java source code file
JBIG[59][60][61] Joint Bilevel Image Group
JCM same as JDX (see below).
JDX Chemical spectroscopy format. JCAMP is an acronym derived from Joint Committee on Atomic and Molecular Physical Data.[62]
JNLP[63] Java Network Launching Protocol Java Web Start
JP2[55] JPEG 2000 image
JPE[64] Joint Photographic Experts Group graphics file format Minolta/Konica Minolta cameras use this for JPEGs in Adobe RGB color space
JPEG[64] Joint Photographic Experts Group graphics file format QPeg - FullView - Display
JPG[64] Joint Photographic Group various (Minolta/Konica Minolta cameras use this for JPEGs in sRGB color space)
JS[65] JavaScript file script in HTML pages
JSON[66][67] JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) Ajax
JSP[68] Jakarta Server Pages Dynamic pages running Web servers using Java technology
JVX JavaView 3D geometry format. The native format of the JavaView visualization software. Used for the visualization of 2D or 3D geometries. Can be embedded in web pages and viewed with the JavaView applet.[69]
JXL JPEG XL raster graphics file
Ext. Description Used by
KEY Keynote Presentation Keynote
KLC[70] MSKLC Source file Microsoft Keyboard Layout Creator
KML[71][72] Keyhole Markup Language Google Earth
KMZ[71][72] Keyhole Markup Language (Zip compressed) Google Earth
KO Linux kernel module format system file Linux
KRA[73] Krita image file Krita
KRABER Kraber source code file Kraber Programming Language
KSH Kornshell source file Kornshell
KT Kotlin source code file Kotlin Programming Language
KV Kivy
Ext. Description Used by
LABEL Dymo label file Dymo desktop software
LATEX LaTeX typesetting system and programming language. Commonly used for typesetting mathematical and scientific publications.[74][75]
LBR .LBR Archive for CP/M and MS-DOS using the LU program
LDB .LDB Leveldb data file Google key-value storage library
LDB .LDB MDB Database lock file Microsoft Access Database
LDT Labordatenträger, an xDT application Healthcare providers in Germany
LGR LEDA graph data format. Commonly used exchange format for graphs. Stores a single, typed, directed, or undirected graph. Native graph file format of the LEDA graph library and the GraphWin application. LEDA is an acronym for Library of Efficient Datatypes and Algorithms.[76]
LHA LHA Archive LHA/LHARC, Total Commander
LISP LISP source code file
LL LLVM Assembly Language llvm
LM Language Model File[77] Microsoft Windows
LMD FCS molecular biology format.[8]
LNK Local file shortcut Microsoft Windows
LOGICX Logic Pro files Logic Pro (MacOS, iPadOS)
LRC Lyrics file Lyrics for karaoke-related system and program
LUA Lua script file Lua (programming language)
LWO Native format of the LightWave 3D rendering and animation software. LWO is an acronym for LightWave Object. Developed by NewTek. Stores 3D objects as a collection of polygons and their properties.[78]
LZ Archive Lzip

See also





  1. ^ "F4V/FLV Technology Center". Adobe. Retrieved 2020-09-15.
  2. ^ a b c d e f "Alignment Fileformats". 22 May 2019. Retrieved 22 May 2019.
  3. ^ a b c d e f Lipman DJ, Pearson WR (March 1985). "Rapid and sensitive protein similarity searches". Science. 227 (4693): 1435–41. Bibcode:1985Sci...227.1435L. doi:10.1126/science.2983426. PMID 2983426.  
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  5. ^ "FictionBook 2.0 Specification". Retrieved 2020-09-13.
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  13. ^ "Video File Format Specification Version 10" (PDF). Adobe. November 2008. Retrieved 2020-09-15.
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