List of countries by net reproduction rate

The following list sorts countries and dependent territories by their net reproduction rate. The net reproduction rate (R0) is the number of surviving daughters per woman and an important indicator of the population's reproductive rate. If R0 is one, the population replaces itself and would stay without any migration and emigration at a stable level. If the R0 is less than one, the reproductive performance of the population is below replacement level.

List of countries (2023)


Countries and dependent territories by the net reproduction rate in 2023 according to the World Population Prospects 2024 of the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs.[1]

Country or territory Rate
  Democratic Republic of the Congo 2.599
  Somalia 2.515
  Central African Republic 2.510
  Niger 2.508
  Chad 2.413
  Mali 2.362
  Angola 2.299
  Mayotte 2.238
  Mauritania 2.172
  Afghanistan 2.152
  Burundi 2.147
  Mozambique 2.146
  Tanzania 2.118
  Yemen 2.105
  Uganda 1.982
  Sudan 1.944
  Cameroon 1.921
  Benin 1.912
  Republic of the Congo 1.909
  Zambia 1.895
  Ivory Coast 1.894
  Equatorial Guinea 1.815
  Togo 1.813
  Ethiopia 1.804
  Gambia 1.789
  Burkina Faso 1.785
  Samoa 1.779
  Comoros 1.770
  Senegal 1.764
  Guinea 1.755
  São Tomé and Príncipe 1.736
  Liberia 1.736
  Madagascar 1.730
  Nigeria 1.722
  Rwanda 1.714
  Malawi 1.708
  Eritrea 1.705
  Gabon 1.704
  Guinea-Bissau 1.688
  Zimbabwe 1.686
  Vanuatu 1.679
  Solomon Islands 1.652
  Uzbekistan 1.644
  French Guiana 1.639
  Sierra Leone 1.629
  Pakistan 1.628
  South Sudan 1.588
  Iraq 1.526
  Ghana 1.520
  Namibia 1.504
  Palestine 1.476
  Tuvalu 1.471
  Nauru 1.467
  Tonga 1.467
  Kenya 1.464
  Tajikistan 1.438
  Kazakhstan 1.435
  Kiribati 1.400
  Papua New Guinea 1.393
  Israel 1.367
  Marshall Islands 1.333
  Kyrgyzstan 1.330
  Saint Martin 1.315
  Guam 1.315
  Algeria 1.313
  Egypt 1.303
  Mongolia 1.285
  Syria 1.271
  Botswana 1.268
  Federated States of Micronesia 1.264
  Jordan 1.263
  Tokelau 1.263
  Eswatini 1.249
  Turkmenistan 1.243
  Timor-Leste 1.218
  Oman 1.215
  Haiti 1.204
  Cambodia 1.201
  Honduras 1.187
  Bolivia 1.169
  Lesotho 1.168
  Niue 1.164
  Djibouti 1.161
  Paraguay 1.151
  Guyana 1.142
  Laos 1.120
  Saudi Arabia 1.097
  Guatemala 1.096
  American Samoa 1.087
  Northern Mariana Islands 1.079
  Faroe Islands 1.074
  Suriname 1.069
  Nicaragua 1.067
  Lebanon 1.064
  Réunion 1.061
  Morocco 1.061
  Dominican Republic 1.056
  Fiji 1.056
  Libya 1.047
World 1.035
  Seychelles 1.023
  Monaco 1.023
  South Africa 1.016
  United States Virgin Islands 1.014
  Western Sahara 1.013
  Bangladesh 1.013
  Guadeloupe 1.013
  Panama 1.007
  Indonesia 0.993
  Venezuela 0.982
  Martinique 0.979
  Cook Islands 0.977
  Myanmar 0.963
  Belize 0.962
  Sri Lanka 0.955
  Peru 0.945
  New Caledonia 0.944
  Nepal 0.930
  Mexico 0.917
  India 0.915
  Greenland 0.911
  Gibraltar 0.900
  Philippines 0.884
  Bahrain 0.884
  Vietnam 0.881
  Palau 0.878
  Tunisia 0.877
  Ecuador 0.872
  Georgia 0.863
  Montenegro 0.863
  El Salvador 0.848
  Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 0.846
  Qatar 0.841
  Bulgaria 0.840
  North Korea 0.835
  Romania 0.825
  Barbados 0.825
  Brunei 0.824
  Moldova 0.823
  Falkland Islands 0.816
  Armenia 0.811
  Iran 0.809
  New Zealand 0.803
  France 0.794
  Australia 0.793
  Colombia 0.789
  Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha 0.781
  United States 0.781
  Brazil 0.775
  Turkey 0.772
  Ireland 0.772
  Azerbaijan 0.771
  Aruba 0.769
  Maldives 0.762
  Antigua and Barbuda 0.762
  Slovenia 0.760
  Slovakia 0.752
  United Kingdom 0.752
  Iceland 0.744
  Cayman Islands 0.740
  Malaysia 0.739
  Isle of Man 0.739
  Kosovo 0.737
  Cape Verde 0.736
  Kuwait 0.734
  Trinidad and Tobago 0.731
  Denmark 0.730
  Portugal 0.728
  French Polynesia 0.723
  Saint Kitts and Nevis 0.721
  Serbia 0.718
  Argentina 0.718
  Hungary 0.716
  Bosnia and Herzegovina 0.712
  Grenada 0.711
  Croatia 0.707
  Caribbean Netherlands 0.705
  Turks and Caicos Islands 0.704
  Liechtenstein 0.703
  Czech Republic 0.700
  Dominica 0.700
  North Macedonia 0.699
  Russia 0.696
  Germany 0.696
  Montserrat 0.696
  Sint Maarten 0.696
  Switzerland 0.694
  Netherlands 0.692
  Sweden 0.691
  Bhutan 0.690
  Cuba 0.688
  Bermuda 0.682
  Norway 0.677
  Uruguay 0.675
  Wallis and Futuna 0.672
  Cyprus 0.669
  Belgium 0.668
  Anguilla 0.665
  Luxembourg 0.664
  Saint Lucia 0.662
  Bahamas 0.660
  Guernsey 0.656
  Jersey 0.656
  Estonia 0.650
  Canada 0.650
  Jamaica 0.647
  Greece 0.642
  Latvia 0.641
  Albania 0.641
  Costa Rica 0.641
  Austria 0.637
  Poland 0.626
  Finland 0.619
  Saint Pierre and Miquelon 0.611
  Mauritius 0.596
  Japan 0.585
  Spain 0.584
  United Arab Emirates 0.582
  Belarus 0.582
  Lithuania 0.580
  Italy 0.579
  Thailand 0.576
  Chile 0.564
  San Marino 0.554
  Malta 0.522
  Andorra 0.519
  Curaçao 0.516
  British Virgin Islands 0.502
  Vatican City 0.482
  China 0.467
  Ukraine 0.467
  Singapore 0.455
  Puerto Rico 0.455
  Taiwan 0.417
  Saint Barthélemy 0.389
  South Korea 0.348
  Hong Kong 0.343
  Macau 0.317


  1. ^ "World Population Prospects 2024". Archived from the original on 2024-07-15. Retrieved 2024-07-18.