List of constituent assemblies

This is an incomplete list of constituent assemblies:

National constituent assemblies
Name Country Formation and dissolution Notes
The Council of Twenty-Five Barons and another  England 1215 Adopted Magna Carta, which forced King John to recognize certain rights of barons
Christliche Vereinigung Swabian League 1525 Adopted the Twelve Articles.
United States Constitutional Convention  United States 1787 Adopted the United States Constitution.
Great Sejm  Poland-Lithuania 1788–1792 Adopted the Constitution of May 3, 1791, which was undone by the Targowica Confederation and a Russian invasion ending in the Second Partition of Poland
National Constituent Assembly
Assemblée nationale constituante
France 1789–1791 Formed during the French Revolution and adopted the French Constitution of 1791.
Cortes of Cádiz  Spanish Empire 1810–1813 Adopted the Spanish Constitution of 1812.
Constituent Assembly
 Norway 1814 Adopted the current Constitution of Norway after the Treaty of Kiel forced Denmark to sell Norway to Sweden
Congress of Vienna
Wiener Kongress
 German Confederation 1814–1815 International conference of European states chaired by Prince Klemens von Metternich after the Napoleonic Wars. Adopted the German Federal Act creating the German Confederation to replace the Holy Roman Empire.
Federal Convention
 German Confederation 1819–1820 Adopted the Wiener Schlussakte.
General and Extraordinary Cortes of the Portuguese Nation

Cortes Gerais e Extraordinárias da Nação Portuguesa

 Portugal 1821–1822 Adopted the Portuguese Constitution of 1822.
First National Assembly at Epidaurus
Α' Εθνοσυνέλευση της Επιδαύρου
 Greece 1821–1822 Convened during the Greek War of Independence and adopted the Greek Constitution of 1822.
National Congress
Congrès national
Nationaal Congres
 Belgium 1830 Elected after the Provisional Government of Belgium had proclaimed independence during the Belgian Revolution, adopted the Constitution and appointed the first King of the Belgians, dissolved after the first Belgian Parliament was elected
General, Extraordinary and Constituent Cortes

Cortes Gerais, Extraordinárias e Constituintes

 Portugal 1837-1838 Adopted the Portuguese Constitution of 1838.
Constituent Assembly
Assemblée constituante
 Luxembourg 1848 Adopted the Constitution of Luxembourg after being elected, and then replaced by the first Chamber of Deputies
Danish Constituent Assembly
Den Grundlovgivende Rigsforsamling
 Denmark 1848–1849 Adopted the June Constitution
Prussian National Assembly
Preußische Nationalversammlung
 Prussia 1848 Convened during the German revolutions of 1848–1849 but dissolved by royal decree when King Frederick William IV imposed the Prussian Constitution of 1848
Imperial Diet
 Austria 1848–1849 Convened after the Revolutions of 1848 in the Austrian Empire and adopted the Kremsier Constitution.
Konstituierender Landtag Oldenburg 1848–1849 Adopted the Staatsgrundgesetz von Oldenburg.
Frankfurt Parliament
Frankfurter Nationalversammlung
Germany 1848–1849 Adopted the Frankfurt Constitution.
Erfurt Union Parliament
Erfurter Unionsparlament
Germany 1849–1850 Adopted the Erfurter Unionsverfassung.
Imperial Council  Austria 1860 Adopted the October Diploma in the aftermath of Austria's defeat in the Second Italian War of Independence
Imperial Council  Austria 1861 Adopted the February Patent.
Constituent Reichstag
Konstituierender Reichstag
 North German Confederation 1867 Adopted the North German Constitution in the aftermath of the Austro-Prussian War
Bulgarian Constituent Assembly
Учредително събрание
 Bulgaria 1879 Adopted the Tarnovo Constitution.
Privy Council Constituent Conference
Sūmitsu-in kenpō kaigi
 Japan 1888 Enacted the Meiji Constitution.
National Constituent Assembly
Assembleia Nacional Constituinte
 Portugal 1911 Elected on 28 May 1911, following 5 October 1910 Portuguese Republican Revolution and adopted the Constitution of Portugal.
All-Russian Constituent Assembly
Всероссийское Учредительное собрание
Russia 1918 Elected after the October Revolution of 1917, but dissolved within 13 hours of its convocation on the orders of the Bolshevik-controlled All-Russian Central Executive Committee
Ukrainian Constituent Assembly
(Ukrainian: Українські Установчі Збори)
 Ukrainian People's Republic 1917–1918 Elected 29 November 1917 and dissolved due to the Soviet–Ukrainian War
Constituent Assembly
Assemblée constituante
 Luxembourg 1918–1919
Constituent Assembly
Verfassunggebende Landesversammlung
most of States of Germany 1918–1921 Adopted the state constitutions (Landesverfassungen).
Weimar National Assembly
Weimarer Nationalversammlung
 Germany 1919–1920 Enacted the Weimar Constitution in 1919, bringing into being the Weimar Republic.
Constituent Assembly of Georgia
საქართველოს დამფუძნებელი კრება
 Georgia 1919–1921 Elected in 1919 and enacted the 1921 constitution.
Constituent Assembly
Asutav Kogu
 Estonia 1919–1920 15 June 1920 adopted the first Constitution of the Republic of Estonia, according to which Estonia was a parliamentary democratic republic.
Constitutional Assembly
Konstituierende Nationalversammlung
 Austria 1919–1920
Constitutional Assembly of Latvia
Satversmes sapulce
 Latvia 1920–1922 Adopted the Constitution of Latvia
Constituent Assembly of Lithuania
Steigiamasis Seimas
 Lithuania 1920–1922 Elected in 1920 and enacted the 1922 constitution.
Constituent Assembly
Verfassungsgebende Versammlung
 Danzig 1920–1923 Adopted the Constitution of the Free City of Danzig.
Cuban Constitutional Assembly  Cuba 1928–1930
Syrian Constituent Assemblies Syria Formed in 1930 following the defeat of the Ottoman Empire and the introduction of the French Mandate, and in 1949 to reintroduce civilian rule after a series of military governments.
Constitutional National Assembly
Chih-hsien Kuo-min Ta-hui
Zhìxiàn Guómín Dàhuì
 China 1946 Also known as the Constituent National Assembly [zh], enacted the Republic of China's current constitution in 1946.
National Constituent Assembly
Asamblea Nacional Constituyente
 Venezuela 1946 Held after a coup which launched El Trienio Adeco.
Constituent Assembly or Appointed Landtag
Verfassunggebende Landesversammlung or Ernannter Landtag
most of States of Germany 1946–1956 Adopted the Landesverfassungen.
Constituent National Assembly  Czechoslovakia 1946–1948 Formed after 1946 election until coup d'état in February 1948 and led to adoption of Ninth-of-May Constitution.
Constituent Assembly of Italy
Assemblea Costituente della Repubblica Italiana
 Italy 1946–1948 Formed on 25 June 1946 following the referendum on republic or monarchy, dissolved the adoption of the Constitution, on 12 May 1948.
Constituent Assembly of India  India 1946–1950 Formed on 9 December 1946 to write the Constitution, and serve as India's first Parliament upon independence from the British Empire, dissolving on 26 January 1950 when India became a republic.
People's Assembly of North Korea
Buk Joseon Inmin Hoeui
 North Korea 1947–1948 Adopted the Constitution of North Korea and led elections for the first Supreme People's Assembly.
Constituent National Assembly of the Republic of Korea
대한민국 제헌 국회
Daehanminguk Jeheon Gukhoe
 South Korea 1948–1950 Adopted the Constitution of South Korea, and served as the first National Assembly.
Constituent Assembly of Costa Rica
Asamblea Nacional Constituyente de Costa Rica
 Costa Rica 1949 Acting between January and November 1949, wrote the current Costa Rican Constitution.
German People's Congress
Deutscher Volkskongress
 East Germany 1947–1949 Convened by the Socialist Unity Party of Germany and adopted the Constitution of East Germany to take effect in Soviet-occupied eastern Germany
Parlamentarischer Rat  West Germany 1949 Adopted the Basic Law for the Federal Republic of Germany to take effect in the Western Allied zones of occupation.
Israeli Constituent Assembly  Israel 1948–1950
National Constituent Assembly
Asamblea Nacional Constituyente
 Venezuela 1952 Military junta blocked the final results from being published and installed General Marcos Pérez Jiménez as Provisional President.
Constituent Assembly of Indonesia
 Indonesia 1956–1959 Elected in 1955, and sitting between 10 November 1956 and 2 July 1959, when the previous 1945 constitution was reimposed
Constituent Assembly of Pakistan  Pakistan 1947 Formed on 10 August 1947 to write the Constitution, and serve as Pakistan's first parliament. It was dissolved on 24 October 1954 and reconstituted after fresh elections on 28 May 1955, lasting until 23 March 1956 when Pakistan became a republic.
Constituent Assembly  Turkey 1961 Adopted the Turkish Constitution of 1961.
Constituent Assembly of Bangladesh  Bangladesh 1972 Formed in 1972 to draft the Constitution.
Constituent Assembly
Assembleia Constituinte
 Portugal 1975–1976 Elected on 25 April 1975, following the Carnation Revolution, and enacted the current Constitution.
Turnhalle Constitutional Conference South Africa Namibia 1975–1977
Assembly of Experts for Constitution  Iran 1979 Adopted the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran.
Constitutional Assembly of Peru  Peru 1978–1980 Condoned by the military dictatorship of General Francisco Morales Bermúdez Cerruti following paralyzing national strikes of May 1978 and June 1979, it produced a new constitution for Peru with many new civil liberties and was followed by new elections and a return to democratic rule in 1980.
Constituent Assembly of El Salvador  El Salvador 1982 Elected in 1982 as a provisional parliament and presidential electoral college, and charged with drafting the Constitution.
National Constituent Assembly
Assembléia Nacional Constituinte
 Brazil 1987–1988 Established on February 1, 1987, in the newly elected Congress to draft a new Constitution, following 21 years of a military government. The assembly was dissolved on September 22, 1988, when the document was adopted.
Constituent Assembly of Namibia  Namibia 1989–1990 Adopted the Constitution of Namibia.
Constituent Assembly of Bulgaria  Bulgaria 1990–1991 Adopted the Constitution of Bulgaria.
National Constituent Assembly
Asamblea Nacional Constituyente
 Colombia 1991 Formed on 5 February 1991 to draft the country's constitution. It was dissolved in July 1991 when the document was adopted nationwide.
Constitutional Assembly of Estonia  Estonia Set up in 1992 consisted of an equal number of members from the Supreme Soviet of the Estonian SSR and the Congress of Estonia.
Democratic Constitutional Congress
Congreso Constituyente Democrático
 Peru 1992–1993 Convened by Alberto Fujimori in 1992 to draft a new constitution.
Constitutional Assembly of South Africa South Africa South Africa Established by the Constitution of South Africa, 1993 (Interim Constitution) to adopt a final constitution.[1] The Parliament of South Africa acted in the capacity of the Constitutional Assembly until the Constitution of South Africa, 1996 was adopted.
Volkstaat Council South Africa South Africa 1994–1999
National Constituent Assembly
Asamblea Nacional Constituyente
 Venezuela 1999 Adopted the Constitution of 1999.
European Convention  European Union 1999–2003 Adopted the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union.
Iraqi Constituent Assembly  Iraq 2005 Elected on 30 January 2005, after the collapse of the dictatorship of Saddam Hussein, caused by the U.S. invasion, adopted the Constitution of the new democratic, parliamentary and regional Iraq, approved by a referendum of 15 October 2005.
Constituent Assembly of Montenegro  Montenegro 2006–2007 Elected in 2006 to replace the old Yugoslav constitution, enacted the current constitution on 22 October 2007.
Constituent Assembly
Asamblea Constituyente
 Bolivia 2006–2007 Approved the new Political Constitution of the State on 9 December 2007. It was put to a national referendum held on 25 January 2009, and went into force on 7 February 2009.
Constituent Assembly
Asamblea Constituyente
 Ecuador 2007–2008 Which is to draft the future constitution of Ecuador – to be established according to the results of the referendum held on 15 April 2007.
First Constituent Assembly of Nepal
नेपालको पहिलो संविधान सभा
   Nepal 2008–2012 Following the end of the Nepalese Civil War and after several postponements it was elected on 10 April 2008. The first session was scheduled on 28 May 2008 upon which Nepal should be declared a republic.
Loya jirga
(Grand assembly)
 Afghanistan 2010 Afghanistan traditional large council to settle major conflict or enact constitutional change.
Constituent Assembly of the Philippines  Philippines
Icelandic Constitutional Assembly
 Iceland 2010–2013 Summoned by an act of Althingi, the Icelandic parliament, on 16 June 2010 for the purpose of reviewing the Constitution of the Republic.
Constituent Assembly of Tunisia  Tunisia 2011–2014
Constitutional Assembly of Ukraine
Конституційна Асамблея
 Ukraine 2012 A special auxiliary agency under the president of Ukraine set up in May 2012 for drawing up bills of amendments to the Constitution of Ukraine; the president then will table them in parliament.[2]
Constituent Assembly  Egypt 2012–present
National Constituent Assembly
Asamblea Nacional Constituyente
 Venezuela 2017–present Polemic elections approved during the 2017 Venezuelan constitutional crisis.
International constituent assemblies
Name Year Location Notes
Peoples' World Convention (PWC)

Peoples' World Constituent Assembly

1950[3] Geneva, Switzerland[4] Convened to discuss the world problems and draft a world constitution
World Constitutional Convention (WCC)

First World Constituent Assembly

1968[5] Interlaken, Switzerland and Wolfach, Germany[6] Convened to draft a world constitution for the Federation of Earth
Second World Constituent Assembly 1977[5] Innsbruck, Austria[7] Adopted the 'Constitution for the Federation of Earth'
Third World Constituent Assembly 1978-79[8][5] Colombo, Sri Lanka[9] For amendments to the 'Constitution for the Federation of Earth'
Fourth World Constituent Assembly 1991[5] Tróia, Portugal[10] For amendments to the 'Constitution for the Federation of Earth'


  1. ^ Constitution of the Republic of South Africa Act 200 of 1993 – Official South African Government Website Archived 12 June 2008 at the Wayback Machine
  2. ^ Klitschko:UDAR won't join work of Constitutional Assembly, Kyiv Post (7 December 2012)
  3. ^ Einstein, Albert; Nathan, Otto; Norden, Heinz (1968). Einstein on peace. Internet Archive. New York, Schocken Books. pp. 539, 670, 676.
  4. ^ "[Carta] 1950 oct. 12, Genève, [Suiza] [a] Gabriela Mistral, Santiago, Chile [manuscrito] Gerry Kraus". BND: Archivo del Escritor. Retrieved 19 October 2023.
  5. ^ a b c d "Global Strategies & Solutions : Preparing earth constitution". The Encyclopedia of World Problems. Union of International Associations. Retrieved 15 July 2023 – via
  6. ^ Heimann, Hans (29 August 2018). "Als Interlaken die heimliche Welthauptstadt war" [When Interlaken was the secret world capital]. Berner Zeitung (in German). Retrieved 29 July 2023.
  7. ^ Falk, Richard A.; Johansen, Robert C.; Kim, Samuel S.; Kim, Teacher of Korean Foreign Relations and Korean Politics Department of Political Science Associate Director of the Center for Korean Research East Asia Institute Samuel S. (1 January 1993). The Constitutional Foundations of World Peace. SUNY Press. p. 155. ISBN 978-0-7914-1343-2.
  9. ^ Amerasinghe, Terence P. (2009). Emerging World Law, Volume 1. Institute for Economic Democracy. p. 58. ISBN 978-1-933567-16-7.
  10. ^ Amerasinghe, Terence P. (2009). Emerging World Law, Volume 1. Institute for Economic Democracy. p. 71. ISBN 978-1-933567-16-7.