List of books in computational geometry

This is a list of books in computational geometry. There are two major, largely nonoverlapping categories:

  • Combinatorial computational geometry, which deals with collections of discrete objects or defined in discrete terms: points, lines, polygons, polytopes, etc., and algorithms of discrete/combinatorial character are used
  • Numerical computational geometry, also known as geometric modeling and computer-aided geometric design (CAGD), which deals with modelling of shapes of real-life objects in terms of curves and surfaces with algebraic representation.

Combinatorial computational geometry


General-purpose textbooks

  • Franco P. Preparata; Michael Ian Shamos (1985). Computational Geometry - An Introduction. Springer-Verlag. ISBN 0-387-96131-3. 1st edition; 2nd printing, corrected and expanded, 1988: ISBN 3-540-96131-3; Russian translation, 1989: ISBN 5-03-001041-6.
    The book is the first comprehensive monograph on the level of a graduate textbook to systematically cover the fundamental aspects of the emerging discipline of computational geometry. It is written by founders of the field and the first edition covered all major developments in the preceding 10 years.
    In the aspect of comprehensiveness it was preceded only by the 1984 survey paper, Lee, D, T., Preparata, F. P.: "Computational geometry - a survey". IEEE Trans. on Computers. Vol. 33, No. 12, pp. 1072–1101 (1984). It is focused on two-dimensional problems, but also has digressions into higher dimensions.[1][2]
    The initial core of the book was M.I.Shamos' doctoral dissertation, which was suggested to turn into a book by a yet another pioneer in the field, Ronald Graham.
    The introduction covers the history of the field, basic data structures, and necessary notions from the theory of computation and geometry.
    The subsequent sections cover geometric searching (point location, range searching), convex hull computation, proximity-related problems (closest points, computation and applications of the Voronoi diagram, Euclidean minimum spanning tree, triangulations, etc.), geometric intersection problems, algorithms for sets of isothetic rectangles
  • Herbert Edelsbrunner (1987). Algorithms in Combinatorial Geometry. Springer-Verlag. ISBN 0-89791-517-8.
    The monograph is a rather advanced exposition of problems and approaches in computational geometry focused on the role of hyperplane arrangements, which are shown to constitute a basic underlying combinatorial-geometric structure in certain areas of the field. The primary target audience are active theoretical researchers in the field, rather than application developers. Unlike most of books in computational geometry focused on 2- and 3-dimensional problems (where most applications of computational geometry are), the book aims to treat its subject in the general multi-dimensional setting.[3]
  • Mark de Berg; Otfried Cheong; Marc van Kreveld; Mark Overmars (2008). Computational Geometry (3rd revised ed.). Springer-Verlag. ISBN 978-3-540-77973-5. 1st edition (1997): ISBN 3-540-61270-X.
    The textbook provides an introduction to computation geometry from the point of view of practical applications. Starting with an introduction chapter, each of the 15 remaining ones formulates a real application problem, formulates an underlying geometrical problem, and discusses techniques of computational geometry useful for its solution, with algorithms provided in pseudocode. The book treats mostly 2- and 3-dimensional geometry.
    The goal of the book is to provide a comprehensive introduction into methods and approached, rather than the cutting edge of the research in the field: the presented algorithms provide transparent and reasonably efficient solutions based on fundamental "building blocks" of computational geometry.[4][5]
    The book consists of the following chapters (which provide both solutions for the topic of the title and its applications): "Computational Geometry (Introduction)" "Line Segment Intersection", "Polygon Triangulation", "Linear Programming", "Orthogonal Range Searching", "Point Location", "Voronoi Diagrams", "Arrangements and Duality", "Delaunay Triangulations", "More Geometric Data Structures", "Convex Hulls", "Binary Space Partitions", "Robot Motion Planning", "Quadtrees", "Visibility Graphs", "Simplex Range Searching".
  • Jean-Daniel Boissonnat; Mariette Yvinec (1998). Algorithmic Geometry. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0-521-56529-4. Translation of a 1995 French edition.
  • Joseph O'Rourke (1998). Computational Geometry in C (2nd ed.). Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0-521-64976-5.
  • Satyan Devadoss; Joseph O'Rourke (2011). Discrete and Computational Geometry. Princeton University Press. ISBN 978-0-691-14553-2.
  • Jim Arlow (2014). Interactive Computational Geometry - A taxonomic approach. Mountain Way Limited. ISBN 978-0-9572928-2-6. 1st edition.
    This book is an interactive introduction to the fundamental algorithms of computational geometry, formatted as an interactive document viewable using software based on Mathematica.

Specialized textbooks and monographs



  • Jacob E. Goodman; Joseph O'Rourke, eds. (2004) [1997]. Handbook of Discrete and Computational Geometry. North-Holland. ISBN 0-8493-8524-5. 1st edition:, 2nd edition: ISBN 1-58488-301-4.
    In its organization, the book resembles the classical handbook in algorithms, Introduction to Algorithms, in its comprehensiveness, only restricted to discrete and computational geometry, computational topology, as well as a broad range of their applications. The second edition expands the book by half, with 14 chapters added and old chapters brought up to date. Its 65 chapters (in over 1,500 pages) are written by a large team of active researchers in the field.[6]
  • Jörg-Rudiger Sack; Jorge Urrutia (1998). Handbook of Computational Geometry. North-Holland. ISBN 0-444-82537-1. 1st edition:, 2nd edition (2000): 1-584-88301-4.
    The handbook contains survey chapters in classical and new studies in geometric algorithms: hyperplane arrangements, Voronoi diagrams, geometric and spatial data structures, polygon decomposition, randomized algorithms, derandomization, parallel computational geometry (deterministic and randomized), visibility, Art Gallery and Illumination Problems, closest point problems, link distance problems, similarity of geometric objects, Davenport–Schinzel sequences, spanning trees and spanners for geometric graphs, robustness and numerical issues for geometric algorithms, animation, and graph drawing.
    In addition, the book surveys applications of geometric algorithms in such areas as geographic information systems, geometric shortest path and network optimization and mesh generation.
  • Ding-Zhu Du; Frank Hwang (1995). Computing in Euclidean Geometry. Lectures Notes Series on Computing. Vol. 4 (2nd ed.). World Scientific. ISBN 981-02-1876-1.
    "This book is a collection of surveys and exploratory articles about recent developments in the field of computational Euclidean geometry."[7] Its 11 chapters cover quantitative geometry, a history of computational geometry, mesh generation, automated generation of geometric proofs, randomized geometric algorithms, Steiner tree problems, Voronoi diagrams and Delaunay triangulations, constraint solving, spline surfaces, network design, and numerical primitives for geometric computing.

Numerical computational geometry (geometric modelling, computer-aided geometric design)








The conferences below, of broad scope, published many seminal papers in the domain.

Paper collections

  • "Combinatorial and Computational Geometry", eds. Jacob E. Goodman, János Pach, Emo Welzl (MSRI Publications – Volume 52), 2005, ISBN 0-521-84862-8.
    • 32 papers, including surveys and research articles on geometric arrangements, polytopes, packing, covering, discrete convexity, geometric algorithms and their computational complexity, and the combinatorial complexity of geometric objects.
  • "Surveys on Discrete and Computational Geometry: Twenty Years Later" ("Contemporary Mathematics" series), American Mathematical Society, 2008, ISBN 0-8218-4239-0

See also



  1. ^ MR0805539, MR1004870
  2. ^ Zbl 0575.68037, Zbl 0575.68059
  3. ^ A review of Edelsbrunner's book in Zbl 0634.52001
  4. ^ Reviews in Zbl 0877.68001 (1st ed.), Zbl 0939.68134 (2nd ed.)
  5. ^ About the book by de Berg, van Kreveld, Overmars, and Schwarzkopf
  6. ^ A review of the Handbook for Computational Geometry in Geombinatorics, January 2005.
  7. ^ From the flyleaf of the book.