List of Bryozoa of Ireland

There are 100 species of Bryozoa (moss animals) recorded in Ireland.[1][2][3][4]

Pentapora fascialis
Caberea ellisii
Electra pilosa

various species

Flustra foliacea
Chartella papyracea
Membranipora membranacea
Reteporella grimaldii
Schizoporella unicornis
Alcyonidium gelatinosum
Part of a branch of Bowerbankia pustulosa
Part of a branch of Crisia eburnea


  1. ^ "Species Browser".
  2. ^ "Holdings: A new key to the freshwater bryozoans of Britain,..."
  3. ^ "Non-insect invertebrates - Biodiversity Ireland".
  4. ^ Horton, Andy. "Bryozoa".
  • Prenant M. et Bobin G., 1966. Bryozoaires. 2ème partie. Chilostomes, Anasca. Faune de France n° 68 647 p.PDF (33 Mo) Identification