Johann Christian Stark (the Elder)

Johann Christian Stark (13 January 1753 – 11 January 1811) was a German physician and obstetrician born in Oßmannstedt. His nephew, also named Johann Christian Stark (1769–1837), was a noted obstetrician.

Jena Johannisfriedhof Polz Stark Klopfleisch

He earned his doctorate in 1777 from the University of Jena, where in 1779 he became an associate professor. At Jena he was director of a health institute and subdirector of maternity hospital services.

Known as an outstanding clinical teacher, one of his better-known students was Adam Elias von Siebold (1775–1828). He was a physician to the Weimar Ducal Court, in particular Anna Amalia and Carl August of Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach. He was also the doctor of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe and Friedrich Schiller.

In 1787 he became editor of the first obstetric-gynecological journal, Archivs für Geburtshilfe, Frauenzimmer und Neugeborener Kinder Krankheiten. He also published works in the fields of pharmacology and pediatrics, and was the author of a treatise on the history of tetanus. In addition, he is credited with making modifications to a number of obstetrical instruments and devices.

