A Heyting field is one of the inequivalent ways in constructive mathematics to capture the classical notion of a field. It is essentially a field with an apartness relation.



A commutative ring is a Heyting field if it is a field in the sense that

  • Each non-invertible element is zero

and if it is moreover local: Not only does the non-invertible   not equal the invertible  , but the following disjunctions are granted more generally

  • Either   or   is invertible for every  

The third axiom may also be formulated as the statement that the algebraic " " transfers invertibility to one of its inputs: If   is invertible, then either   or   is as well.

Relation to classical logic


The structure defined without the third axiom may be called a weak Heyting field. Every such structure with decidable equality being a Heyting field is equivalent to excluded middle. Indeed, classically all fields are already local.



An apartness relation is defined by writing   if   is invertible. This relation is often now written as   with the warning that it is not equivalent to  .

The assumption   is then generally not sufficient to construct the inverse of  . However,   is sufficient.



The prototypical Heyting field is the real numbers.

See also



  • Mines, Richman, Ruitenberg. A Course in Constructive Algebra. Springer, 1987.