Hala Pionir Beograd is a concert album by the Bosnian folk singer Halid Bešlić. It was released in 1988. A remastered version, named Iz sve snage (With All the Strength), was released in 1998 by Naraton.

Hala Pionir Beograd
Live album by
Halid Bešlić chronology
Eh, kad bi ti rekla mi, volim te
Hala Pionir Beograd
Mostovi tuge

Track listing

  1. Neću, neću dijamante (I Don't Want, I Don't Want Diamonds)
  2. Vraćam se majci u Bosnu (I Am Returning to my Mother in Bosnia)
  3. Sjećam se (I Remember)
  4. Zlatne strune (Golden String)
  5. Jabuke su bile slatke (The Apples Were Sweet)
  6. Prokleta je žena ta (That Woman is Greedy)
  7. Otrov mi dajte (Give Me Poison)
  8. U plamenu jedne vatre (In the Flame of One Fire)
  9. Gitara i čaša vina (A Guitar and a Glass of Wine)
  10. Zar si mogla ljubit' njega (How Could You Kiss Him?)
  11. I zanesen tom ljepotom (Enthralled by Your Beauty)
  12. Eh, kad bi ti... (If Only You Would)