The Grimaldi Ministry was a Spanish government headed by Jerónimo Grimaldi which lasted between 9 October 1763 and 19 February 1777. Following Spain's disastrous performance in the Seven Years' War, Grimaldi was tasked with pushing through reforms of the navy, army, public finances and colonial administration system which he did with some success. His government was packed with reforms known as Grillos, many of whom wanted to remodel the Spanish state to closer resemble that of Britain.

Jerónimo Grimaldi

In 1777 he was dismissed by Charles III and made Spanish Ambassador to Rome. He was replaced by the Floridablanca Ministry which served from 1777 to 1792.


9 October 1763 – 19 February 1777
Portfolio Holder Term
First Secretary of State Jerónimo Grimaldi 9 October 1763 – 19 February 1777
Secretary of State
First Secretary of State and Foreign Affairs
Secretary of War
Secretary of Grace and Justice
Secretary of Navy and Indies
Secretary of the Universal Bureau of the Treasury Marquess of Esquilache 9 October 1763 – 1 April 1766
Miguel de Múzquiz y Goyeneche 1 April 1766 – 19 February 1777


  • Simms, Brendan. Three Victories and a Defeat: The Rise and Fall of the First British Empire. Penguin Books 2008.