Envelope (category theory)

In category theory and related fields of mathematics, an envelope is a construction that generalizes the operations of "exterior completion", like completion of a locally convex space, or Stone–Čech compactification of a topological space. A dual construction is called refinement.



Suppose   is a category,   an object in  , and   and   two classes of morphisms in  . The definition[1] of an envelope of   in the class   with respect to the class   consists of two steps.

  • A morphism   in   is called an extension of the object   in the class of morphisms   with respect to the class of morphisms  , if  , and for any morphism   from the class   there exists a unique morphism   in   such that  .
  • An extension   of the object   in the class of morphisms   with respect to the class of morphisms   is called an envelope of   in   with respect to  , if for any other extension   (of   in   with respect to  ) there is a unique morphism   in   such that  . The object   is also called an envelope of   in   with respect to  .



In a special case when   is a class of all morphisms whose ranges belong to a given class of objects   in   it is convenient to replace   with   in the notations (and in the terms):


Similarly, if   is a class of all morphisms whose ranges belong to a given class of objects   in   it is convenient to replace   with   in the notations (and in the terms):


For example, one can speak about an envelope of   in the class of objects   with respect to the class of objects  :


Nets of epimorphisms and functoriality


Suppose that to each object   in a category   it is assigned a subset   in the class   of all epimorphisms of the category  , going from  , and the following three requirements are fulfilled:

  • for each object   the set   is non-empty and is directed to the left with respect to the pre-order inherited from  
  • for each object   the covariant system of morphisms generated by  
has a colimit   in  , called the local limit in  ;
  • for each morphism   and for each element   there are an element   and a morphism  [2] such that

Then the family of sets   is called a net of epimorphisms in the category  .


  1. For each locally convex topological vector space   and for each closed convex balanced neighbourhood of zero   let us consider its kernel   and the quotient space   endowed with the normed topology with the unit ball  , and let   be the completion of   (obviously,   is a Banach space, and it is called the quotient Banach space of   by  ). The system of natural mappings   is a net of epimorphisms in the category   of locally convex topological vector spaces.
  2. For each locally convex topological algebra   and for each submultiplicative closed convex balanced neighbourhood of zero  ,
let us again consider its kernel   and the quotient algebra   endowed with the normed topology with the unit ball  , and let   be the completion of   (obviously,   is a Banach algebra, and it is called the quotient Banach algebra of   by  ). The system of natural mappings   is a net of epimorphisms in the category   of locally convex topological algebras.

Theorem.[3] Let   be a net of epimorphisms in a category   that generates a class of morphisms   on the inside:


Then for any class of epimorphisms   in  , which contains all local limits  ,


the following holds:

(i) for each object   in   the local limit   is an envelope   in   with respect to  :
(ii) the envelope   can be defined as a functor.

Theorem.[4] Let   be a net of epimorphisms in a category   that generates a class of morphisms   on the inside:


Then for any monomorphically complementable class of epimorphisms   in   such that   is co-well-powered[5] in   the envelope   can be defined as a functor.

Theorem.[6] Suppose a category   and a class of objects   have the following properties:

(i)   is cocomplete,
(ii)   has nodal decomposition,
(iii)   is co-well-powered in the class  ,[7]
(iv)   goes from  :
(v)   differs morphisms on the outside: for any two different parallel morphisms   there is a morphism   such that  ,
(vi)   is closed with respect to passage to colimits,
(vii)   is closed with respect to passage from the codomain of a morphism to its nodal image: if  , then  .

Then the envelope   can be defined as a functor.



In the following list all envelopes can be defined as functors.

1. The completion   of a locally convex topological vector space   is an envelope of   in the category   of all locally convex spaces with respect to the class   of Banach spaces:[8]  . Obviously,   is the inverse limit of the quotient Banach spaces   (defined above):
2. The Stone–Čech compactification   of a Tikhonov topological space   is an envelope of   in the category   of all Tikhonov spaces in the class   of compact spaces with respect to the same class  :[8]  
3. The Arens-Michael envelope[9][10][11][12]   of a locally convex topological algebra   with a separately continuous multiplication is an envelope of   in the category   of all (locally convex) topological algebras (with separately continuous multiplications) in the class   with respect to the class   of Banach algebras:  . The algebra   is the inverse limit of the quotient Banach algebras   (defined above):
4. The holomorphic envelope[13]   of a stereotype algebra   is an envelope of   in the category   of all stereotype algebras in the class   of all dense epimorphisms[14] in   with respect to the class   of all Banach algebras:  
5. The smooth envelope[15]   of a stereotype algebra   is an envelope of   in the category   of all involutive stereotype algebras in the class   of all dense epimorphisms[14] in   with respect to the class   of all differential homomorphisms into various C*-algebras with joined self-adjoined nilpotent elements:  
6. The continuous envelope[16][17]   of a stereotype algebra   is an envelope of   in the category   of all involutive stereotype algebras in the class   of all dense epimorphisms[14] in   with respect to the class   of all C*-algebras:  



Envelopes appear as standard functors in various fields of mathematics. Apart from the examples given above,

  • the Gelfand transform   of a commutative involutive stereotype algebra   is a continuous envelope of  ;[18][19]

In abstract harmonic analysis the notion of envelope plays a key role in the generalizations of the Pontryagin duality theory[20] to the classes of non-commutative groups: the holomorphic, the smooth and the continuous envelopes of stereotype algebras (in the examples given above) lead respectively to the constructions of the holomorphic, the smooth and the continuous dualities in big geometric disciplinescomplex geometry, differential geometry, and topology – for certain classes of (not necessarily commutative) topological groups considered in these disciplines (affine algebraic groups, and some classes of Lie groups and Moore groups).[21][18][20][22]

See also



  1. ^ Akbarov 2016, p. 42.
  2. ^   means the codomain of the morphism  .
  3. ^ Akbarov 2016, Theorem 3.37.
  4. ^ Akbarov 2016, Theorem 3.38.
  5. ^ A category   is said to be co-well-powered in a class of morphisms  , if for each object   the category   of all morphisms in   going from   is skeletally small.
  6. ^ Akbarov 2016, Theorem 3.60.
  7. ^ A category   is said to be co-well-powered in the class of epimorphisms  , if for each object   the category   of all morphisms in   going from   is skeletally small.
  8. ^ a b Akbarov 2016, p. 50.
  9. ^ Helemskii 1993, p. 264.
  10. ^ Pirkovskii 2008.
  11. ^ Akbarov 2009, p. 542.
  12. ^ Akbarov 2010, p. 275.
  13. ^ Akbarov 2016, p. 170.
  14. ^ a b c A morphism (i.e. a continuous unital homomorphism) of stereotype algebras   is called dense if its set of values   is dense in  .
  15. ^ Akbarov 2017b, p. 741.
  16. ^ Akbarov 2016, p. 179.
  17. ^ Akbarov 2017b, p. 673.
  18. ^ a b c Akbarov 2016.
  19. ^ Akbarov 2013.
  20. ^ a b Akbarov 2017b.
  21. ^ Akbarov 2009.
  22. ^ Kuznetsova 2013.


  • Helemskii, A.Ya. (1993). Banach and locally convex algebras. Oxford Science Publications. Clarendon Press.
  • Pirkovskii, A.Yu. (2008). "Arens-Michael envelopes, homological epimorphisms, and relatively quasi-free algebras" (PDF). Trans. Moscow Math. Soc. 69: 27–104. doi:10.1090/S0077-1554-08-00169-6.
  • Akbarov, S.S. (2009). "Holomorphic functions of exponential type and duality for Stein groups with algebraic connected component of identity". Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 162 (4): 459–586. arXiv:0806.3205. doi:10.1007/s10958-009-9646-1. S2CID 115153766.
  • Akbarov, S.S. (2010). Stereotype algebras and duality for Stein groups (Thesis). Moscow State University.
  • Akbarov, S.S. (2016). "Envelopes and refinements in categories, with applications to functional analysis". Dissertationes Mathematicae. 513: 1–188. arXiv:1110.2013. doi:10.4064/dm702-12-2015. S2CID 118895911.
  • Akbarov, S.S. (2017a). "Continuous and smooth envelopes of topological algebras. Part 1". Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 227 (5): 531–668. arXiv:1303.2424. doi:10.1007/s10958-017-3599-6. S2CID 126018582.
  • Akbarov, S.S. (2017b). "Continuous and smooth envelopes of topological algebras. Part 2". Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 227 (6): 669–789. arXiv:1303.2424. doi:10.1007/s10958-017-3600-4. S2CID 128246373.
  • Akbarov, S.S. (2013). "The Gelfand transform as a C*-envelope". Mathematical Notes. 94 (5–6): 814–815. doi:10.1134/S000143461311014X. S2CID 121354607.
  • Kuznetsova, Y. (2013). "A duality for Moore groups". Journal of Operator Theory. 69 (2): 101–130. arXiv:0907.1409. Bibcode:2009arXiv0907.1409K. doi:10.7900/jot.2011mar17.1920. S2CID 115177410.