Draft:The Beacon of Dawah

"The Beacon of Dawah: Life and Legacy of Hadhrat Noor ul Hassan Sahib Rahmatullahi Alaihi"

In the Name of Allah Ta’ala, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful

Haji Noor ul Hassan Qazi Sahib’s life was the true embodiment of simplicity, faith, and relentless dedication to the path of Da'wah. His upbringing, marked by the humble yet powerful teachings of his mother, set the foundation for a life devoted to the service of Allah Ta'ala and His creation.

A Humble Beginning

Haji Noor ul Hassan Sahib was born into a family with deep-rooted spiritual values. His ancestors originally settled in the village of Khayar in Bandipora after migrating from Tujjar Sharif Sopore, earning the family the revered title of "Makhdumi." Afterwards, Ghulam Muhiyuddin Qazi Sahib, the father of Noor ul Hassan Sahib, moved to Onagam as a son-in-law, where Noor ul Hassan Sahib spent his childhood.

Raised by his mother in Onagam Bandipora, Noor ul Hassan Sahib's upbringing was marked by both struggle and deep spiritual nurturing. His mother, a woman of immense strength and piety, worked tirelessly on a charkha (spinning wheel) to make a livelihood. It was this charkha that served as Haji Sahib's first darasgah (place of learning). He often remarked that while he never attended a madrasa, the wisdom and faith imparted by his mother through her simple, hardworking life was his greatest education.

Educational and Professional Journey

Noor ul Hassan Sahib received formal education up to the matriculation level. He began his professional journey working as a clerk in Srinagar and later became a permanent employee in the SRTC department. However, the worldly career did not satisfy his spiritual yearnings. Afterwards, several years later, he resigned from his position, seeking a life more closely aligned with his faith.

A Life Transformed: Turning Towards Dawah

The year 1974 marked a significant turning point in Noor ul Hassan Sahib's life. He traveled to the neighboring region of Kashmir on a visa, where his maternal grandfather, the devout scholar Hazrat Maulana Mufti Abdul Quddus Qasmi (a distinguished student of Hadrat Shaykh-ul-Islam Maulana Sayyid Husain Ahmad Madani and Allamah Anwar Shah Kashmiri Rahmatullahi Alaihi), resided. The profound influence of his grandfather’s presence and teachings stirred something deep within Noor ul Hassan's heart, transforming his perspective on life and turning him towards piety.

Upon returning, his family was astonished to see his transformed, outwardly religious appearance. This noble encounter changed the very essence of his heart, leading him to lose interest in worldly matters and occupations. During this period, he traveled outside the state, and from Delhi, he went on a four-month tablighi jamaat to Kerala, South India. This experience further refined his already spiritually inclined heart. Thus, he pledged allegiance (bay'ah) to Hazrat Amir Thalith Maulana Inaam-ul-Hasan Kandhalvi (Rahmatullahi Alaihi), dedicating his life to the field of dawah and spiritual guidance.

Commitment to Da'wah: A Life of Preaching and Guidance

Haji Noor ul Hassan Sahib’s dedication to Da'wah was unwavering and became the defining aspect of his life. As a devoted Tablighi preacher, he immersed himself in spreading the message of Islam, encouraging people to live by the teachings of the Qur'an and Sunnah. His life was a continuous journey of Da'wah, characterized by his commitment to the principles of Tablighi Jamaat and his deep connection to its elders. He held profound respect and admiration for the great elders of Da'wah, such as Hadhrat Maulana Muhammad Umar Sahib Palanpuri, Hadhrat Maulana Muhammad Yaqub Sahib of Delhi, Hadhrat Maulana Zubair Sahib, and the eminent contemporary scholars of Da'wah, Hadhrat Maulana Muhammad Ibrahim Dewla Sahib and Hadhrat Maulana Ahmad Laat Sahib. Without the work of Dawat-o-Tabligh, he found no peace, not for a moment. His life was characterized by his constant engagement in Da'wah activities, his guidance to others, and his sincere efforts to spread the message of Islam and Iman.

A Legacy of Service and Simplicity

Haji Noor ul Hassan Sahib’s life was a testament to the power of simplicity and faith. His devotion to Dhikr, I'tikaf, and participation in gatherings of Ulema-e-kiraam and the Awliya-e-Kiraam was unwavering. Despite not having a formal religious education, the knowledge and wisdom Haji Noor Sahib gained from his mother’s charkha, his grandfather’s influence, and his life experiences were evident in his actions and words. His approach to Da'wah was characterized by his simplicity and humility, qualities that resonated deeply with those who knew him.

Spiritual Bond with Hadhrat Maulana Rahmatullah Sahib Qasmi Noor ul Hassan Sahib had a deeper connection with Hazrat Maulana Rahmatullah Sahib Qasmi (Khalifah Majaz Faqeehul Ummah Hadhrat Mufti Mahmood Hasan Gamgohi Rahmatullahi Alaihi), which added another layer to his spiritual life. He frequently visited Hadhrat Maulana Rahmatullah Sahib's khanqah majlis to practice zikr (remembrance of Allah) and to perform 'itikaaf (spiritual retreat) during the blessed month of Ramadan. These spiritual practices were a source of immense solace and spiritual growth for him, allowing him to recharge his faith and deepen his connection with Allah Ta'ala.

A tragic departure

On the morning of 12th Safar al-Muzaffar 1446 AH, corresponding to August 18, 2024, at 1:00 AM, the people of Bandipora, Kashmir, were struck with grief as the beloved Haji Noor ul Hassan Qazi Sahib passed away. His death marked the end of a life that was a true embodiment of simplicity, faith, and dedication. *Inna Lillahi wa Inna Ilayhi Raji'un* (Indeed, we belong to Allah, and indeed to Him, we will return).

In the weeks leading up to his death, Haji Noor ul Hassan Sahib had withdrawn, focusing more intently on his spiritual journey. He instructed his family not to bring any medication, expressing his readiness to meet his Creator. For 10 to 15 days before his death, he had been actively engaged in preaching. A group of Tablighi Jamaat from Gujarat was staying in Bandipora, and he was guiding them.

On that fateful day, after the Asr prayer, Haji Noor ul Hassan Sahib was involved in a tragic accident that resulted in a severe head injury. Despite his condition, he managed to ride his bike to the district hospital in Bandipora, where he lost consciousness. He was transferred to SKIMS Hospital Srinagar, where he underwent a head operation but, unfortunately, could not recover.

During his coma, he briefly regained consciousness, uttering "Allah, Allah," before his once-speaking tongue fell silent forever. His death in the path of Allah Ta'ala, while engaged in the noble work of Da'wah, with his last words being the remembrance of Allah Ta'ala, is a powerful testament to his faith. Such a passing is a sign of a martyr’s death, the death of the truly fortunate.

A Call for Reflection and Prayers

As we remember Haji Noor ul Hassan Sahib Rahmatullahi Alaihi, we are reminded of the powerful lessons his life teaches us: the value of simplicity, the strength of unwavering faith, and the profound impact of a life dedicated to the service of others. His upbringing, shaped by the humble yet powerful teachings of his mother, and his transformation under his grandfather’s influence stand as a beacon of hope and inspiration for all.

May Allah grant him the highest place in Jannat al-Firdous and bestow patience upon his son, Hafiz Zia ul Hassan, his younger brother Maulana Anwar-ul-Haq Qazi Qasmi, and all his loved ones. Let us all offer our prayers for his soul and strive to embody the virtues he lived by.

Written by: Naveed Ul Islam, Bandipora Kashmir.