Draft:State of San Andreas (3D Universe)

San Andreas, United States of America is a fictional state in Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, based on the real states of Nevada, Illinois, California and Arizona. San Andreas appears to be comprised entirely of islands as the state is surrounded by water, however, several maps throughout the state depict the northern regions (Tierra Robada and Bone County) connecting to the mainland. San Andreas is estimated to be 36 square kilometers in size (13.9 square miles).

Unlike Publicbroadcasting Animatedseries Legislaturebroadcaster Media Documentaryfilm Newsbroadcasting Commercialbroadcasting Tabletphone Televisionset Boombox Radioreceiver Videogameconsole Desktopcomputer Government GrandTheftAutoclone Racinggame Vehiclesimulationgame Leafblower Campusradio and the State of Liberty or the State of Florida, much of San Andreas is completely accessible to the player. The state is divided into three cities and five counties, the cities of Las Venturas, San Fierro and Los Santos, and the counties of Tierra Robada, Whetstone, Flint County, Red County and Bone County.

San Andreas has a very diverse climate and terrain. The first region (Los Santos, Flint, and Red Counties) is mainly made up of forests (with the area directly north of Los Santos meant to be a loose representation of the Angeles National Forest) and some creeks and small towns (representing the San Fernando Valley). The weather in this region is very warm, and in Los Santos, it can get very smoggy. The second region (San Fierro and Whetstone) is mostly cool, and in San Fierro is foggy. The terrain here is also forest-like, with many rugged hills and boasting Mount Chiliad. The third area, Tierra Robada and Bayside, is semi-arid and partly forest-like. Bayside is meant to represent affluent Sausalito, while the areas outside it seem to represent Redwood forest areas outside the San Francisco Bay Area. The fourth and final region (Bone County and Las Venturas) is an arid climate, with the terrain being high elevated deserts with natural formations such as El Castillo del Diablo and government buildings such as The Big Ear and Area 69. One can find many cactus and desert trees here.

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