
Shrinivasa also known as Shrinivasacharya (Sanskrit: श्रीनिवास , श्रीनिवासाचार्या, romanizedŚrīnivāsa, Śrīnivāsācārya) (c. 7th century[1][2]), Srinivasacharya, the author of Vedanta-Kaustubha was the immediate disciple of Nimbārkacarya and one of the most prominent acaryas in Nimbarka Sampradaya. At the behest of his preceptor, Nimbarkacarya, he composed Vedanta-Kaustubha[3][4]. His philosophy is called Svabhāvika Bhedābhed means natural distinction and similarities.





Srinivasacharya accepts threefold reality viz. Brahman, cit, Acit. Brahman is the Supreme Reality, with Cit representing the Jivātman, sentient, or individual soul, and Acit signifying the jagat, non-sentient, or unconscious entity. These concepts will be addressed in detail in their respective contexts. Brahman alone is independent (Svatantra). The activities and existence of the other two realities depend on Brahman (Paratantra), but this dependency does not imply dualism (Dvaita) as in the system of Madhvācārya and should not be confused with it.[5][6]



Srinivasacharya regards Brahman to be a universal soul, which is both transcendent as well as immanent. Brahman is also called variously as Śrī Kṛṣṇa, Viṣnu, Vāsudeva, Purushottama, Nārāyaņa, Paramatman, Bhagawan and so on.[7] Just like Nimbārkācārya refers to Śrī Kṛṣṇa along with his consort Rādhā in Vedanta kamadhenu Daśaślokī.[8]


  1. ^ Ramnarace 2014, p. 323.
  2. ^ Ramnarace 2014, p. 177-180.
  3. ^ Gupta 2000, p. 1,2.
  4. ^ Bose 2004, p. 2.
  5. ^ Bose 2004, p. 11.
  6. ^ Gupta 2000, p. 28.
  7. ^ Gupta 2000, p. 29.
  8. ^ Ramnarace 2014, p. 191.


  • Ramnarace, Vijay (2014). Rādhā-Kṛṣṇa's Vedāntic Debut: Chronology & Rationalisation in the Nimbārka Sampradāya (PDF) (PhD thesis). University of Edinburgh.