
Before you read this you must know that this whole thing is a joke, requested by SMILEYface themself. Love you, smiley <3 SMILEYfaceTheOfficial is a part of the smaller YouTube community.

  • Likes/loves anime
  • Dances
  • Sings
  • Other random rat-like behavior

Smiley does a lot of transitions and dyes their hair A LOT. They love interacting with their fans, and shouting them out with duets and edits.

Some quotes: "ToaStEd MaRsHMalLow!" "I fell asleep on my charger and then I-... OH MY GOD IT'S SO GROSS! EW EW!IT FEELS LIKE AN OLD PERSON!!"

Restaurant Orders:

Starbucks- - Dragon Drink - Depends on size; 5-6 scoops of fruit - No ice

In n Out- - Double Double - Animal Fries - Medium Root Beer

Tacobell- - Regular soft taco - Burrito Supreme - 2 Cinnabon tHiNgs - Regular Strawberry Freeze - Crunch wrap Supreme no nacho cheese add shredded cheese

Dutch Bros- - Medium blended dino egg rebel with extra strawberry boba

Subway- - 12 inch Subway Club - Regular Root beer no ice



SMILEYfaceTheOfficial on Youtube