Draft:SCP-6573: The Eternal Light

    • SCP-6573: The Eternal Light**
    • Object Class:** Euclid
    • Special Containment Procedures:**

SCP-6573 is to be contained within a specially constructed subterranean chamber at Site-308. The chamber walls must be composed of a multi-layered composite material designed to absorb and dissipate high-energy radiation. The entrance to SCP-6573's containment chamber requires Level 4 clearance and must be secured by a biometric lock. Under no circumstances should personnel enter SCP-6573's chamber without wearing full-body radiation suits and carrying radiation detectors.

Remote monitoring is to be conducted via cameras and radiation sensors installed within the containment chamber. Any significant fluctuations in radiation levels or anomalous activity are to be reported immediately to Site Command. Monthly inspections and maintenance of the containment chamber are mandatory.

    • Description:**

SCP-6573 is an anomalous light source of indeterminate origin, hovering approximately 1.5 meters above the ground within its containment chamber. SCP-6573 emits a continuous, intense white light, accompanied by varying levels of ionizing radiation, primarily gamma rays. The light produced by SCP-6573 is uncomfortably bright, even when viewed through specialized filters.

The most notable property of SCP-6573 is its apparent ability to influence the perception of time. Subjects exposed to SCP-6573 for extended periods report experiencing time dilation, with minutes feeling like hours. This effect becomes more pronounced the longer a subject remains in SCP-6573's presence. Subjects also report vivid, often disorienting hallucinations during exposure, typically involving visions of infinite corridors of light or surreal, otherworldly landscapes.

SCP-6573 was discovered in a remote cave system in the mountains of Damavan, Iran, after local reports of mysterious lights and disappearances drew the attention of Foundation agents. Initial containment efforts were hindered by the intense radiation and disorienting effects of SCP-6573, leading to multiple casualties. It was eventually secured and transported to Site-308 using a lead-lined containment unit.

    • Addendum 6573-1: Incident Report**

On 12/07/2008, during a routine inspection, SCP-6573 experienced a sudden increase in luminosity and radiation output. The on-site monitoring equipment recorded a significant spike in gamma radiation levels, which exceeded the safety thresholds. The containment chamber's automated defense systems activated, sealing the chamber and preventing personnel from entering.

Upon review of the incident, it was discovered that SCP-6573 had begun to emit a low-frequency hum, which was not previously recorded. Analysis of the audio revealed a pattern resembling Morse code, repeating the phrase "TIME IS A PRISON." Further investigation into the meaning and origin of this message is ongoing.

    • Addendum 6573-2: Researcher's Note**

Dr. Darwin A. has hypothesized that SCP-6573 may be a manifestation of a higher-dimensional entity or phenomenon, attempting to communicate with our reality. The time dilation and hallucinations experienced by subjects could be side effects of this interaction. Further research into higher-dimensional physics and metaphysics is required to fully understand the nature of SCP-6573 and its potential implications for our understanding of time and reality.

    • Warning:** Due to the hazardous nature of SCP-6573, any unauthorized attempts to interact with or study the object without proper clearance and protective measures will result in immediate disciplinary action, up to and including termination.