Robert Nailon


Robert Nailon (born 1945) is an influential Australian bodybuilder, photographer, and artist known for his contributions to the bodybuilding community. His work spans from his early involvement in the sport to his prominent role as a photographer and close association with Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Early Life


Robert Nailon was born in Sydney, Australia, to Michael and Elizabeth Nailon. He grew up in the eastern suburbs of Sydney and developed a passion for drawing and sports from a young age. Nailon became known for his interest in cars and photography, often seen driving Mustangs and Corvettes along the beaches of Sydney Daily Telegraph.

In 1963, Nailon met Paul Graham, a future IFBB official, and they formed a lasting friendship that significantly influenced his career in bodybuilding Built Report.



Bodybuilding and Photography


Robert Nailon’s passion for bodybuilding began in his youth. He became a well-known figure in the sport not just for his own physique but also for his remarkable photography, which documented and celebrated the bodybuilding scene in Australia and beyond. His photographs have been featured on the covers of several prominent bodybuilding magazines, bringing international attention to Australian bodybuilders and the sport itself.

- Muscular Development: Nailon's work appeared on the cover and in the pages of *Muscular Development*, where his photographs illustrated articles on bodybuilding techniques and featured prominent bodybuilders Muscular Development, April 2005.

- Muscle Mag International: His work in Muscle Mag International included covers and photo spreads that highlighted the physiques and stories of leading bodybuilders Muscle Mag International, March 2002.

- Muscle Training Illustrated: Nailon's images in *Muscle Training Illustrated* showcased the culture and dedication within the bodybuilding community Muscle Training Illustrated, January 1973.

- Strength & Health: His photography also appeared in *Strength & Health*, where he captured the physical achievements of bodybuilders Strength & Health, April 1977.

- Health & Strength: Nailon's contributions to *Health & Strength* included images that documented the bodybuilding community and its athletes Health & Strength, March 1996.

His photography not only highlighted the physiques of bodybuilders but also conveyed the dedication and artistry involved in the sport. These contributions were critical in promoting bodybuilding and increasing its popularity worldwide Vintage Bodybuilding Mags.

Gym Ownership


In 1974, Robert Nailon opened a gym in Randwick, Sydney, which became a key location for bodybuilders and fitness enthusiasts. His gym was known for its modern facilities and welcoming environment, attracting both amateur and professional athletes. Nailon managed the gym until he sold it in 1992, continuing to contribute to the bodybuilding community during this time Sydney Gym Revolution.

Friendship with Arnold Schwarzenegger


Robert Nailon's friendship with Arnold Schwarzenegger is a notable highlight of his career. Starting in 1972, Nailon became Schwarzenegger's personal photographer during his visits to Australia. Their relationship grew as Nailon documented Schwarzenegger’s training sessions, competitions, and personal moments, providing a unique and intimate perspective on the bodybuilder’s rise to fame.

Nailon's photographs of Schwarzenegger from this period are iconic, capturing moments that have become part of bodybuilding history. These images played a significant role in promoting Schwarzenegger’s career and bodybuilding as a sport Interview with Robert Nailon.

In 1980, Nailon was present at the controversial Mr. Olympia competition, where Schwarzenegger made a surprise return and won the title. Nailon’s insights and photographs from this event are frequently referenced in discussions about the competition and Schwarzenegger’s legacy 1980 Mr. Olympia.

Nailon’s friendship with Schwarzenegger extended beyond their professional interactions, with Nailon often providing personal insights and anecdotes about Schwarzenegger's character and career

Legacy and Recognition


Robert Nailon's contributions to bodybuilding, particularly through his photography, have left an indelible mark on the sport. His images serve as an important visual record of bodybuilding's history, capturing the dedication and artistry of the athletes involved. Nailon's work continues to be recognized and celebrated within the bodybuilding community Robert with Frank Zane.

His legacy also includes the numerous publications and articles where his photographs have been featured, providing valuable insights into the sport and its athletes. Nailon’s contributions are an integral part of bodybuilding's rich history, ensuring that future generations can appreciate and learn from the sport's past Strength Old School.

Magazine Covers


- Muscular Development, April 2005

- Muscle Mag International, March 2002

- Training Illustrated, January 1973

- Strength & Health, April 1977

- Health & Strength, March 1996



- with Robert Nailon

- Zane Course Cover by Robert Nailon

- Vintage Bodybuilding Mags

- 1971 IFBB Mr. America Contest

- Aussie Muscle of the 1970s

- Insights from Arnold’s Friends

- Robert with Zane on Reddit

- Sydney Gym Revolution

- Vince Basile Mentions Robert Nailon

- The 1980 Mr. Olympia