The world we live in is beautiful, with varying cultures, every culture has it's own dos and don'ts. Some people eat their loved ones after they die, some people burry and some cremate. It's important to understand that what might seem right to them might not seem right to us. This leads us into believing that everyone has their own cultures and we should respect them, which is of course right, but let's understand that no matter what culture it is, it was made by a man or a group of man who influenced others through words or force or both. We need to grow, understand what nature is, and also how humans can be different, as we are different from them. You don't see a dog and feel hungry like a lion, but some people will find it strange who eat dogs. Some people don't even eat animals, and in the coming times there will be a replacement for food too. If we say killing is not justified for any reason, we'd be wrong, let's say there's a lion in front of that wants to eat you, you would obviously run or kill it if you have the means. Nature means survival of the fittest. We all have roles in this universe.

Coming back to 'Culture'. It's not wrong to respect everyone's culture, but let's say there was a culture wherein you were supposed to share your daughter with different guests, who could be of any age, would that be justified? No, of course not. Let's say instead of saying that there are multiple genders instead of male, female and trans, we have 50+ more genders which will keep increasing which is not possible, but then the world is full of crazy and smart people. The crazy people aren't bad, they are the innocents, the smart ones are usually the evil or the unaffected people, because if you're really smart you'd either manipulate or not get manipulated. The world has been manipulated for a long time, they can make you believe that the person doing the wrong thing is right and the person doing the right thing is wrong, Rightism is all about understanding this, that manipulators exists, and we should do what's right, also it's crucial to understand that 'Culture' is manmade and not natural, but then there are in-fact things in nature that we shouldn't follow blindly. like King cobras eat other snakes, so should we too? or should we stop them from eating? We can't do both. The world has to keep running, when we understand this, we become different. It's not like you oppose anything you see and you become different, you oppose the wrong thing and you stand up for dharma. Hurting someone or something is not how we should live, u hurt a door by slamming too hard, it breaks, and you need a new one, it loses its life, not life in the literal sense, but it was yours and now it is trash. You might like to hack others, but if it hurts them, better don't do it, cuz at the end you hurt someone. But let's understand that we should be strong enough to stand against those who hurt us. When I say 'us', it means our world. We shouldn't hurt our world, minimize it. You don't have to follow cultures that destroy you, you are not an object that you should be used, you are supposed to valued.

This is again man made, so you are left to yourself to believe this or not. I don't wish to manipulate you into anything, be good, do what you know is right, science is the way, when i say science i mean the world. You don't have to debate anyone, the world is complex and if you go onto finding its creators, you'd end up with infinity. so all you can do is, put that belief into someone whom you think is God, it could be your mother and father who put life inside of you or it could be the one who created this universe or the one who created him, or the all of them. A simple definition that I have for god is everything you see around you, even if it was based on human actions. We all need to one day believe that we live in a simulation, and the cycles of the universe. It is not a lie. So, do good, be good and protect. Raping, killing is not good, and of course rightly associate things for what they are what are they compared to. Don't get manipulated by texts, they were written by someone that was motivated by their own thoughts or creativity or it could be Extraterrestrial or heavenly body, or force. We should see things for what they are. See what is right, we can see what is right and what is wrong and also understand compulsion, as they had no other choice. Also taking away someone's life is not the way a human should be, but then if you're under threat, do all it takes to protect yourself and your family. Standing up for righteousness (Righteousness or Rectitude is the quality or state of being morally correct and justifiable). Don't follow the cultures of the world that were man made that destroy your body, or hurt you. You are perfect the way that you are, you can improve yourself by maintaining yourself through physical exercise, yoga, meditation not by cutting away limbs from your body. If there's an infection in your body and can't be treated, that's when you will have to let go off that limb, otherwise love your body and take care of yourself, as nobody else will. This world is full of selfish people. I also would say please don't get manipulated by anyone or anything. A friend of mine and even I used to do this, follow the best from all cultures and religions, but then turns out some religions are just man made that were spread under force or through the manipulation of words, they were just based on the understanding of the one who created it. We need to break free from it. Based on the world we live in right now, I'd always say put yourself first without harming others but I'd say this instead: Put the world first with yourself, it's your home. See, we all gonna die one day, also make sure you make yourself strong cuz there will something that will always be bad and we have learn to tolerate and fight with the bad.



The guide of life, Bhagavad Gita. and the free internet.