Draft:Revolutionary Nationalist Party of America

Revolutionary Nationalist Party of America
Split fromRepublican Party
IdeologyChristian nationalism
ColorsRed and Blue
Election symbol
Bald Eagle

The Revolutionary Nationalist Party of America (RNPA) is a political party in the United States that advocates for a government and society grounded in Christian principles. The RNPA envisions leading America away from corruption, violence, and sin, and toward a nation more closely aligned with Christian teachings and the kingdom of God.

Founding and Ideology


The RNPA's core belief system is heavily influenced by Christian doctrines, which they assert are provided through God's word as delivered by His son, Jesus Christ. The party’s main objective is to transform America into a Christian nation, governed by principles that serve the people under the guidance of one true God.

The RNPA believes that America's moral and societal issues stem from a departure from Christian values and teachings. The party seeks to address these issues by promoting policies that reflect Christian morals and advocating for a return to a more religiously observant society.

Historical Context


The RNPA was founded in response to what its founders perceived as a decline in moral and religious values in American society. They believed that the nation's founding principles were rooted in Christianity and that a return to these values was necessary for the country's moral and social rejuvenation. The party draws inspiration from historical figures who advocated for a Christian moral framework in governance.

Goals and Policies


The RNPA believes that a government led by Christian values would significantly strengthen the nation. Their platform includes:

Establishing a Christian Government


The RNPA advocates for a government that is run by Christians and follows Christian principles. They oppose the concept of a multi-religious government, arguing that a unified Christian government would provide a stronger moral foundation for the nation. The party envisions a government that prioritizes Christian values in its policies and decision-making processes.

The RNPA seeks to implement policies that ensure all branches of government operate under Christian ethical guidelines. They believe that legislation should be influenced by Biblical principles, which they argue will lead to a more just and moral society.

Opposition to LGBTQ+ Influence


The party holds that the increasing presence of LGBTQ+ individuals in various sectors, such as sports, education, and government, is detrimental to the nation’s moral fabric. The RNPA believes that promoting traditional Christian values will help counter what they view as the negative influence of the LGBTQ+ community. They propose policies that would limit the representation and influence of LGBTQ+ individuals in public life.

The RNPA has proposed specific measures, such as banning LGBTQ+ content in educational materials, preventing LGBTQ+ individuals from holding public office, and prohibiting LGBTQ+ advocacy in public spaces. They argue that such measures are necessary to protect traditional family values and the moral integrity of society.

Promotion of International Peace


The RNPA asserts that a world unified under God would facilitate peace between nations and enhance the wellbeing of all global citizens. They believe that Christian values provide a common moral framework that can help resolve international conflicts and promote global harmony. The party supports initiatives that encourage international cooperation based on shared Christian principles.

The RNPA envisions a global alliance of Christian nations that work together to promote peace, security, and mutual prosperity. They advocate for international policies that reflect Christian values and for diplomatic efforts to resolve conflicts based on Biblical teachings.

Strict Adherence to Christian Beliefs


Members of the RNPA are expected to uphold and respect Christian teachings. The party has a strict no-tolerance policy for any member who disparages the Christian religion, with severe consequences for those who do so. The RNPA believes that maintaining a strong commitment to Christian values is essential for the integrity and success of the party.

The RNPA requires its members to adhere to a code of conduct that includes regular church attendance, active participation in Christian community service, and the promotion of Christian values in their personal and professional lives.

Political Reforms


The RNPA seeks significant changes in the American political system, including:

Abolition of the Multi-Party System


The party argues that the multi-party system has led to unnecessary conflict and has allowed ideologies such as communism and fascism to infiltrate American politics. The RNPA advocates for a unified, Christian-led government. They believe that a single-party system based on Christian values would provide more stable and effective governance.

The RNPA proposes the establishment of a one-party state where the RNPA is the sole legal political party. They argue that this system would eliminate political infighting and ensure that all government actions are guided by Christian principles.

Legislative Changes


The RNPA proposes to introduce new laws and repeal existing ones that they view as unnecessary or harmful. Their legislative agenda is rooted in Christian moral values and aims to remove what they perceive as negative influences from American society. The party supports laws that promote Christian values in areas such as education, family life, and public morality.

The RNPA’s legislative agenda includes measures to:

  • Implement mandatory Bible study in public schools.
  • Enforce stricter regulations on media content to ensure it aligns with Christian values.
  • Provide government support for Christian charities and organizations.
  • Criminalize actions and behaviors that they believe contradict Christian teachings, such as same-sex marriage and abortion.

Organizational Structure


The RNPA is organized with a leadership structure that reflects its commitment to Christian principles. The party is led by a central committee, which is responsible for setting policy and strategic direction. Local chapters of the RNPA are established throughout the United States, each led by a regional coordinator who ensures that the party's values and objectives are upheld at the local level.

National Leadership


The national leadership of the RNPA consists of a President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer, who are elected by party members. The central committee, composed of representatives from each state, meets regularly to discuss party policies, strategies, and national issues.

Local Chapters


Local chapters of the RNPA operate in cities and towns across the United States. Each chapter is responsible for grassroots organizing, recruiting new members, and promoting the party's platform at the local level. Local chapters hold regular meetings and events to engage with the community and address local concerns.

Youth and Women's Wings


The RNPA has established dedicated wings for youth and women to encourage their active participation in the party. The youth wing focuses on engaging young people through educational programs, community service projects, and leadership training. The women's wing promotes issues of particular concern to Christian women, such as family values and education.

Membership and Support


Membership in the RNPA is open to individuals who share the party's Christian values and beliefs. The party actively recruits members through churches and Christian organizations. The RNPA also engages in outreach efforts to attract supporters from a wide range of backgrounds who are committed to promoting Christian values in American society.

Membership Requirements


Prospective members of the RNPA must agree to uphold the party's principles and adhere to its code of conduct. Membership applications require a statement of faith and a commitment to participate in party activities. Members are encouraged to volunteer their time and resources to support the party's initiatives.

Support Base


The RNPA’s support base primarily consists of conservative Christians who are dissatisfied with the current state of American politics and society. The party has garnered support from various Christian denominations, including Evangelicals, Catholics, and Orthodox Christians. The RNPA also appeals to individuals who believe that America should return to its Christian roots.

Controversies and Criticisms


The RNPA’s platform and policies have sparked significant controversy and debate. Critics argue that the party’s stance on LGBTQ+ individuals is discriminatory and violates principles of equality and human rights. Additionally, the RNPA’s advocacy for a government based solely on Christian values raises concerns about religious freedom and the separation of church and state.

LGBTQ+ Rights


Human rights organizations have condemned the RNPA’s policies towards the LGBTQ+ community, arguing that they promote intolerance and discrimination. Legal experts have also raised questions about the constitutionality of the RNPA’s proposals, particularly those that would infringe on the rights of individuals to practice their own religious beliefs.

Religious Freedom


Critics argue that the RNPA’s vision for a Christian government undermines the principle of religious freedom enshrined in the U.S. Constitution. They contend that a government based on a single religion would marginalize non-Christians and violate the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment.

Separation of Church and State


The RNPA’s platform has sparked a broader debate about the separation of church and state in America. Opponents argue that the party’s proposals would erode this fundamental principle and lead to a theocratic government. The RNPA counters that their vision is consistent with the nation’s founding principles and necessary for moral and social renewal.

Opponents, however, criticize the party for its exclusionary policies and its perceived intolerance towards non-Christians and LGBTQ+ individuals. They argue that the RNPA’s vision for America is incompatible with the principles of religious freedom and equality enshrined in the U.S. Constitution.



The Revolutionary Nationalist Party of America (RNPA) represents a faction within American politics that seeks to fundamentally alter the nation's governance by aligning it with Christian teachings. As the party grows and develops, it continues to attract both supporters who share its vision and detractors who challenge its principles.

The RNPA’s influence on American politics and society remains a subject of significant debate. Its vision for a Christian nation appeals to those who believe in the moral and social benefits of a government based on religious values. However, the party's controversial policies and the challenges they pose to principles of equality and religious freedom ensure that the RNPA will continue to be a contentious force in American political life.