Draft:Pressure Gradient Elastic Wave

  • Comment: This page might be appropriate on the Russian version, but it is not how pages are constructed here. The current page is a long essay with vast unsourced sections, and much of it looks like your opinion (original research). Please look carefully at how pages are written here, then rewrite completely. Ldm1954 (talk) 17:54, 2 September 2024 (UTC)

{{permission pending}}

Pressure Gradient Elastic Waves (PGEW) is the phenomenon of energy transfer in compressible media (gases).

PGEW‎s are elastic waves of the sound type, propagating at the speed of sound. PGEWs ‎ are reflected and participate in the interference process. These waves have unique properties. The occurrence of PGEW‎s in space or in a volume leads to an intensive transfer of energy, which manifests itself in the heating and cooling of the walls of this volume.

Pressure Gradient Elastic Waves ‎ occur when three conditions are simultaneously met in a region of space or in a volume:‎

  • ‎The volume is filled with a compressible medium (gas).‎
  • ‎There is a pressure gradient inside the volume or region of space (gravity, rotation, deceleration, etc.).
  • ‎There are density fluctuations inside this volume (powerful sound, turbulent pulsations).

Under these conditions, the resulting pressure forces act on the zones of sound (turbulent) density fluctuations according to Archimedes' law. The action of these forces is faster than the speed of sound. These forces additionally act on the gas, creating a secondary disturbance, which, in accordance with Huygens' principle, creates a secondary wave. This is the Pressure Gradient Elastic Wave.

Physical foundations of the phenomenon


Sound waves


The Huygens-Fresnel principle for gases can be formulated as follows - any disturbance associated with a rapid change in gas density generates an elastic sound wave. This position has been proven mathematically.[1]. The wave equation is obtained under the assumption of the occurrence of a single fluctuation of compression or rarefaction. This principle is universal for all sound-type waves, including PGEW‎.

Usually, the sound source oscillates or pulsates, and the sound wave is a sequence of compression and rarefaction waves that alternate and move away from the sound source. The characteristics of sound waves (frequency, amplitude) are determined by the sound source. All the energy carried by sound waves is obtained only from the sound source. In sound waves, compression and rarefaction zones alternate and move together, in one direction. A sound wave periodically changes the pressure at a point of space, and gas molecules perform oscillatory motion. Adiabatic compression and rarefaction change the gas temperature in the zones of sound disturbance, but since these zones alternate in sound waves, the total effect of the temperature change is zero.

It is important to emphasize that oscillations are not a mandatory characteristic of sound. There are sound waves whose source is a single disturbance. In such waves, there is no vibration of gas molecules. Examples of single compression waves are a single clap, a balloon bursting, thunder, an electric spark. ‎The loud sound when a vacuum-sealed incandescent light bulb break is an example of a ‎single rarefaction wave.‎

The process of sound propagation does not change the temperature of the gas. If the mass of the gas in the disturbance zone is constant, a single compression fluctuation should be accompanied by a rarefaction fluctuation. These two phases constitute a single wave that propagates from the point at which it originated.  

The energy density in the gas disturbance zone is determined by the expression (1).     


In this expression, Δε is the increment of the specific internal energy of the disturbed gas; uk is the density of the kinetic energy of the oscillatory motion,uk  = ρ0V2/2; w  – is the specific enthalpy, w0 = ε + P/ρ; v  is the average velocity of the ‎oscillatory motion of molecules; Δρ is the sound ‎change in the density of ‎the gas; a is speed of sound; the index 0 refers to the undisturbed state. When deriving relation (1), increments of the specific internal energy of the disturbed gas were taken into account with an accuracy of up to the second order relative to Δρ. The processes in the gas were assumed to be isentropic.

The first term in (1), proportional to Δρ, is much larger than the second and third. But when calculating the total energy of the acoustic disturbance (when integrating expression (1)), the first term is not considered. This occurs because the change in density in the compression zone is compensated by the change in density in the rarefaction zone. Therefore, usually only two terms, the second and third, are considered in this formula.

Pressure Gradient Elastic Waves


External forces that create a pressure gradient in a gas are the source of energy for the PGEWs. The PGEW propagates along the pressure gradient vector. The compression front of PGEW propagates toward increasing pressure, while the rarefaction front propagates in the opposite direction toward decreasing pressure. The process of propagation of the PGEW is not isentropic. The force field that creates the pressure gradient does physical work. The force‎s additionally compressed the compression zone and expand the rarefaction zone of PGEWs. The energy of the PGEWs includes the energy of the starting "sound" disturbance, and the energy equivalent to the physical work of the force creating a pressure gradient, which compresses and expands the wave regions.In the book [2], p. 22, a thought experiment is considered – a piston compressing gas in a pipe. The piston instantly begins to move at a speed v (less than the speed of sound) and after a period t it instantly stops. In this case, a compression impulse of length (a - v) t will run through the gas. The specific energy of the compression impulse ‎is equal to the work expended by the external force pushing the piston is equal to E =  .  

In this expression, P and ρ are the pressure and the density of the gas in the zone of acoustic compression. Second-order terms are not considered, as is customary in the analysis of acoustic phenomena. In a limited space, the compression and rarefaction waves of the PGEWs are reflected from the walls and are immediately damped by the next front because of interference. The effect is equivalent to the absorption of the PGEWs by the walls. In this case, all the energy is transferred to the wall in the form of heat and cold. If the pressure gradient function has an extremum (for example, the center of rotation), then the PGEWs cancel each other out and release their energy in this region.

Let's consider a simple model: a volume of ideal gas in a field of mass forces creating a pressure gradient. We will consider the problem in a one-dimensional approximation. From the Euler equation for the elementary volume in the equilibrium state, we can obtain an expression (2) for the pressure gradient.


Here  uf(r) is the acceleration characterizing the field of mass forces, ρ0(r) is the density of the ‎gas in a steady state, which depends on the pressure value (3). Here  k – adiabatic exponent.

From expression (3) for a limited volume, we can obtain an expression (4) for the pressure at point (r)[3] . Here P0 pressure on the wall limiting the zone of minimum pressure (point r0).


If in a volume ΔV with coordinate r, the gas density has increased by ‎Δρ as a result of a rapid fluctuation, then in the presence of a pressure gradient, an additional force arises, directed towards an increase in pressure, which additionally compresses this zone and creates a compression wave of PGEW. The relationship (5) that determines the magnitude of this force is obtained from consideration of the elementary volume.


This force compresses the fluctuation zone, which performs physical work, and increases the energy in this area. On the elementary section of the wave trajectory, the energy density in the fluctuation zone increases by the value.

Everything that was said above for the compression fluctuation can be repeated for the rarefaction fluctuation using (- Δρ) .

The fluctuation zones shift at the speed of sound, while the gas can be considered motionless (the gas flow velocity must be taken into account when influencing the frequency of occurrence of the starting sound fluctuation according to the Doppler effect

In a limited volume, the compression and rarefaction waves of the PGEWs are reflected from the walls (in the zones of maximum and minimum pressure, respectively) and are damped as a result of interference. The effect is equivalent to heating and cooling of the corresponding walls. In such a volume, energy is transferred from the low-pressure zone to the high-pressure zone.

The energy transfer power can be determined by integrating the phenomenon over volume and time. The initial data are the temperature, velocity and pressure fields, as well as the sound (noise) spectrum, with an estimate of the pressure fluctuation values. A simplified estimate can be made using averaged values.

The zone of the starting sound density fluctuation can be imagined as compression and rarefaction zones, the length of each of which is equal to half the wavelength. The adiabatic change in pressure changes the temperature that is released on the walls of the volume. The portion of the temperature change in each compression and rarefaction wave is small. But the number of these waves is enormous, at a frequency of 6 kHz - 6000 portions per second. The power of temperature separation by Pressure Gradient Elastic Waves can be very significant.

Dynamic balancing state


The appearance of temperature separation caused by PGEW is accompanied by ordinary temperature processes caused by the temperature gradient - thermal conductivity, radiation, convection. These processes reduce the level of temperature separation. The greatest influence is exerted by the process of forced convection, which is generated by the pressure gradient. PGEW and forced convection transfer heat and cold in opposite directions. A steady state is achieved when heat transfer by means of the PGEWs is balanced by the reverse heat transfer by means of forced convection. Both processes (PGEW and forced convection) occur in the presence of a pressure gradient. Both processes are related to nonequilibrium thermodynamics. Modern CFD programs for calculating forced convection‎ process is based on the use of a space-time grid. The method for calculating temperature separation by PGEWs is based on the modernization of the mathematical program, which was developed for the forced convection process.



A large number of observations have been accumulated on the effect of sound on temperature processes in gases: heating [4], drying[5], cooling[6]. The common characteristics of these processes are that the processes occur in gases and have a resonant nature, that is, the dependence of the process intensity on the frequency of sound is observed.

The same class of phenomena should include the Ranque effect (Vortex Tubes) [7] and Hartmann-Sprenger effect[8]. Temperature separation in these devices is always accompanied by a loud sound.

A common property of these devices is the presence of a pressure gradient. Moreover, the heating area is in the zone of high pressure, and the cooling area is in the zone of low pressure.Various concepts have been put forward to explain these effects. As a source of gas cooling in these devices, a decrease in pressure during the acceleration of jets in the nozzles was considered. Heating was caused by viscous friction of gas jets or (in the Hartmann-Sprenger effect) shock waves. Micro-refrigeration processes (or the interaction of vortices) were also considered, as a result of which cold and hot micro-volumes were formed, which were then separated. However, to date, there have been no theories that adequately describe the temperature processes occurring in these devices[9] [10].

The temporary lack of understanding of the physical basis of these processes forced scientists to classify them as experimental paradoxes.


The unexpected discovery of temperature separation in a short vortex chamber [11] raised questions and stimulated further research.

In the experimental vortex chamber, compressed air was pumped at room temperature from the side peripheral wall to the center. In the maximum separation mode, the temperature at the periphery reached +465°C, and at the center - 45°C.

It was clear that this effect is a manifestation of the Ranque effect. At the same time, it became clear that the existence of temperature separation in this device refutes the concept of micro refrigeration cycles (and cannot even be described by the mental concept of Maxwell's Demon). Indeed, if hot microvolumes (or "hot" molecules) arise in the vortex layer, they cannot shift to the periphery of the vortex chamber towards the powerful vortex flow.

This circumstance stimulated experimental studies of the effect, in the process of which the concept of Pressure Gradient Elastic Waves was put forward and substantiated. The results of the experiments revealed the inconsistency of previously existing concepts, confirmed the correctness of the concept of the PGEWs, and accumulated results that fundamentally cannot be explained on the basis of previously existing theories[12] [13] [14]

Energy transfer by Pressure Gradient Elastic Waves is patented [15]

In 2014-2015 and in 2020-2022, the study of the PGEWs phenomenon was funded by the Ministry of Energy of Israel. The project was aimed at creating new efficient Heat Pumps.



The hypotheses are presented that offer an explanation of some natural phenomena based on the concept ‎of PGEWs

The process of energy accumulation in atmospheric vortices, Tornado


Vortex flows (tornadoes) have high kinetic energy. They accumulate this energy ‎from the atmosphere.‎

  1. ^ Mises, R (1958). Mathematical Theory of Compressible Fluid Flow. New ‎York: Academic press. pp. Chapter 1.4.
  2. ^ Y.Zeldovich Y.Raizer ‎ (1967). Physics of Shock Waves and High-Temperature Hydrodynamics ‎Phenomena. New York: Academic Press. pp. 661–671.
  3. ^ Y.Beliavsky (2013). "The Pressure Gradient Elastic Wave: Energy Transfer Process for Compressible ‎‎Fluids with Pressure Gradient". J. Of Mech. Engineering and Automation‎. 3 (1): 53–64.
  4. ^ ‎В.Птицын, Б.Фиалков (1969). "К вопросу о влиянии колебаний давления газового потока на ‎теплообмен в слое" [On the issue of the influence of gas flow pressure fluctuations on heat transfer in a layer]. Акустический Журнал. 15: 468.
  5. ^ R. Soloff ‎ (1964). "Sonic Drying". J. Acoustic Soc. Am. 36 (5): 961–965. doi:10.1121/1.1919133.
  6. ^ ‎М.В.Дмитриев, Л.И.Панов‎ (2008). "Влияние низкочастотного акустического излучения на ‎температуру нагретого тела" [The influence of low-frequency acoustic radiation on the temperature of a heated body]. Технология и конструирование в электронной аппаратуре. 2.
  7. ^ G.J. Ranque, Method and Apparatus for Obtaining from Fluid under Pressure Two Currents of Fluids at Different Temperatures, US Patent No. 1,952281, 1934.
  8. ^ Von Herbert Sprenger. Über thermische Effekte in Resonanzrohren, Mitteilungen aus dem Institut fuer Aerodynamik, Zurich, vol. 21, 1954, pp. 18-35.
  9. ^ Y. Xue, M Arjomandi, R. Kelso (2010). "A critical review of temperature separation in a ‎vortex tube". Experimental ‎Thermal and Fluid Science. 34 (8): 1367–1374. doi:10.1016/j.expthermflusci.2010.06.010.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  10. ^ Brocher E., Ardissone J.P ‎ (1983). "Heating Characteristics of a new type of Hartman-Sprenger ‎tube". ‎International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow. 4 (2): 97–102. doi:10.1016/0142-727X(83)90008-5.
  11. ^ ‎Y. Beliavsky ‎ (2012). "Experimental investigation of a temperature separation effect inside a short ‎vortex ‎chamber". ‎Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Heat Transfer, Fluid ‎Mechanics and ‎Thermodynamics, Malta ‎: 1482–1487.
  12. ^ Y. Beliavsky ‎ (2014). "The influence of sound on heat transfer in gases". ‎Electronic Journal Technical Acoustics. 6 – via ISSN 1819-2408.
  13. ^ Y. Beliavsky‎ (2017). "Experimental arguments in favour of heat transfer in compressible fluids by Pressure ‎Gradient Elastic Waves ‎". Int. Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 107: 723–728. doi:10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2016.11.087.
  14. ^ Y. Beliavsky (2024). "Теплоперенос в сжимаемых средах волнами градиента давления. Результаты ‎экспериментов, подлежащие обсуждению" [Heat Transfer in Compressible fluids by Pressure Gradient Elastic Waves. Experimental Results to Be Discussed]. XVII Минский международный форум по ‎тепломассообмену, Минск ‎.
  15. ^ US Patent 9670938 B2, EUR 13803934.2. Method and devise for transfer of energy, Y. Beliavsky, 2013