Planas Archive is the cultural heritage that the Catalan photographer Josep Planas i Montanyà left to his granddaughter Marina Planas; around three million photos and negatives as well as around 18,000 postcards are stored now in the archive of the Casa Planas cultural center in the Es Forti district of Palma. The cultural tours through the Planas Archive are a journey through time and the recent history of the Balearic Islands. The vast content includes social reports, domestic and celebrities, tourist advertising of Balearic hotels, aerial photography, and postcards. The Planas Archive also has a very important collection on the techniques of photography and cinema since the beginning of the century as well as other collections related to landscape, tourism, and photography.

A relational and collective artistic project was initiated in 2017 by researcher and visual artist Marina Planas to promote artistic research and awaken in an innovative way the Planas Archive. The Planas Archive is the most important documentary collection dedicated to the development of mass tourism and image. It is currently conceived as a space for thought and reflection on the history of the Balearic Islands, tourism, and image from the perspective of culture and contemporary. The project is activated with research residencies with the support of the Institut d’Estudis Baleàrics, the Consell de Mallorca, Ajuntament de Palma, Euroregion Pyrenees-Mediterranean Pyrenees, Ministry of Culture, IB Dona, Goethe-Institut, the Teatre Principal Foundation and the Daniel and Nina Carasso Foundation. The residencies respond to discursive axes of the statement Marina Planas as a networked artist with themes such as indexation-taxonomies, body and archive, technological experiences, Germany-Mallorca and other geopolitical relations linked to travel and photography, gender, collective memory, tourism-sustainability, mental health and social innovation-contemporary creation. More than 30 artists and researchers are part of the collection of looks at the Planas Archive.

The importance of the photographic archive that this center stores is what gives it its uniqueness. The collection of more than 3 million images shows the relationship between photography and the history of tourism of the sister company "Casa Planas" from the 1940s to the 1990s. One of the main strategic lines of the center is the support of the creative fabric. In 2017 Casa Planas started the "Uncovering Archive" program with residencies of artistic research in the Planas Archive as a space of collective experimentation and knowledge from contemporary thought. This scholarship program is a project of analysis and interpretation of the history of tourism and contemporary image.

The Casa Planas Cultural Center is entrusted with the exclusive management of the rights of the Photographic Fund of the Planas Archive to disseminate and/or publish, reproduce in whole or in part, distribute, communicate publicly, and transform, in any medium or medium, written, graphic, bibliographic, photographic, audiovisual, telematic, multimedia or computer, including those of broadcasting and retransmission, all in both analog and digital mode. Therefore, the applicant for any of the above rights must obtain, before the realization of these, the corresponding authorization. Otherwise, it will incur a violation of the Intellectual Property Law and will be prosecuted.

