Draft:Nucleon induced gravity

This overview lists the key points of the Nucleon Induced Quantum Gravity Theory (NIG):

1) All masses consist of nucleons, the total mass of which roughly corresponds to the mass of macroscopic bodies.

2) All nucleons have an intrinsic angular momentum of 1/2 h/2π, even if this does not correspond to a macroscopic rotation of the nucleons; however, there are indications that the individual, tiny mass points in a nucleon rotate as rotational waves (comparable to DeBroglie matter waves), otherwise the angular momentum would be zero.

3) At the same time, however, the nucleons have additional angular momentum in their rotation around the earth, the sun, the galactic center, etc.

4) Except for a measurement, the spin of nucleons is also explicitly quantized to h/4π in the case of spin interactions, such as those that occur between pairs of nucleons in a nucleus or in spin-spin interactions between protons and electrons.

5) The gravitational constant G of gravity also arises in nucleons. The relationship mv2/r=m2G/r2 can be used to determine the total rotation frequency of the total mass points in a nucleon (f=v/2πr=2179.35 Hz for quantized protons; m is the mass of a nucleon, r is the radius of a proton or neutron). The spin h/4π cannot therefore be used to determine the rotation speed of the mass points in a nucleon, which has a distinct, much lower total rotation frequency (measured value (C. Panda 2024) 2040 Hz for unquantized neutrons).

6) In order to fulfill the Heisenberg inequality, the radius of the nucleons must be quantized in spin interactions, otherwise the product mv*r would be too small (1.6*10^-53 Js < h/4π). In an atomic nucleus, all nucleons (the spin of the nucleons) are quantized except for unpaired neutrons, i.e. they are subject to spin-spin interactions.

7) Up to this quantized radius (we called it the effective radius), mass is attracted, like mass points in the particle interior (via graviton emission); this radius is also the gravitational range, which is calculated as c/8πf (f is the rotation frequency, e.g. around the center of a galaxy, for which the range of the gravity of celestial bodies or galaxies is about 8*10^22 m). The maximum gravitational range is therefore limited to about 10^23 m (about 3Mpc) for non-rotating galaxy clusters.

8) If, under other rotation conditions of the nucleons (as in your experiment), the product mv*r is smaller than h/4π, a gravitational effect occurs, which usually has a different gravitational constant than that existing in the universe.

9) This theory can also explain the emergence of dark matter and dark energy, because in the past all galaxies in a galaxy cluster were in gravitational interaction with each other when the radius of the cluster was smaller than 3 Mpc. As the universe expanded, the radius of the cluster expanded, releasing gravitational energy (this created dark matter (gravitons) within galaxies, and dark energy outside of them).

10) Albert Einstein did not believe in the ether and assumed that space was empty, as he could not yet know anything about background radiation, dark matter, dark energy or the spin of nucleons. But space is anything but empty. The (energy) density reduction of space, which is caused by the energy content of the gravitons/photons in space increasing in the direction of mass or decreasing in the opposite direction, is equal to the deflection angle for its geodesy. Space is therefore made up of quanta. As in the experiment by Rebka and Pound, energy is withdrawn from the graviton/photon (the dark matter, background radiation) (∆E=mgh) when it moves away from the mass (m is the mass of a graviton/photon). On the other hand, it gains the same amount of energy when it flies towards the mass. This results in a (energy) density reduction of 1-2gh/c2 ((mc2-2mgh)/V'= mc2/V), which corresponds to a deflection angle due to large masses of 2v2/c2 = Rs/r. The deflection angle due to the density reduction of the quantum fluid in the space of a galaxy (dark matter) is calculated, for example, for the perihelion revolution of planets as 3πRs/a(1-e2) per orbit and thus corresponds exactly to the angle that Albert Einstein calculated for the space-time curvature of Mercury (geodesy).

11) Evidence:


