Draft:N.A.R(Far Right Extremist Group)

The N.A.R is an alleged far right extremist group operating around the country, but is thought to have been founded and started in Xenia, Ohio. This group was originally formed as a discord channel in early 2022. The group was banned off discord shortly after they started transitioning to telegram, which is more commonly used now for extremist groups due to discords anti extremism policy. The N.A.R has gone through many name changes, first it was the , North.American.Reich, then it became the, NORTH.AMERICAN.REPUBLIC. The group had galvanized the support of the far right after the underperformance of republicans in the 2020 and 2022 elections in the United States. The filled rage and anger that these elections caused led to the N.A.R being what it is today. The N.A.R was founded by a small group of people who remain anonymous, but, they have a leader whose name we don’t know yet, but who we can describe. He is reported to be tall, menacing, charismatic, charming, often times psychotic, overly aggressive, very controlling, manipulative, intelligent, and most of all, lucky. What we mean by lucky is that this person has allegedly survived many attempts on his life. These attempts didn’t come from the far left though, these were people from within the confines of his group. This leader has won a third term as President of his group in a recent election, and he continues to dominate everyone in his path. He is indeed loved by the people of his group. His rallies are described as extremely inspiring and joyful. A lot of people turn out to these events, regardless of where they live. There is a rumor that a lot of people are able to fly to different states where the group operates via a fleet of private jets they have. It doesn’t seem possible, and very far fetched, but we have been investigating this group for some time, and it is without a doubt that there is something remarkable going on. And when I say remarkable, I mean it in the very worst way possible. More is to come when we find out more. Thank you!