

Majila is a very popular sport played by schools in Kyneton Victoria and other regions. The sport was created by Arthur Rogers as a brand new idea.

Made in 2022 it was designed to cure covid boredom and it worked supplying a non contact easy game for everyone to play.


The aim of the game is to through the ball under a set line on the fence were you will score 4 points then a through will come were you can score a additional 2 points with 9 positions played on one half of a tennis court with two players standing in the front box two in the team tracks and two super forwards and two defenders with a midfielder and a winger.


Defensive Box

The player in the defending box on the tennis court with play going side to side assisting forwards and defenders with great passes and skilled defence

Attacking box man

A fast and amazing shooter just like defender can only dribble in there box but normally takes shots


Speedy with fast handles normally the best on field who can pass fast and be a constant help being able to go everywhere.


Can take two steps out of bounds very fast and can go only on the large middle area and the far sides

Driver Attack and defence

counters each other and gets most assist by passing it in and the defender by blocking passes.

Sweepers Attack and defence

Go lows for defence and attack blocks and scores many goals also very good at reading the ball and pouncing


Very good at stopping shots can get up for love and high passes one of th most important on the field

Fast Forward

Amazing handles and shots can just machine in goals one of the most important players can only stay in front scoring box




  1. ^ "Home". Retrieved 2024-06-19.