Draft:Koon or Kon Karavas

The Koon Karavas or Kon Karavas are a distinct sub-group within the Karava community of Sri Lanka, renowned for their contributions to the island's maritime activities and their ties to the Kshatriya (warrior) caste. This community boasts a rich history, with connections to both ancient Indian dynasties and Sri Lankan royalty.

Historical Background


The Koon Karavas, like the broader Karava community, claim descent from ancient Indian warrior clans. Their migration to Sri Lanka, which occurred over several centuries, was often facilitated by royal invitations. These migrations brought skilled warriors and seafarers who played significant roles in Sri Lankan history.

One notable migration occurred during the reign of King Gajabahu II in the 12th century, when a large group of Kauravas, related to the Koon Karavas, settled in the Kuru Rata region, now known as Negombo and Chilaw​ (Karava Sri Lanka)​​ (Karava Sri Lanka)​. These settlers were granted lands and titles, establishing a significant presence in the region.[1]

Relationship with Royalty


The Alakeshvara (Alagakkonara) dynasty, which ruled the Kingdom of Kotte, included members from the Koon Karava community. This dynasty, claiming ancestry from Kanchipuram in India, identified with the Kshatriya caste, emphasizing their royal and warrior heritage​ (Karava Sri Lanka)​​ (Karava Sri Lanka)​.

Notable figures in Koon Karava history include Koon Appu Bandara, celebrated for his military leadership and contributions to the kingdom's defense. Additionally, the Koon Karavas were closely associated with the Siri Sangabo royal line of Sri Lanka, as indicated by their cultural practices and symbols​ (Karava Sri Lanka)​​ (Karava Sri Lanka)​.

Cultural Significance


The Koon Karavas maintain a variety of cultural practices that highlight their royal lineage. One prominent tradition is the wearing of the Siri-bo-mala, a seven-strand gold necklace worn by Karava brides, signifying their connection to the Siri Sangabo royal line​ (Karava Sri Lanka)​​ (Karava Sri Lanka)​. This necklace is a symbol of their heritage and is unique to the Karava community.[2]

The Koon Karavas also played a significant role in the religious and social fabric of Sri Lanka. For example, Konappu Bandara played a massive role in restoring buddhism in Sri Lanka & built the famous Temple of Tooth in Kandy. Koon Karavas were also instrumental in the administration of the Munnesvaram Kovil, a major Hindu temple, and other religious sites​ (Karava Sri Lanka)​.

Notable Figures

  • Koon Appu Bandara/Konappu Bandara: A renowned military leader within the Koon Karava community.
  • Alakeshvara Rulers: Members of the Alakeshvara dynasty, such as Alagakkonara, who claimed Koon Karava heritage and contributed to the establishment of the Kingdom of Kotte.

Prominent Clans and Notable Individuals: Within the Karava community, the Koon Karavas are one of several significant clans, alongside others like Kurukulasuriya and Warnakulasuriya. Notable names within the Koon Karavas include Samarakoon, Weerakoon (Brave King), and Wijekoon. These names are historically significant and linked to specific regions and historical events, such as the valor shown in battle by Samarakoon Ralahami, as mentioned in the Sri Lankan chronicle "Rajavaliya"​ (Academic Dictionaries and Encyclopedias)​