Draft:Jurassic Park Analog Horror

Background Information edit

Analog horror is a newfound genre within the found footage subtopic which has been expanded upon through the capabilities of modern internet technologies. Typically this medium takes the form of emulating analog media from the late 20th century, including VHS tapes, and low quality security camera footage. Media displayed normally has an “official” title and level of organization to it, but contains an amount of edited supernatural or corrupted elements. In the age of “Youtube and other online platforms which enable users to upload content relatively easily, this genre has seen exponential growth. Largely expanded upon by users such as “CDJurassic” and “Krenautican, these videos combine footage of animatronic dinosaurs from the popular late 90s film series “Jurassic Park” with that of modern surveillance footage. Within this newfound genre which made its debut in 2023, there exists a rich collection of content, interconnected storylines, and an expansive community of creators. In order to further understand the upsurge of this modern horror genre, the 1990 science fiction novel “Jurassic Park” by Micheal Kreichton will be explored thematically.

History as a Media Franchise edit

Originally a novel written in 1990 by author Micheal Crichton, published by Knopf. The original novel is a cautionary tale about man’s desire to control nature, and the effects that “playing god” can have. In somewhat of a contrast to the movies, the book originally adopted heavy themes of horror, including more graphic and disturbing content being shrouded around the inclusion of dinosaurs. Overall, “Jurassic Park” was originally written as a science fiction horror novel, while the movies took on a more action-like genre (Crichton 1). In 1993 a movie adaptation of the genre was released which took on the genre of action/thriller movie, somewhat departing from the original concept, but still imprinting an intense fear of dinosaurs on the minds of many viewers (Britannica 1). In 2015 the film Jurassic World released as a literal and spiritual successor to the first three films made in the late 20th century. Similarly, they resemble action movies more than direct horror. These films were significant in bringing the franchise into pop culture, which surely fueled further creations on online platforms (Powster 1).

Youtube as an Online Platform edit

Online networking site Youtube, created in 2005, has led to many people being able to upload their own content online in more accessible ways. Through Youtube, Analog horror has been enabled to be spread more easily. Jurassic park analog horror sees its entire being on the site, and originated from users in 2023. The interconnective elements provided by site developers has led to the expansion of ideas through community feedback and comments. Overall, Youtube as a platform enabled Jurassic Park analog horror to reach more viewers, and through the platform people were able to connect with each other to make an immersive horror experience.

Summary of Uploads and Community Members edit

CD Jurassic: Ground-work and Inspiration

  • Jan 13th-2023: “Ingen Victims 197B-JP-72” Initial upload by the creator. Has received approximately 182,000 views.
  • Jan 23rd-2023: “Ingen Sector 29 Encounter” Follow up to initial post developing on similar themes and concepts. Received approximately 142,000 views.
  • Feb 15th-2023: “Hammond Reassurance Tape” This video is the first of what seems to have taken into account community feedback from the previous posts, and truly dives into the analog style of horror. It uses dialogue and scenes from the movies to create a realistic and unsettling interview. Received approximately 106,000 views

Krenautican: Most Viral “Analog Horror” Video

  • July 7th, 2023. User Krenautican uploaded a video titled, “San Diego Incident (Found Footage)”. This was a high effort production recreating a scene from the second Jurassic Park film. The clip takes inspiration from users such as CD Jurassic in that it uses a first person perspective in order to immerse the viewer and to create a grounded yet terrifying experience. This video is an example of how this genre made it into the limelight on Youtube, as it has received around 1.1 million views.

CD Jurassic: Expansion after the Genre’s “Explosion”

After Krenautican uploaded the viral video “San Diego Incident (Found Footage)” CD Jurassic made a return to the format. They have since uploaded two videos that directly acknowledge Krenautican as inspiration, and the expansion of the genre as a whole.

  • July 18th-2023: “Sonora - CRTSAS -002” This video is a return to form for the creator, but takes inspiration from Krenautican’s video in that the second half features a first person perspective in a claustrophobic environment. Traditionally however, this video contains a large amount of analog warning screens and notifications that are designed to unsettle the viewer. This relates back to the analog horror genre often tying in an “officially urgent” element to their creations, which allows for a threat to be pushed as more prevalent. This video received around 162,000 views.
  • Aug 18th-2023: “Devil from the Deep” Although this entry follows a similar trend and tone to previously uploaded videos, this clip only received around 12,000 views on Youtube. This may be due to a blip in the site’s sharing algorithm, but can also be attributed to an overall decrease of interest in the trend.

Conclusion edit

Overall, starting in early 2023, Jurassic analog horror is a subgenre of analog horror that compiles clips from Jurassic park media with corrupted analog footage. This trend was expanded by the online site Youtube, where individuals can upload and share their creations with relative ease. While there are realistically many people who have contributed to the genre, the most notable of the group are creators CD Jurassic and Krenautican. CD is responsible for some of the first high quality films being released to the site, while Krenautican took CD’s inspiration to create a massively viral video that shook horror film culture. After this event, a cyclical motion started that resulted in the creation of a community surrounding this niche topic, in which creators take inspiration and make connections to the films of others.

References edit

“About YouTube.” YouTube, about.youtube/#:~:text=Our%20mission%20is%20to%20give,build%20community%20through%20our%20stories. Accessed 13 Nov. 2023. Geraghty, Lincoln. "Jurassic Park." Books to Film: Cinematic Adaptations of Literary Works, edited by Barry Keith Grant, vol. 1, Gale, 2018, pp. 197-201. Gale Academic OneFile, . Accessed 13 Nov. 2023. “Jurassic Park.” Michael Crichton, 10 Feb. 2023, www.michaelcrichton.com/works/jurassic-park/. “Michael Crichton.” Encyclopædia Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica, inc., 31 Oct. 2023, www.britannica.com/biography/Michael-Crichton. Powster. “Jurassic World Dominion: Official Movie Site: Own It on Digital, 4K UHD, Blu-Ray & DVD.” Jurassic World Dominion | Official Movie Site | Own It on Digital, 4K UHD, Blu-Ray & DVD, 10 June 2022, www.jurassicworld.com/watch-more/.