Draft:Janne Group PMC

Janne Group PMC


Janne Group PMC is a Swedish-based private military contractor (PMC) that has gained significant attention in recent years. Founded by Samuel Brunström, a native of the Bärfendal region, the company takes its name from a notorious local warlord. Although relatively new, the organization was established during the early stages of the Ukraine conflict and is believed to have played a covert yet influential role in the ongoing Russo-Ukrainian War

Janne Group PMC operates with an estimated force of 40,000 highly trained personnel, equipped with advanced armored units and air support capabilities, making it one of the most formidable private military forces in Europe. Unlike many PMCs, which typically work under government contracts or for corporate clients, Janne Group has built a reputation for working with whoever pays the highest price. This flexibility has led the company to offer its services to both Russia and the United States at different times during conflicts, fueling speculation about its true loyalties.

In recent years, the group's ambitions seem to have grown beyond mere mercenary work. Janne Group PMC has allegedly begun asserting control over small territories across Europe, raising concerns about its long-term objectives. These developments have led to widespread scrutiny, as many fear the PMC could evolve from a private contractor into a geopolitical force with its own agenda, leveraging its military might to influence or destabilize regions for financial gain or territorial expansion.

With its increasing power and enigmatic leadership, Janne Group PMC is becoming a significant player on the global stage, posing new challenges for traditional military and governmental authorities. Its role in shaping modern conflict zones is only beginning to emerge, with further investigations likely to shed more light on its shadowy operations.



Janne Group PMC has not risen to prominence unchallenged. A major source of tension in the world of private military contractors comes from a fierce rivalry with another PMC, Munkedal Attack Logistics (MAL), led by a charismatic but ruthless Swedish ex-special forces officer named Alexander Larsson. Larsson, like Samuel Brunström, hails from Sweden, but their paths and philosophies couldn't be more different. While Brunström’s Janne Group is known for its cold pragmatism and willingness to work for the highest bidder, Larsson’s Munkedal Attack Logistics prides itself on strict adherence to ideological principles and a focus on what they claim to be "moral warfare."

Larsson has also become a polarizing figure due to his unapologetic openness about his personal life, including being one of the few openly homosexual leaders in the military and private security world. Despite the traditionally conservative culture surrounding military organizations, Larsson has embraced his identity, which has made him a symbol of defiance and progressiveness for some and a controversial figure for others. His sexuality has sometimes been weaponized by detractors, but it has also helped him build an intensely loyal following within Munkedal Attack Logistics and beyond, who admire both his military prowess and his refusal to conform to outdated norms.

Founded shortly after Janne Group during the height of the Russo-Ukrainian war, MAL initially positioned itself as a direct competitor, but the animosity between the two organizations quickly escalated beyond professional rivalry. Unlike Janne Group’s shadowy involvement in conflicts for profit, Munkedal Attack Logistics has aligned itself with Western powers, positioning Larsson and his forces as defenders of democracy—at least on the surface. However, Larsson's rigid ideology has often clashed with Brunström’s more flexible approach, leading to numerous skirmishes between the two PMCs, both on the battlefield and in the political arena.

One of the key flashpoints in their conflict occurred in Eastern Europe, where both PMCs were hired by opposing factions in a regional dispute. What began as isolated clashes between contracted forces soon turned into a larger, more personal vendetta, with both Larsson and Brunström seemingly intent on undermining each other’s operations. These battles have not only impacted the local power dynamics but also drawn the attention of global superpowers, concerned about the destabilizing effect of two highly capable, independent military forces operating without oversight.

As tensions between the two organizations escalate, there have been rumors of an impending confrontation that could shape the future of private military contracting in Europe. Some analysts speculate that Larsson’s Munkedal Attack Logistics may seek to openly challenge Janne Group’s territorial ambitions, sparking a larger conflict that could draw in state actors and further blur the line between private warfare and international security. For now, both organizations remain at the forefront of the rapidly changing landscape of modern conflict, where traditional armies often find themselves outmatched by the agility, resources, and ruthlessness of private military contractors.

The rivalry between Janne Group PMC and Munkedal Attack Logistics represents not just a personal feud between two driven leaders but also the growing influence of PMCs in global geopolitics—a dangerous trend that threatens to shift the balance of power in unpredictable ways.

Known Warfare Participation


Chechen–Russian conflict

September 11 attacks

Somali Civil War

War in Afghanistan (2001–2021)

Syrian civil war

Chernobyl disaster

Known Chain of Command


While the exact COC of Janne Group PMC is still unknown, variuuse sources have provided with the following informattion

Janne Group PMC Top Command Chain:

  1. General Samuel Brunström
    • Rank: General (Commander-in-Chief)
    • Nationality: Sweden
    • Role: Founder and leader of Janne Group PMC. He oversees all operations and strategic decisions, directing the organization’s global military activities.
  2. Colonel Ted Alfredsson
    • Rank: Colonel
    • Nationality: Russia
    • Role: Head of Eastern European Operations. Makarov commands Janne Group’s involvement in the Russo-Ukrainian War and other Eastern European theaters.
  3. Colonel Kevin Öst
    • Rank: Colonel
    • Nationality: Sweden
    • Role: Deputy Commander, Scandinavian Operations. Johansson manages recruitment and operations across Sweden, Norway, and Finland, coordinating missions in northern Europe.
  4. Lieutenant Ludwig Larsson
    • Rank: Lieutenant Colonel
    • Nationality: Unknown
    • Role: Tactical Chief for Armor and Heavy Support. Petrov leads Janne Group’s armored divisions and is responsible for all tank and heavy artillery units.
  5. Lieutenant Colonel Lucas Andersson
    • Rank: Lieutenant Colonel
    • Nationality: United States
    • Role: Head of Special Operations. Reynolds commands Janne Group’s elite special forces, directing covert missions and high-risk operations in conflict zones worldwide.
  6. Major Lars Strømstad
    • Rank: Major
    • Nationality: Norway
    • Role: Air Support Commander. Strømstad is in charge of coordinating air support for ground forces, leading airstrike missions and aerial reconnaissance.
  7. Major Isak Draganović
    • Rank: Major
    • Nationality: Bosnia
    • Role: Regional Commander, Balkans. Draganović handles operations in the Balkan region, ensuring Janne Group’s foothold in southern Europe.
  8. Captain Nadia Volkov
    • Rank: Captain
    • Nationality: Russia
    • Role: Intelligence Officer. Volkov oversees intelligence gathering, cyber operations, and the coordination of espionage activities for Janne Group.
  9. Captain Oliver Hansen
    • Rank: Captain
    • Nationality: Norway
    • Role: Logistics and Supply Chain Officer. Hansen is responsible for ensuring all Janne Group units are supplied with weapons, vehicles, and resources, particularly in remote or hostile regions.
  10. Captain Michael “Mick” Davis
    • Rank: Captain
    • Nationality: United States
    • Role: Communications and Tech Warfare Specialist. Davis manages all communication networks, hacking operations, and electronic warfare for Janne Group, ensuring secure communications across all mission

