J J Bean (AZJilly) was born in 1957 in St. Louis Missouri. She graduated from the University of South Florida in 1982 with a Bachelors of Fine Arts degree. She has resided in Missouri, Florida, North Carolina, Wisconsin and Arizona. Jilly is a musician and plays lead guitar, bass guitar, drums, keyboards and various other instruments and also sings. Also known as ArizonaJilly, Jilly Bean and AZJilly[1], she has backed various top charting traveling artists in live performances including Narvel Felts[2], The Million Dollar Band [3] Peggy Sue [4], John Anderson [5], Dave Dudley [6], Little Jimmy Dickens [7], Michael Twitty [8], Eddie McConnell [9] The Drifters [10], Brenda Kaye Perry [11]and others. She also worked as a side musician in Nashville Recording Studios. She creates music videos and fine art and has created a YouTube page [12]where she has posted various art media. J J Bean is single and resides in Glendale, Arizona and is not affiliated with the J J Bean Coffee Company [13].

J J Bean released a blues single in June 2024 entitled "Shut Up" which is available on all major music distribution sites including Apple Itunes [14]