Draft:Imagine1day International Organization

Imagine1day International Organization

Overview: Imagine1day is a non-profit organization founded in 2007 by Chip and Shannon Wilson. The organization is dedicated to improving the education system in Ethiopia, aiming to ensure that every Ethiopian child has access to quality education by 2030. Unlike many traditional aid organizations, imagine1day's goal is to operate without foreign aid, fostering self-sufficiency in Ethiopian education.

Mission: The mission of imagine1day is to create systemic and sustainable improvements in Ethiopia’s education sector. The organization focuses on empowering communities through education, believing that education is the key to ending the cycle of poverty and fostering self-reliance.

Key Programs:

1. Early Childhood Education (ECE):

   - Target Group: Children aged 5-6.
   - Objectives: Build foundational skills and instill a lifelong appreciation for education.
   - Activities: Construct ECE classrooms, develop pedagogical methods tailored for young children.

2. Primary Education:

   - Target Group: Grades 1-8.
   - Objectives: Enhance literacy, numeracy, life skills, and retention rates.
   - Activities: Improve classroom environments, upgrade teaching methodologies, address infrastructure needs, and tackle socio-economic barriers to education.

3. High School Education:

   - Target Group: Grades 9-12, particularly disadvantaged students.
   - Objectives: Overcome barriers to high school enrollment and completion.
   - Activities: Provide scholarships, support students in transitioning to high school.

4. **Education in Emergencies:**

   - **Objectives:** Ensure continued access to education for children affected by emergencies.
   - **Activities:** Establish temporary learning spaces, provide scholastic materials, offer accelerated education programs.

5. **'My Home' Project:**

   - **Objectives:** Address trauma and foster resilience among children displaced by emergencies.
   - **Activities:** Combine education, child protection, and life skills training. Provide psychosocial support, family tracing, and reunification efforts, and offer income-generating activities.
    • Approach:**

Imagine1day takes a business-minded approach to development, emphasizing strategic goal setting, long-term thinking, and measurable results. The organization collaborates closely with local communities, schools, and governments to ensure the sustainability of their projects. Key elements of their approach include:

- **Leadership Development:** Training and empowering local leaders to maintain and grow educational initiatives. - **Strategic Partnerships:** Collaborating with local and regional governments to align projects with Ethiopia’s educational priorities. - **Community Engagement:** Encouraging community ownership and involvement in educational projects, including infrastructure development and maintenance.

    • Impact:**

Since its inception, imagine1day has significantly impacted Ethiopia’s education system by:

- Building over 100 water points and 224 latrines, improving sanitation and hygiene practices in schools. - Enhancing classroom environments and teaching methodologies across multiple districts. - Providing critical infrastructure and educational materials, increasing access to quality education for thousands of children. - Implementing robust monitoring and evaluation processes to ensure transparency and accountability in all projects.

    • Vision for the Future:**

Imagine1day envisions a future where all Ethiopian children have access to quality education, free from the dependency on foreign aid. By 2030, the organization aims to achieve a self-sufficient education system driven by empowered local communities and leaders, fostering a generation of educated, self-reliant citizens.

For more detailed information, visit the [official website of imagine1day](https://www.imagine1day.org).