Draft:Gaelic Literature Awards

The Gaelic Literature Awards


The Gaelic Literature Awards (Scottish Gaelic: Na Duaisean Litreachais) are annual awards for excellence in Scottish Gaelic writing and publishing. The Awards are bestowed by the Gaelic Books Council (Comhairle nan Leabhraichean) and are part‑funded by Bòrd na Gàidhlig, Creative Scotland and various sponsors, including the Highland Society of London and previously the Scottish Poetry Library.[1]

The Awards began in 2020, succeeding The Donald Meek Award (Scottish Gaelic: Duais Dhòmhnaill Meek)[2]. In 2020 and 2021, the Awards took place online[3][4] because of government restrictions due to the Covid-19 pandemic, but since 2022 the Awards have been held at Cottiers Theatre, Glasgow[5].

Prizes are awarded for Scottish Gaelic literary works in six categories:

  • Poetry – The Derick Thomson Prize
  • Fiction – The Highland Society of London Prize
  • Non-fiction – The Donald Meek Award
  • Children/young people
  • Unpublished manuscripts for adults
  • Unpublished manuscripts for children/young people

A cash prize is awarded to the winning authors and publishers.[6]

Prize winners

Year Category Title Author Publisher
2023[7] Best Unpublished Manuscript for Children or Young People Doris aig an Doras agus Sgeulachdan Eile Shelagh Campbell
Best Book for Children or Young People Donaidh Dathach Gwen Bowie Spòrs, 2022
Best Unpublished Manuscript for Adults CEUM John D. Urquhart
The Highland Society of London Prize for Best Fiction Book Crann-fìge: Sgeulachdan Goirid / Fig Tree: Short Stories Duncan Gillies Acair, 2022
The Derick Thomson Prize for Best Poetry Book Doras Gun Chlàimhean ed. Catriona Murray Acair, 2022
The Donald Meek Award for Best Non-fiction Book Gun Sireadh, Gun Iarraidh: The Tolmie Collection ed. Kenna Campbell & Ainsley Hamill Acair, 2023
2022[8] Best Unpublished Manuscript for Children or Young People An Cat Coigreach June Graham
Best Book for Children or Young People Dubh Às Sylvia Hehir, transl. by Johan Smith Garmoran Publishing, 2021
Best Unpublished Manuscript for Adults Am Measg Luaithrean Beò Robbie MacLeod
The Highland Society of London Prize for Best Fiction Book Constabal Murdo 2: Murdo ann am Marseille Angus Peter Campbell Luath Press, 2021
The Derick Thomson Prize for Best Poetry Book Eadar Ceòl is Coròna: Bàrdachd is Òrain Donald E. Meek CLÀR, 2021
The Donald Meek Award for Best Non-fiction Book Ainmean Tuineachaidh Leòdhais / The Settlement Names of Lewis Richard A. V. Cox Clann Tuirc, 2022
2021[4] Best Unpublished Manuscript for Children or Young People Curstag a’ Chearc Ruadh Liam Alasdair Crouse
Best Book for Children or Young People Òran Mo Sheanar Catriona Lexy Campbell Acair, 2020
Best Unpublished Manuscript for Adults A’ Ruith Eadar Dà Dhràgon / Running Between Two Dragons Martin MacIntyre
The Highland Society of London Prize for Best Fiction Book Fon Choill Calum L. MacLeod CLÀR, 2020
The Derick Thomson Prize for Best Poetry Book 100 Dàn as Fheàrr Leinn / 100 Favourite Gaelic Poems ed. Peter Mackay & Jo MacDonald Luath Press, 2020
The Donald Meek Award for Best Non-fiction Book Dràma na Gàidhlig: Ceud Bliadhna air an Àrd-ùrlar / A Century of Gaelic Drama ed. Michelle MacLeod Association for Scottish Literary Studies, 2021
2020[3] Best Unpublished Manuscript for Children or Young people Ailig agus an Dalek Gàidhlig Shelagh Campbell
Best Book for Children or Young People Mo Ghranaidh agus an Losgann Mòr Marie C. Macaulay Acair, 2020
Best Unpublished Manuscript for Adults Linne Dhomhain Alistair Paul
The Highland Society of London Prize for Best Fiction Book An Tiortach Beag agus Sgeulachdan Eile Morag Ann MacNeil Acair, 2019
The Derick Thomson Prize for Best Poetry Book Cluaintean Uaine ed. Kenneth Macleod Acair, 2020
The Donald Meek Award for Best Non-fiction Book (joint winners) An Ubhal as Àirde / The Highest Apple ed. Wilson McLeod & Michael Newton Francis Boutle Publishers, 2019
Seòl mo Bheatha Donald E. Meek CLÀR, 2019

Further reading

  • Graham, June, An Cat Coigreach (Bradan Press, 2024). The published book of the 2022 Best Unpublished Manuscript for Children or Young People.
  • MacIntyre, Martin, transl. by Ifor ap Glyn & Noèlia Díaz-Vicedo, A' Ruith Eadar Dà Dhràgon / Running Between Two Dragons (Francis Boutle Publishers, 2024). The published book of the 2021 Best Unpublished Manuscript for Adults.
  • Paul, Alistair, Linne Dhomhain (Luath Press, 2021). The published book of the 2020 Best Unpublished Manuscript for Adults.
  • MacCuish, Mairi & Storey, John, GBC @ 50: A Unique Insight into Fifty Years of The Gaelic Books Council (The Gaelic Books Council, 2018).


  1. ^ "The Gaelic Literature Awards 2023 - Open to entries". Gaelic Books Council. 2023-03-02. Retrieved 2024-05-29.
  2. ^ Windram, Suran (10 March 2020). "Gaelic Books Council launches literature awards". The Oban Times. Retrieved 31 May 2024.
  3. ^ a b "Gaelic Literature Awards 2020 winners". Publishing Scotland - Scottish publishing industry network body. 2020-10-29. Archived from the original on 2020-10-29. Retrieved 2024-05-31.
  4. ^ a b "The Gaelic Literature Awards 2021". Publishing Scotland - Scottish publishing industry network body. 2021-10-24. Archived from the original on 2021-10-24. Retrieved 2024-05-31.
  5. ^ Elliards, Xander (16 September 2022). "Winners of 2022 Gaelic Literature Awards announced in Glasgow ceremony". The National. Retrieved 31 May 2024.
  6. ^ "The Gaelic Literature Awards 2024: Rules and Information". Gaelic Books Council. Retrieved 2024-05-29.
  7. ^ "The Gaelic Literature Awards 2023: The Winners". Gaelic Books Council. 2023-09-15. Retrieved 2024-05-29.
  8. ^ "Winners - The Gaelic Literature Awards 2022". Gaelic Books Council. 2022-09-16. Retrieved 2024-05-29.